16: Assassin

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"Chan?" I knock on his office door. He doesn't answer. He either isn't there or is busy. I give up and go to the living room to watch tv. Maybe it will help me take my mind off Hyunjin. It was all my fault. If only I didn't leave him alone. Or if I didn't go to the candle shop.

I walk into the living room and pretty much everyone is there, even Chan. He looks up at me.

"Y/n, I assume you know Hyunjin was kidnapped?" He asks and I nod, nervous that he'll scold me. "Don't worry, it wasn't all your fault." He looks at a piece of paper. All my fault? So it was half my fault? What the hell.

"We got a letter from Jackson Wang, one of the guys running for President. He knows about us. Read this." Chan gives me the piece of paper that is the letter.

Stray Kids,

I'm very much aware you are a mafia gang. I know I shouldn't be in contact with a mafia, but I need your help. If you want one of your people back, you will do as I tell you.

I want you to assassinate Kim Yu-gyeom, the other candidate for president. I don't care how you do it, just don't get caught. As for when and where, it will be at the capital a week from today at 6 pm. There will be a large ball, celebrating the election, that is the most convenient time. Afterwards, meet me and my men in the courtyard with proof. You will get your guy back then.

If you dare to leak this out or not do as you are told, there will be consequences. I will not hesitate to kill. Of course you know, but I know where your headquarters are.

-Jackson Wang for President

I put the letter on the table. That's blackmail! I know we do it, but coming from a presidential candidate! Bullshit. Maybe it's because we're being blackmailed that's making me like this. Or Hyunjin being gone...

"We only have a week to plan this so let's get started." Jisoo suggests. Everyone nods.

Let's save ourselves some time, no? We go in pairs inside. My pair is Minho, expected because of ranking. Team 1 distracts the guards that guard the staircase. Pair 2 puts a fake security video on the cams. Minho, me (Pair 1), Rosé, Jisung and Lisa (Team 2) go to the room where Yugyeom is getting ready. Team 2 distracts the security there. Minho keeps watch while I assassinate Yugyeom. I'm the assassin so I have to do the honors. I get some sort of proof, which will most likely be his head. Minho and I go the back way to the courtyard where Chan and Jisoo will be. Chan will do the exchange and get Hyunjin back. That is, if the plan is successful.

Speaking of Hyunjin, I hope he's okay. I hope they don't hurt him. All I can do is hope...

We all leave the living room but someone puts their hand on my shoulder. It's Jeongin. I smile slightly at him. He does too.

"I heard Hyunjin say he loves you. He may have sounded like he was joking, but I think not." Before I can say anything he walks away.

What's up with their little friend group and being dramatic? But Hyunjin loving me? I don't know.

I hear a meow from behind me. "What the fuck?" I turn around to see Minho with 3 cats in his hands. "THE ACTUAL FUCK." I back away.

"I got cats." He says monotony.

"Well they're ugly, just like you." I tease him.

He mocks me. "Ugly just like you." He mumbles and rolls his eyes. "I'll let you know, I'm more beautiful than you."

"What are their names?" I ask rolling my eyes at his stupidity. But he's not exactly wrong.

"Follow me, also this one's Soonie, this one's Doongi and that's Dori." He kisses each of them. Never took him as the cat type. Who am I kidding, he's obviously a cat person.

He struggles to open the door to his room, so I open it for him. "Holy shit." There's a bunch of cat toys in his room.

"Try acting more surprised. Come on, you can hold one." He gives one to me. I think it's Doongi. It's actually kind of cute. He puts the other ones on a cat bed. Doongi hisses at me so I drop it. It lands on it's feet.

"Yeah, Doongi probably needs time to warm up to people. Even me." He pets Doongi as another one comes up to me. It brushes the side of it's face on my ankle and purrs.

"This one's my favorite!" I pick it up and boop it's nose.

"That's Soonie. The eldest Hyung." He smiles at the cat.

"I'm afraid you love these cats more than you love any human." Sooni purrs.

"No shit. Except Jisung." He shrugs. What about me? I haven't accepted it yet.

The door opens. "I've been summoned?" Jisung pops his head through the door.

"Come in and close the door! I have cats." Minho continues petting Doongi. I'll let Jisung and Minho be a couple and leave.

"Can I take Soonie? I'll keep her safe! I swear!" I ask and Minho thinks about it.

"Fine. But only out of pity because of Hyunjin." I stick my tongue out and Soonie swats at it. I pretend like nothing happened and leave the room.

Yes Jackson Wang from China is running for President. What a happy country this will be. Many parties!!

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