1: House on Fire

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I swiftly take out my lighter and put it close to the building that I already put gasoline around. The fire ignites and I run away as fast as possible to Minho, so I don't get burnt.

The building that I lit on fire is one of our enemies's hideouts, where they store most of the things they need. It looks like a normal apartment building which is why it took us quite a long time to find it, years. I open the door to the van and close it. Minho steps on the accelerator and we make our way back to our hideout, where the rest of the gang is. Technically, it stands out because it's a mansion. But we are always prepared for an attack.

"I saw some kids on the other side of the street right before we floored. I think they saw too much." Minho explains, taking a sharp turn.

I lean with the car. "It's alright I'll tell Bang Chan then we can interrogate them." They won't be hard to find. I don't worry about it too much. It's another daily problem. But I should have been more careful.

When we get home, I walk to Chan's office. I knock 3 times indicating it's me because of my rank. "Come in." A stoic Australian accent comes from the other side of the door. I open the door and take a seat on the other side of his desk, filled with tons of files, paper, evidence and his laptop.

I lean back comfortably in the chair and cross my legs. "Y/n?" Chan speaks up.

"So I sorta..maybe..uh did...There were witnesses." I take a quiet deep breath, knowing he will scold me if my behavior. I let this happen too often, but I really don't care. As long as I get my mission completed.

Chan sighs, and looks up from his laptop. "Again? You can't keep doing that, Y/n." He shakes his head.

I roll my eyes and look back at him. "It was an accident." I shrug. "Permission to find them and interrogate them?"

"Yes. And do it tonight, asap." He nods.

"Got it." I get up and walk out the door right when Jisoo was about the knock. I slide right past her.

I make my way around the mansion to find Binnie. He's most likely in his room brainstorming different interrogation methods. He overthinks too much of you ask me. I run into Jennie. Perfect, I needed to talk to her.

"Hey Y/n! Successful mission?" She asks me, smiling.

I lean against the wall. "Something like that. But I kinda need your help. There were some witnesses that we need to interrogate. Care to help me find what happened to them and where they went?" I fix my outfit a bit.

"Yeah sure. You saw them, yes?" I shake my head.

"No but Minho did. You can ask him." She nods in response and most likely goes to look for him.

Time skip bcs "Staa-"

I got Minho and Jennie with me and we are about to kidnap the witnesses. Apparently there were 4, and they are all males. This will be fun. I smirk to myself. We arrive at a mall parking lot. Ew, teenagers hangout here. Let's just get this over with.

"Remember they look like this." Minho turned his body around from the front seat, and showed us a picture of the boys. It was a street camera so it was a bit blurry but you could still see some details. They all had light skin. One with blonde, platinum blonde, brown and black hair. I look out the left window and Jennie looks out the right. Minho drives around slowly till we see them. The parking lot is fairly large, and we've been going around for almost 5 minutes. We're starting to look suspicious.

"Found them." Jennie whispers. I turn to the other side of the van and look for the boys. Like Jennie said, they are there. I'm positive that's them.

"Ready?" Minho drives closer to them.

"Yep." We take cloths with chloroform to make them pass out. Minho slowly drives as close as possible, in front of them. Making sure no one is around, then hopping out of the van. The doors flinging open.

First one I see I cover their mouth with the cloth from behind. There was another boy right next to the boy with blonde hair, the platinum blonde one. He attempts to kick me behind the leg but I move away. He tries to punch my face this time but I grab his fist with my open hand. I twist his arm backward and he groans in pain. His friend passes out so I use the cloth on him, letting go of the blonde boy. This one puts up a fight. He holds his breath trying not to breath in the chloroform. Jennie finishes up her work and runs over and punches the boy in the gut. He grunts and inhales, passing out a second later.

Playing with Fire || Hwang Hyunjin x Reader || Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now