39: Good Boy, Gone Bad

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I flutter my eyes open, finding myself awake. Why is it so dark? I try to stand up to find a light switch but I'm restrained. What happened? Am I tied to a chair? Fuck, my head and lower stomach hurts so much. I try to call for help or ask what the heck is going on but a muffled sound comes out. Oh, I guess I have a gag in my mouth. I take a deep breath through my nose and try to keep calm.

Not the first time I've been kidnapped so I know how this stuff goes. I'll find my way out soon. Though, I'm at a little disadvantage..

I hear a creek and see a rectangle of light, then a shadow of a man come through it. Holy shit. It all came back to me. I was at home, couldn't sleep, my car was on fire, the babies were disturbed and I went to check on them and saw some dudes. Now I'm here. I have a sneeking suspicion this man walking towards me is Choi Yeonjun. Same body shape, the silhouette gives it away.

"Are you awake Hwang Y/n? Yes, I know you're been married." The figure says. That seals the deal, it's him. It's Yeonjun. It's his voice. Another figure turns on a light by the door then closes it. The delayed light reveals Yeonjun in front of me, looking me up and down.

By the look of the room, it seems I'm in some sort of office. I give Yeonjun a glare and he smiles to himself. He unties my gag from around my head, I taste a bad dry taste in my mouth now. "Still as beautiful as you were in highschool." He chuckles. "Though you have gained a little weight. Could be from eating for three these days. Oh and don't think about yelling for help, no one could possibly hear." He circles around me.

"What do you want Yeonjun?" I ask, but other questions pop into my head and I don't think, just let them fly. "You were in on killing my parents weren't you? Are you in a mafia? Wait, stupid answer. Was- is you mafia stalking mine? Why did-"

"Shush child."

"I'm twenty-nine." I interrupt him back.

"I'm fully aware." He pauses and I hear a clatter of noises come from outside the room. Yeonjun rolls his eyes. "If I agree to answer your questions, will you answer mine?" He asks in a persuasive tone. I guess I have to be careful with answering another mafia's questions, especially if I'm in this kind of situation. The pain in my head seems to increase as I think it over.

"Yes, okay." I say out of instinct.

"Hmm, good of you. But yes, I had to do with killing your parents. Only because they had something we wanted. And yes, I'm in a mafia and we have been stalking yours. Stray Kids, what a funny name for a mafia." He says and I stay silent. He killed my parents. He killed my motherfucking parents.

"Just wait until Hyunjin and Lee Know find out about this." I mumble to myself.

"What was that?" He asks. I shake my head, dismissing his question. "No, no. I'd really like to hear it." He puts his hand on my shoulder and it sends a chill down my spine.

"All I said was that I was shocked." I tell him in a monotone voice. He hums.

"Time for you to answer my question. And you must, unless you want your children to meet up with your parents." He says and I inhale sharply wanting to strange the god damn life out of him. He wouldn't. "Where is it? The key? The box too. The box with the item."

The pain in my lower stomach and head just gets even worse and I feel like I'm going to lose it. I don't think I've even been here for that long.

"I don't know about any key, nor box, nor that mysterious item." I tell him and take a deep breath and close my eyes to keep the pain at bay. I tune his voice out of my head. Maybe I'm falling asleep? Or am I about to lose consciousness? Whatever it is, it's helping.

He takes a step forward and suddenly yanks my necklace off my neck and I groan. What the hell? That hurt.

"God damn it, my parents-" I start but stop, thinking about my words. My parents gave it to me. The necklace isn't in the shape of a key for no ordinary reason. I purse my lips together, hoping Yeonjun didn't pick up on that.

"You're mother lied," Yeonjun says, looking at the my mother's photo on the key and continuing to circle around me. Mom probably lied about a lot of stuff though. Like Santa, or how amazing I was singing at the 2nd grade talent show even though I sounded horrible. But that obviously doesn't seem important enough for him to mention.

He keeps going. "Yeah, she was in a mafia. So was your dad actually. And that's how we connected them, to you, to Stray Kids." He explains and I keep quiet. I put my mafia in danger. "I found you, and started targeting you, because your mother took something very valuable from us. You should know where it is, you're her daughter. We want to get it back. You're going to help us." I doubt they even have a lead on where it is. They, who I'm assuming is his mafia.

"You really think I'm going to help you after what you've done?" I ask in a sarcastic tone.

"As a matter of fact I do." Yeonjun slowly a knife to my neck from behind and my blood gets pumping viscously. This is going to hurt, but not the knife. I sigh and push the floor so I go backwards in the chair, pushing Yeonjun back. I stand up and smash the chair, that I'm still tied to, against his body. Causing him to get knocked down. I quickly get close to the wall and try with all my might to break the chair. It takes a couple tried and it works. It falls apart, leaving me with the loose, but not loose enough, ropes around my ankles and wrists. Fragments of the chair stuck to them.

To the sound of commotion, what I presume is the rest of his mafia bursts into the room. They try to stop me as I get two of them down with a single punch to the stomach. Huh, and I was doubting my strength since my pregnancy.

One that just sends off a smart guy vibe hits me in the jaw. To the impact, I stumble back a bit but hit him in the neck with the side of my hand, causing his breathing to hitch and slow. Yeonjun gets back up and takes a swing at me but I dodge. Another one kicks me behind the legs causing me to fall back and into someone else's arms. The person suddenly puts me into a chokehold. I try to not let their arm strangle me as I continue to kick at the others.

Surprisingly, I get two where the sun doesn't shine. I turn around just in time for Yeonjun to accidentally hit the guy attempting to strangle me and he lets go. "Sorry Beom- uh dude!" He frantically yells, trying not to give away the guy's name.

I punch the last one in the the stomach and make a run for it. But just as I turn around, I'm blacked out once again.

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