28: Hot Psycho

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We all sit down at Binnie's dining room table. Actually it's his sister's because he moved in and doesn't own the place.

I lay out the blueprint of the prison Chan, Jisoo and Seungmin are at, and Binnie gets the little figures that are supposed to represent us and the security guards. Hyunjin, Binnie and I are the only ones explaining, as we only know the plan.

"Alright, questions and comments after we finish explaining." I tell they and they all nod in agreement.

Binnie sets up where the security will be and he gives me the figures representing us. When he is done I start.

"First, we set up a couple blocks away in Rosé's car. At that time Changbin will change the security video to make it look like the guards are doing their normal rounds. Jeongin will take watch at the abandoned building by the South end to make sure there aren't tons of guards. That is where Seungmin is located and where we will enter when the monthly produce delivery will go past the gate. Before we get to that part though, Lisa, Jennie, Jisung, Felix, Hyunjin and I are switching vehicles to the delivery truck which Minho will be driving. Though, Hyunjin and Felix will not go into the prison, they will help the rest of us entering knock the guards out at the South entrance." I explain while moving some things on the blueprint. I take a sip of water and put it back on the table. That's damn well a lot of talking. How does Chan and Jisoo do that?

"Anyway.. After that, they will wait by the truck and Minho will stay inside, ready to leave at anytime if he must. While that happens, Lisa, Jennie, Jisung and I go into the prison. Since Seungmin is the first cell to arrive at, Jennie will pick the lock and get him out while Jisung keeps watch. Lisa and I will go to the West wing where Chan and Jisoo is located. That's the more dangerous criminals part of the prison. Which also means more security. Lisa will get Jennie out first while I cover for her then the same thing when I get Chan out." I take another sip of water. No seriously how do Chan and Jisoo do this?

"Jennie and Jisung go back to Rosé's car once you get Seungmin. Lisa and I will go to Minho's truck with Chan and Jisoo. After we get out of the building, Hyunjin and Felix get in the same truck and everyone else retreats. And there, we get out with Chan, Jisoo and Seungmin." I finish explaining and Hyunjin rubs my back. I give him a slight smile and he gives one back.

Oh I forgot one more thing. "Remember, if you see a security guard in your way or seeing you, don't hesitate to knock them out. Also, if one of us in the prison get caught, we only can fight for ourselves. We do not want you to risk any of you. Minho and Rosé, you can leave if you really must." I pause and take a deep breath. "Hopefully that won't happen though." I mumble.

"One thing you forgot to mention." Binnie takes over and I nod, waiting for him to go on. "Lisa, Jennie, Jisung and Y/n's group name is simply group one. Y/n and Lisa is pair one, Jennie and Jisung is pair two. Hyunjin and Felix are pair three. Pair three including Minho is group two. Jisung, Y/n, Jennie, Lisa, Felix and Hyunjin together is the invading team. Others go by their aliases, no group or pair names." He finishes. Everyone nods and I bite my lip looking at everyone for questions.

Jisung raises his hand and I nod to him. "What if we spice things up and put gas in the whole prison and carry Seungmin, Bangchan and Jisoo out?" Jisung asks. We all stare at him.

"You know, that might w-" Hyunjin stars but I cut him off.

"No! We are not doing that. We are not wasting tons of money on toxic gas or robbing some place that holds some! We are also not installing the system for that. It could take months if we don't want to get caught. So please Jisung, that is out of the question." I explain and sigh.

"Sorry noona-"

"It's fine!" I snap but take a deep breath. "Sorry for snapping." I mutter and he just nods in acceptance. Now I feel bad, geez. I frown.

"Any more question?" Hyunjin asks and everyone stays quiet. I smile in relief.

"Alright! So now, does anyone need a gun for this? Right hand for a gun, left for ammo." I ask and some raise their hands and I count. Okay, two packs of bullets and four guns. That I can do. "Kay, meeting dismissed." I end the meeting and everyone stands up and does whatever they're gonna do. I take another look at the blueprint then feel a hand on my back. I turn to see Hyunjin and soften my expression that I wasn't aware was stone.

"Hey." I lightly elbow his side and he chuckles. Hyunjin pulls me into a hug and I put my head on his chest. He puts his chin on my head. We stay like that for a little.

"You did great. You're doing great." He kisses my head and I smile to myself. Hwang Hyunjin, you really don't know how much I needed that. I was so used to following what I was told and never thought of making my own rules.

"Can you believe we're getting married?" I chuckle. "I used to hate you." I laugh and he takes my shoulders and looks me in the eye with a shocked look.

"You what?" He asks and I try to hide a smirk.

"Oh nothing. I just asked what did you think of me before?" I switch the tables to him. He sighs and sits down on a chair then motions for me to sit on the one next to him. I do exactly that.

"Well, at first I thought you were a psycho. Then I thought a hot psycho. Then a really strange person that kidnapped me. Then I learned to think you were kind of cool." Hyunjin explains. Eyes drifting away from me. I take his chin and lean forward.

"So was it a good impression?" I chuckle and he shrugs innocently. I roll my eyes at him and give him a kiss.

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