chapter eighteen

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❝ i am no jedi, not anymore

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❝ i am no jedi, not anymore. ❞

CARINA HAD HER ARMS CROSSED over her chest as she watched the holographic map whilst Obi-Wan spoke, "The shield generator is somewhere in this area. They're slowly increasing the diameter, and keeping it just ahead of their troops. Heavy cannons are gonna be useless against that."

Anakin stole a glance at Carina who looked deep in thought before speaking up, "As they get closer, perhaps we could try to draw them into the buildings."

Obi-Wan and Rex nodded in agreement, "That might level the playing field a bit." Ahsoka pursed her lips as her brows knitted together, "If that shield's gonna be such a problem, why don't we just take it out?"

"Easier said then done." Rex gazed at the young padawan learner as Carina hummed in thought, "Perhaps..." the brunette diverted her attention over to her husband who reluctantly spoke, "Well, I, for one, agree with her. Someone has to get to that shield generator and destroy it. That's the key."

Obi-Wan glanced between the new Master and Padawan, "Right, then. Maybe you two can tiptoe through the lines and solve this together." Ahsoka's eyes visibly brightened up as she chirped, "Can do, Master Kenobi."

Anakin narrowed his gaze at the young girl, "Hey, I decide what we do." Carina pursed her lips, "Now that, is worrying."

Ahsoka let out a laugh whilst Anakin gave his wife a look to which she merely grinned. Obi-Wan's eyes roamed over the virtual map before he spoke, "If Carina, Rex and I engage them here." the Master Jedi pointed to a coordinate, "You two might have a chance to get through their lines undetected, here."

Rex furrowed his brows together as he studied the map, "They won't have much time. The droids far outnumber us so our ability to street fight is limited without the use of heavy cannons." A visual demonstration appeared on the map, "They will march forward under the protection of their shield, until they are right on top of our cannons, then they'll blow them away."

Ahsoka smiled widely, "We'll figure out a way." the padawan turned on her heel as she began walking, "Come on, Master."

Carina sent Anakin a hidden smile as the blonde held an irritated glint in his eye, but at the sight of his wife's smile he couldn't help but smile back before turning to follow after Ahsoka.

The Algora Jedi shook her head in amusement as she heard Anakin speak to the padawan, "If we survive this, Snips, you and I are gonna have a talk."

Rex blinked at the disappearing figures, "They make quite a pair, don't they, sir? You think they have a chance?" Carina pursed her lips as she held her head high, "Oh they will. You can count on that."

Carina narrowed her eyes as heavy shots from the canons were fired at the shield generator surrounding the droid army. The Jedi Knight grit her teeth as she watched each fire barely show any progress.

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