chapter fifty-six

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❝ i wish i could've been stronger. ❞


CARINA CONTINUED TOWEL drying her damp hair as much as she could, placing the towel back onto the table before fixing her white tank top.

Algora reached for the brown leather jacket she'd always worn, slipping her arms through the sleeves and tucking her hair out. A soft sigh escaped her lips, Carina would never admit it— but she'd been starting to grow familiar with simply being with herself.

The mother had always hated being alone, because it'd leave her only to her thoughts— which were never joyful.

She always busied herself with others, having been when she was training Luke, or helping Leia with patrol, or perhaps simply when she had a task at hand occupying her thoughts.

It always felt like she was purposely drowning herself— in hopes to keep her mind from what she feared most... confrontation.

Carina was never fond of admitting how hard things hit her, always preferring to simply mask it with another emotion to keep from dwelling too long on it.

But now, she had nothing. No one to distract her, no one to busy herself with, no one to worry about, no task to drown herself in. It was simply her.

As terrifying as her mind made it seem, it was slightly comforting. She allowed herself to indulge in the thoughts she always kept away, in a way— it was like she was finally allowing herself to heal.

Not as much as she could be after twenty years, but it was a start. Some nights she would sleep peacefully, not a single dream or thought haunting her. It had been too long since she last slept that well.

Carina patted her comforter down, making the bed when the door to her chamber clicked open. Annoyance flickered through her eyes at the sudden intrusion. Algora knew who it was merely by his presence, and his mechanic breaths engulfing the room.

Carina straightened up, the same blank expression she usually wore caressing her features before she turned to face the Sith Lord.

Before words between the two could be spoken, Vader tossed an object at the brunette who's reflexes kicked in and caught it. Carina glanced down at her hand to see her lightsaber.

Confusion flashed through her eyes, brows pulling themselves together before she looked back up at Darth.

Vader studied his wife's reaction and fought the tender sensation that filled him upon seeing her brows crease together with her lips pursed. The expression she always wore when she was confused.

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