14: Healing...Physically

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A/n: I have no idea will some things I am writing in this chapter about Y/n getting shot. The only things I know are from shows. Don't come at me lol

Hyunjin POV:

She passed out 4 hours ago and she's stirring awake. I took the other bullet out of her arm. She lost a lot of blood. Changbin said to have her drink lots of water when she wakes up. I've been driving back home for the last 3 and a half hours. Yes, I can actually drive. Don't ask what happened in the 30 minute window. Okay so maybe I went to McDonald's.

My back starts to ache so I pull over, it's the same road as the last time we pulled over. Whereas, some events took place. Why did we act awkward afterwards? Why did I? Oh! I did because N/n was. But why was she acting awkward? I wish I knew what goes on in girls minds...

Wait I take that back. Seems complicated.

I get out of the car, seeing the sunset. I stretch a bit and touch my toes.

"Nice ass." I instantly get back up and see Y/n laughing. "It hurts to laugh." She frowns.

"How are you doing? Oh, drink some water, too." She tries to get up but I stop her.

"I'll get it, don't hurt yourself." I open a water bottle and give it to her.

"Hyunjin. I can do this myself." She takes a drink. "But thanks.." I smile.

Time skip because Felix didn't give you any brownies:


A week has passed and I haven't came out of my room except to go to the bathroom and get ready for the day. Binnie said I have to rest. I listened because he threatened to tell Jisung, Jeongin, Felix and Hyunjin about the headboard incident.

Felix made me some brownies, they were really good. Everyone has been coming in every now and then to check up on me. Hyunjin and Binnie the most. Hyunjin has been telling me how sorry he is for letting me get shot. There's nothing he could have done, he was doing his mission.

A knock comes from my door. "Come in." I say, sitting up. The door opens and Minho comes into the room. He closes it behind him. He comes over and stands next to my bed.

"Binnie said tomorrow you don't have have to stay in your room all day. How are you feeling?" I nod and sigh. How am I doing? I'm pain, but I'm not admitting that.

"Getting better. Thanks." I give a slight smile.

"I'm glad you are okay." He paused and sits on my bed. "I got something to tell you, don't freak out, please." He looks at me seriously. I nod slowly, bracing myself for what he'll say. "You know how you and the car got shot at? It was seventeen shots." My jaw literally drops.

"You think it's connected?" I ask, shocked.

"It's a possibility." He looks at me apologetically.

"But if I killed him, who shot at me? Unless he has an accomplice... Is he out for me? What would he want?" I have so many questions. Minho takes my hands in his and I look up, annoyed and confused.

"Don't assume anything. We don't know anything, yet. Don't overthink it." He smiles. I roll my eyes.

"Alright." I look away. He puts his index finger and thumb under my chin, turning my head to look back at him.

"You know I'm gay, but that doesn't mean I won't make a move on you." He smirks. "Now, don't overthink things."

"Yes, Daddy." I smirk, trying my best to stiffle a laugh. He sighs and gets up.

"No! Don't leave me alone, again!" I put my arms out.

"Too bad! I'm leaving." He opens the door and walks out, closing it.

"No!" I frown. I pull out my phone to annoy him.

Oi, get yo ass back here

What if I don't want to?


I already said, that won't stop me


I ignore the rest of his messages and text Taehyung instead.

I can finally go shopping tomorrow!

Great! Me, Jimin and Kook are
free tomorrow too

Perfect! I might bring some people
if that's okay

Yeah, that's fine
cya then

I look back to my messages with Minho. 107 missed messages. Oh. Yeah no. I delete the whole conversation. And try to take a nap when I hear another knock on the door. I sigh.

"Come in!" I yell and Hyunjin walks in this time. "We're going shopping tomorrow. You're coming with us. Oh and tell is all maknaes." I practically try make him against his will. Unless he wants to. I think losing so much blood got my head messed up.

"Uh, okay." He chuckles. "Hey uh, I'm lost." He tries to hide a smirk. What is this guy doing?


"Can you show me the way to your heart?" He chuckles quietly. I roll my eyes.

"It this your way of saying your falling for me?" I chuckle.

"Mhm." He sits on the edge of my bed.

"Wait, what?" I ask, shocked. Shocked for the second time today, that's a personal record.

"Just kidding, uh, I wanted to put you in a good mood. Did it work?" He says hopefully, it's cute.

"Yes, yes it did." I laugh. He does a little happy dance.

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