10: Lips to Lips & Heart to Heart

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Hyunjin POV:

Jennie turns to Y/n. It's Jennie's turn to ask a truth or dare.

"Truth or Dare, N/n?" Y/n takes a sip of her drink.

"Dare." Y/n responds blankly. Jennie does an evil smirk. What the-

"Kiss Hyunjin on the lips for 3 seconds. I count." Y/n stays quiet and I realize something. IM HYUNJIN. My face heats up thinking of the other day in the backyard. "Do it or else I'll make it worse." Jennie raises her eyebrow.

Y/n sighs. "You okay with this Hyunjin?" She walks on her knees over to me. I nod slightly. She looks at Jennie for a moment then back to me. She closes her eyes tightly and leans in connecting our lips. I close my eyes as I feel her lips on mine.

"One." I'm not sure if it's the grape juice in me, but I kiss back. The sounds of Jennie counting drown out of my ears.

I think it's been more than three seconds. Y/n still hasn't pulled away. She does a second later. She looks into my eyes for a second then away. "I'll be right back..." She gets up and walks out of the room. I stay there stunned.

"Bro. Was that your first kiss?" Felix interrupts the silence. I nervous laugh at that and jokingly punch his uninjured arm.


I walk to my spot where I go to think. I need to process what just happened. More importantly what did just happen? I walk past everyone in the pool and see Jisung in my spot. I sit down next to him because I just might need company. I hear the waves crashing once again. The sounds will never get old. I hear small sniffles next to me. I look at Jisung, concerned.

"Are you alright?" I ask scooting closer to him. He shakes his head and looks down. "You wanna talk about it?" He doesn't respond but looks at me.

"Yes please." His eyes are puffy from crying. I pat his back. "Y-You know how I'm not allowed to text anyone from my life before this happened?" He kept on sniffling. I nodded. "I blocked all the numbers, but my brother got a burner and gave me h-horrible news." He broke out crying again. I hugged him this time.

"Take your time. It's alright." I whisper which seems to calm him down a little, just enough to talk. He closes his eyes and wipes his tears away.

"My m-mother died of a heart attack earlier. It's probably because of me! She must have felt worried sick about me. Not that I'm flattering myself..." He drifted off looking into the distance.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, Jisung. It'll get better I swear. I'm the meantime, let all your tears out." I advise him. He looks up at me.

"Thank you N/n. You're not all that bad." He smiles and hugs me back. We stay like that for a while until he stops crying. I stare into the distance of the ocean. Lets get this straight. I kissed Hyunjin... Because it was a dare? You know what, I'll think about this tomorrow.

"N/n?" Jisung asks breaking the comfortable silence. I hum. "How are you?" I think about the answer for a moment, pursing my lips together.

"I'm okay. Mostly drunk...I sorta kissed Hyunjin but-" He cuts me off.

"YOU KISSED H-" I put my hand on his mouth. He said that quite loudly. Who am I kidding, the whole universe probably heard that! I shush him. "You kissed Hyunjin?" He whisper yells and turns to me.

"Yes, but in my utter defense it was a dare." He chuckles and I sigh.

"I was looking everywhere for you, Jisung." Minho sits down next to him. "N/n are you stealing Jisung from me?" He smiles a little. I do too. Jisung just chuckles again. Glad we made him happy, just a little.

"I'll let him decide." I lean my head on Jisung's and Minho stares at Jisung for a bit.

"Are you okay? Did you cry? I'm sorry!" Minho hugs Jisung too.

"Heh, I'm alright now. I'll tell you later Minho."

"Okay." Minho mumble into Jisung's shoulder, making me smile. Their so cute.

"I've never felt so loved as I do now." Jisung makes his feelings known. Minho and I stay hugging Jisung for a while. The silence is comfortable. Almost enough to put me to sleep. I should probably go to bed.

"Hate to ruin this beautiful moment, but I think it's getting late. I'm getting tired and I'm sure I'm going to have a hangover tomorrow." I pat Minho's arm that is around Jisung and then Jisung's head.

"Good night, thank you for your company." Jisung smiles genuinely and gives me one last hug. When I turn away Minho tugs the end of my jacket.

He mouths the words thank you to me then says the last part aloud. "Good night, princess." He smiles. I smile back and Jisung pouts.

"What about me?" He asks Minho. I chuckle to myself and head back into the mansion. I run into Lisa.

"Did BTS already leave?" I ask her.

"Yeah, a while ago." Oh okay. I'll text Tae later. About what? I really don't know. I just wanted to waste my time talking to him like old times.

"Thanks." She smiles in return and disappears into the corridor. I go back into the game room to get my glass of soju. Empty. I refill it in the kitchen then head back to my room. Before I walk up the stairs I'm met with Hyunjin. We walk up the stairs in silence. When we part ways I hear him whisper something.

"Good night, Y/n." I turn to look back but I hear his door shut. I quickly forget about it and go back to my room. Felix is sitting on my bed.

"What the fuck."

"Took you long enough." He rolls his eyes. His deep voice echoing in my mind. That's hot-

"What are you doing, Felix? It's late, I'm tired, I want to drink this whole glass and go to bed. And if I'm lucky, I won't wake up until tomorrow night." I exaggerate it and put the glass down and plop onto the bed. He turns to me.

"You like Hyunjin don't you?" He lays down on his stomach, props his head up with his hands and his legs in the air. He looks like a gossip girl.

"No." I put my arm over my eyes.

"Mhm. Sure. Then why did you kiss him for more than the 3 required seconds?" He interrogates me. You know, he'd probably even do better than Binnie.

"Why did he kiss me back?" I take my arm off my eyes and lift my eyebrow. Felix gasps.

"He kissed back?!" His turns over and kicks air.

"Mhm. Satisfied?" He frowns. I take it he isn't. Sucks for him. "I actually don't care. Good night!"


"Don't make me push you out the door." He gives up.

"Alright, good night N/n." He pats my head and leaves the room. Finally some peace and quiet! I chug the whole glass down in seconds. Hopefully I don't throw it up. Oh well, another problem for later.

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