2: New Recruits

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The blonde boy's eyes flutter open. He looks around. "Changbin. He's awake!" I yell to him from another room. He's interrogating the brown haired boy now. We separated them in different rooms, tied their legs to the chairs and hands behind their back.

"Where am I?" He says weakly. Then his eyes widen in realization.

"Hey pretty boy." I say sarcastically and chuckle. I take a few steps forward and fiddle with my necklace that I always wear. It's a key with my parents photo on the larger end. I examine the boy.

"You didn't answer me." He says shakily. He's nervous! God, I'm enjoying this so much! I chuckle again.

"Well for starters, you're in a room." I lean forward looking in his glimmering brown eyes. It's the lighting I swear. I hear the door squeak open.

"You didn't shake him up too much? Did you?" Binnie walks in. I roll my eyes and stand up straight again.

"Maybe." I take a step back and lean against the wall.

"Who are you and w-why am I here?" The boy asks again.

I sigh loudly. "We are in a mafia. Know what that is? And you're here because you saw something you shouldn't have. Oh and just to make you feel better in this whole..Situation, you're little friend fought for you. Didn't put up a good fight though." I snicker thinking about the other boy.

"Want to start off with telling us your name?" Binnie takes out a gun to intimidate the boy. Of course it would, boy's probably never seen one of real life before. Pathetic.

"H-Hwang H-Hyunjin." He gulps.

"Can't do this. I'm leaving." I sigh again and push off the wall, walking to the door.

"Not yet Y/n." Changbin says sternly. I turn on my heels and face them again. Such a waist of time. I swear- "What did you see? Mind telling us the story?" Binnie looks at his gun. The kid gets intimidated again. This is too damn easy.

"W-Well, I was walking with my friends..." He notices the look on our faces silently telling him to give us their names. "Jisung, Jeongin and Felix.. And we just happened to walk by when you-" he looked at me. "Set the place on fire."

"That checks." I tell Binnie.

"Alright, is that it?" Binnie asks. The boy nods. "Step outside Y/n." I do as he says and he follows me into the hallway, just as Minho and Jisoo walks out of different interrogation rooms. He turns to all of us. "The blonde's name is Hyunjin, platinum blonde is Felix, dark brown is Jisung and the black's is Jeongin. All they saw was Y/n start the fire. They know nothing else. What should we do with them, Jisoo?" We all turn to look at her.

She looks deep in thought. "I think we should recruit them." She looks at all of us. My expression is utter disgust. Binnie's is confused and Minho's is the same as usual. "But I have to ask Channie first." She starts walking away.

"No! Not them! Why!" I run up to catch up to her, leaving the boys behind.

"Well, you know some members are taking on more than one job. One is already enough. Second, we could need some new faces for our next big mission." She smirks as we arrive at Chan's office. "Now, if you excuse me." She knocks. Chan lets her enter and they talk for a while. I pace outside of his door waiting for the news.

Damn it why is this taking so long! It's been half an hour already! It's simple: recruit them or not! Damn it Channie! Jisoo! Both of you! I fiddle with my necklace again. It's really become a habit. The door opens and Jisoo comes out. I stop in my tracts and speed walk over to her.

"Wow you've been here the whole time?" She sees me and sighs.

"Possibly. But whats the news? Spill." I fiddle with the end of my shirt.

"If I tell you, you promise not to outrage on me?" She asks. I'd only get mad if-

Wait a damn second. "You recruited them?!" I almost yell. She sighs again. I let go of the bottom of my shirt.

"Yes but for good reasons. Now go tell Binnie and Minho. I'll tell the rest. You also have to assess them on what they know tomorrow. Oh and try not to be so rude to the recruits, yeah?" I nod is defeat and shuffle my feet to the interrogation rooms.

Hyunjin POV:

I just want to go home! I need to know of my friends are okay! Please! Out of all the bare silent the door squeaks open to reveal the girl for earlier. I recall it's Y/n? She looks pissed.

"Alright pretty boy. You work with us now." She comes closer and starts untying my feet from the chair. I work with them now? What does she mean? I'm apart of this mafia? I'm too stunned to speak. I sit there for a minute thinking what she meant.

"You gonna get up or what?" She scoffs. I put my hands in front of me and look at it, untied.

"W-What did you mean when you said I work with you now?" I ask, standing up and tidying my clothes.

"We recruited you. Either that or we kill you. We still can" She shrugs like it's not a problem. It sends a shiver down my spine. "I'll let you meet the other's tomorrow. I'm Y/n by the way. I'll show you your room and the training room. Be there tomorrow morning, 6am. No later." She motions for me to follow her. She leads me down a long hall and stops in front of a door. "This is it. Basically 6 doors down the right side of the hallway." I nod.

"Thanks." I try not to say a lot because I'm not sure if I can trust her yet. Or really anyone else. Wait. Where's Jisung? And Felix? And Jeongin? "Where are my friends?"

"They are in their own rooms right now. That reminds me, we'll get some stuff for you guys tomorrow." We head up a flight of stairs. Two doors down the right hallway she stops. "Here's your room. Mine is in the other hallway. 4 doors down if you need me. But try not to." She leaves me there and walks away. I walk into my room, puzzled.

Am I ever going to see my family again? I'm not meant to be in a mafia! I can't possibly fight! Not to mention kidnap, steal or kill!

I look around the room and all there is, is a bed and somewhat old desk. I sigh and lay down on the bed. I guess I'll try to get some shut eye.

Playing with Fire || Hwang Hyunjin x Reader || Mafia AUWhere stories live. Discover now