8. Plan in Action

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Yall listen to the songggg ^

It's the afternoon of the heist. Hopefully all goes well. BTS is on their way here to get ready with us. Almost everyone is downstairs, right now. Minho and I haven't exactly been nice to each other since yesterday but we have to put our problems aside today.

I'm proud of my outfit. I look better than usual, not that I'm not always stunning. Mental hair flip moment. Who says when robbing a bank you can't look gorgeous? Exactly! No one! I'm wearing black stilettos, black jeans with a black grommet belt and some random chains on the side, and a black deep v shirt that hugs my torso. And to top it off a leather jacket. My hair is in 2 braids down my back.

The doorbell rings, echoing throughout the mansion. Everyone else coming running down the stairs.

Did I mention the teams? No? Ok, team one (mine) is me, Jisoo, Namjoon and Felix. Team two is Chan, Tae, Jungkook and Jennie. Snipers on 2 buildings near each entrance are Seungmin, Hoseok, Jisung and Lisa. Distraction team is Minho, Hyunjin, Jeongin and Jimin. Hackers were already explained and so was getaway drivers. I'm excited!

Time skip cuz I.N is the maknae on top:

I guess I should probably be nice to Minho now. Before he leaves the mansion I call to him.

"Minhoooooo." I put my hands on his shoulders and jump, using him to support my weight. Sometimes I'm really random.

"What do you want?" I turn him around so he's facing me.

"I want to tell you not to die. And that you are still my favorite, and I'm sorry for being an asshole to you." I mumble the last part.

"Sorry what was that? Can you repeat?" He scopes him ear wanting to hear me say sorry again. I sigh.

"I'm sorry for being an asshole, okay?" I hug him.

He chuckles. "I know you can't stay mad at me for that long. And don't worry, even if we aren't dating you're still my princess. Therefore, don't die." He hugs me back.

"But am I still your favorite?!" I look up at him.

"Second favorite." Aw man. Jisung took my spot on his priority list. Minho pats my head and I blow a hair out of my face.

Time skip cause Minsung's sexy dance:

Jin and Rose drop the Snipers off first and let them get into their positions. We have ear pieces to stay in the loop. Once they're set up Minho starts with his distraction. He chose drive by shooting. Hyunjin, Jeongin and Jimin start shooting at the south side of the local mall. You can hear the shots being fired through the ear pieces. They stay there until the police arrive then start driving away like the crazy people they are. While that happens, Yoongi and Changbin turn off cameras, security and hack the employee log.

Which gives the snipers their cue to start taking out guards. Once half of them are eliminated, both teams storm the entrances. I put my ski mask on and shoot a few guards then enter the building with the rest of the team. There are only a few people in there besides the employees.

"Drop to the ground and don't move!" Felix yelled at them pointing a gun at them. Gotta enforce the rules some way. Must admit, he's doing well. Felix stays behind with the hostages while me, Jisoo and Namjoon take the employees. Perfect because there are already three.

I whisper into my ear piece. "V, no need for more employees, we already have three."

"Got it. On my way." He returns.

"You're coming with us." Namjoon says sternly. We take the employees to the basement where we meet Taehyung. We get up to the vault and the employees do a physical stutter.

"Come on get going!" Jisoo commands. One of the employees scans their card, then the next, then the last.

"On the ground. Now!" I yell at them. They do as I say. "If you move you die. Dont try anything." They're too scared for their lives, they most likely won't try anything. Unless they're feeling extra confident. I go into the vault with the rest of them and start filling up the bags I have. We all seem to be done so we start to make our exit, leaving the employees there. Couldn't care less about them now.

"On our way out." Tae says into the ear piece. We split ways. My team takes Felix and we exit. That was quick and successful the best-

Oh Fuck. As we get out we are met with an unpleasant surprise.

Minho POV (earlier/rewind):

We get our cue to start shooting at the south end of the mall. The boys start shooting everything they got. I drive back and forth on that side until police show up.

"We got the police." I say into the earphone. To tease the police, we start shooting at them. I floor the gas and take a sharp left turn out the mall parking lot. The police turns their sirens on and the chase in is action. I speed even more down the traffic filled road, running tons of red lights and just barely missing other cars on the road. The boys start shooting little by little again. The keeps on going for about 30 minutes.

I turn down an alley and a police car is already blocking the way. More distraction I guess. Didn't expect that but okay. I back up quickly put another police car blocks the way. Damn it. Guess I gotta go for it. There is a trash bin and some smaller garbage bags to the side.

"Hyung! We're trapped!" Jeongin panics. The boys take better shots at the police now.

"Don't worry. I got this, hold on tight." I take a deep breath and step as hard as I can on the gas. I turn the car's wheels to the garbage bins and the car goes flying over the police car. Everyone in the car but me screams. When we hit the ground I almost jump out of my seat. Bullets start hitting the car so I take another sharp turn right to get away from the rioting bullets. But we didn't loose the police so I can't relax yet. I turn down a off road path.

"Hyung...this leads to the river." Shit.

"Gets your guns, bullets, everything ready. Hurry!" I command to them. Screw this. We ain't gonna die. Not today at least. We near the river. I grab the closest gun to me. "Jump out!" I yell. They do so as the car goes into the river. We start shooting at the police in their cars that are now crowding us. We put our backs together and aim in every direction.

A while later everything dies down. Literally. We killed maybe 40 if not more officers. "Boys split up, lay low and stay in contact." I look at them and they nod in understanding as we separate ways.

"We killed a majority of police. How's everything there?"

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