3: Taekwando Lix

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I wake up at 3 in the morning and turn around half asleep, to look out my window. Haven't woken up this early in a long time. There's no light coming from outside. I get up and pick my clothes for the day. I walk into my walk-in closet and look for some workout outfits. Black leggings and a crop top will do. I take my undergarments along with towels and my clothes to the bathroom. Today's going to be a long day. I can tell.

I have to assess the boys on what they know, which will probably be nothing unless they've taken some sort of self defense class or have a hidden talent.

Time skip because Minho loves to feed hyunjin tissues:

It's 6am and everyone's here as expected. I have them all line up against the wall. They are all wearing reasonable sporty outfits. The boys gave up some of their clothes temporarily, for them.

"Felix. You first. You tried to defend yourself and Hyunjin when we kidnaped you. Show me what you know." I take a few steps back and put my hands behind my back, to start. I nod, telling him to come at me. He does so and tries to kick my stomach. I step back, dodging it. He moves closer and tries to punch me. I can tell he didn't have a specific place to hit me, so I catch his fist, once again, and twisted it behind his back. But, before I knew it I was on the ground. He put his leg behind mine and pulled forward, resulting in me tripping.

The other boys start clapping and I send a look their way and they stop. "Well played." I compliment Felix and stand up.

"Thank you." He bows. Damn, this is the first time I heard his voice. It's deep and he has an Australian accent.

"Don't be so formal." I take his shoulder and lightly push him back up.

"I took Taekwondo lessons growing up, just the basics." He explains, I nod in understanding.

"Alright Jeongin's turn." Felix heads back to the spot he was in before and I get ready for Jeongin to fight me. Only 3, including him, to go.

Another time skip bc "Seungmin in the building":

They all suck at hand to hand combat, well except Felix obviously. I tested them out in other skills, such as knife throwing, shooting, acting. We had a tad bit of fun acting but not much! I swear! I'm not warming up to them yet. I rarely even show my soft side to the other members. They did absolutely horrible with shooting, but knife throwing.. They actually did pretty good, except Jisung. He almost put a hole in the wall.

I think I've decided roles they should get. "Alright, you guys can meet the other members now, they're probably in the game room or kitchen." They look at me confused. Oh I forgot they're new. "Uh, just follow me." I lead them to the game room, which is on the way to Chan's office. I push open the door and motion for then to go in.


"Mhm." I walk to Chan's office and knock.

"Come in." I do so and sit on the chair as I did before. "You've thought about their roles?" He asks putting some paper down.

"Yep. Felix was the easiest to choose. He should be a combat fighter. He's done taekwando before. Just some more training and he'll be as good as me." I pause watching Chan take notes. "Jeongin should be another spy. He looks like he would? I guess. Anyway, Jisung should be for bombs and poison. He seems to have that demeanor, well hidden though. If not he could be a sniper. If he is serious he could do well. Hyunjin was also easy to choose. Something about him I guess. He should be the male seducer. It's in his personality, you know?" Chan nods as he finishes writing.

"Got it. Thank you for doing this N/n. I know you wouldn't want to." He chuckles to himself.

"Yeah, yeah. Can I go now?" I ask looking at the map on his wall. He's planning something probably.

"Yes, but please tell Minho that you will both be training the new recruits tomorrow." I'm not a seductress. It's not my role, though I'm good at it. Isn't that Rose's role? And Minho...

"Why can't Rose and Minho train them?"

"Because she's going on a mission for about a week tomorrow, and you and Minho are the 3rd and 4th ranked. No arguments." I sigh then walk to the kitchen to grab a snack. Perfect Minho's here!

He's cooking something. My instincts kick in to sneak up on him. Without thinking, I quietly approach him from behind and put my arms around his waist. He flinches a bit. Oh shit. I literally forgot-

"Oh uh, N/n" I let go of his waist and feel my face heat up.

"Uh sorry." I mutter. This is awkward, because a few months ago we used to be a couple. We broke up because he came out as gay. I just might have a little thing for him still, but it's sorta a one sided love. I don't let my feelings get the best of me, though. I sit on the counter next to the stove.

"Hey I'm going to put food there!" He swats at me.

"It's going to be on a plate and whatcha making?" He sighs. I'm a handful, and I'm proud.

"Pancakes. I don't care if it's almost lunch, pancakes are great all the time." He smiles. I feel my face heat up again and look away. He puts one on a plate and holds it in front of me. "Want some?"

"Sure." I take it. "I want you to meet the other 3 recruits. We have to train them tomorrow."

"Just us?" I nod. "Okay." He mutters.

Meanwhile... (3rd person POV)

Dolphin screeches and random screams are coming from the game room. Felix and Changbin are going head to head in a game of fortnite. The boys are bonding already.

Lisa, Jennie and Rose walk in and all the noises stop. "Good..." Lisa exists then comes back in.

"Wait. Who are yall?" Lisa and Rose say in unison.

Y/n POV:

I walk into the game room with Minho and see everyone except Channie and Jisoo there. Jennie eyes us, she was me and Minho's biggest shipper. I shake my head slightly and she raises he eyebrows. I look at Minho then look where he's looking, at Jisung. And Jisung's looking at him too. But they aren't just normally looking at each other, they look...in love? I walk over to Jennie. She's sort of like my best friend in the group.

"I just witnessed love at first sight.." I say sitting on the arm of a couch, next to her. There are 2 couches since there is a lot of us. Even more now.

"Minho? But you've know him for a while and dated him." She looks so confused.

"Not me! Minho and Jisung!" I swat her shoulder and we start giggling a bit. Hyunjin looks over at us and smiles. I look down.

"Not gonna lie, the new members are kinda hot. Especially Hyunjin." She pokes my arm.

"What? Oh Hyunjin?" I look back at her. She nods encouragingly. I chuckle at the sight. "I mean he's okay..." She smirks deviously. I basically read her mind. She's shipping us, like a child. "No." I cross my arms.

As if right on que Lisa challenges Jennie, me and Rose to a game of Uno.

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