chapter sixty-one

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❝ i barely know who i am anymore. ❞


CARINA LET OUT A FRUSTRATED groan, pulling herself up from her laid-down position to sit on the edge of her bed. Her honey eyes immediately sought out the window that showed the scenery she always adored.

The mother raised a hand to run it over her tired face, the loneliness getting more and more unbearable the longer she was left by herself.

It'd been over a week since Darth Vader had walked out on her after his need to deny what she was trying to make him see.

He was so blinded by what Palpatine had engraved into his mind, he couldn't see what was being laid out right before him. Carina knew that somewhere deep in his corrupted mind, he was aware of the lies he'd been told.

But Anakin's stubbornness always prevailed.

The brunette placed her head into her hands, slowly closing her eyes as she allowed herself to relive a memory from long ago.

Carina walked with one of the clones from her legion, in the midst of giving him orders for their next mission that they were supposed to set off for in a few hours.

"Master Yoda has requested we keep the details of our journey to ourselves for the time being." The Jedi Master informed her colleague.

The masked trooper nodded, "Understood, General."

Carina pulled her eyes away from him after having caught a glimpse of a green saber spinning around in the training room. The young adult met the troopers gaze once more, "I will meet you in the hangar."

The clone nodded before beginning to continue down the corridor as Algora treaded into the training room just as one of the blasts stunned Ahsoka, her body going limp as she blacked out.

Carina pursed her lips before approaching her husband who nodded to Rex who looked a bit worried for the padawan. "Is she getting better?" Anakin's attention immediately went to her as she joined his side, "She lasted five minutes without getting hit."

Algora smiled at that, "Good, in no time she'll be untouchable by a blaster." Anakin glanced down at his wife with a hidden glint in his bright eyes, "Care to join us?"

Carina gave him a half smile, "I leave soon. Master Yoda and Master Windu have set up a negotiation I need to handle." Anakin's expression fell ever so slightly, only two days ago he himself had arrived back and to hear Carina was the one now leaving upset him to say the least.

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