43: Shot To The.. Chest?

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Y/n POV:

I slowly open my eyes from a light being shined directly in my eyes. I blink a few times to see my mafia all staring at me.

"Ew, what the fuck." I say at the sight of them. Where am I? I look around to see medical stuff and cupboards in the room.

"N/n!" Hyunjin smiles super wide making me smile too. "You're okay!" He says hopefully. Why would I not be okay?

"If you're wondering, you're in a hospital. You got shot in your chest." Jisoo says, practically reading my mind and I look at my chest under the hospital gown to see a large bandage near my heart. Damn. It comes back to me what happened before I blacked out and I let out a quiet oh.

"N/n, it's a fucking miracle you survived." Seungmin says and I shrug. I groan in pain, moving my arm feels as bad as getting shot again. Everyone suddenly becomes worried and I sigh.

"I'm fine." I let them know and they all nod.

"Well, getting a shot that's that close to your heart could be fatal. It's crazy that you survived. You were out for quite a bit, but we're glad you're alive." Changbin says and I smile a little. For two reasons, that's kind of sweet of them. And for two, I could tease them about being worried about me.

"Did you guys really think I'm weak?" I raise an eyebrow and everyone starts saying a bunch of no's. Both in English and Korean. It's kind of funny because of Chan and Felix's accents into the mix of no's.

I try not to laugh, because I already know it's going to hurt like hell. As I look around at the people that feel like my family, I notice Hyunjin with crutches, Jisung with a sling on his left arm and Jennie holding her side. It's obvious Jennie is in pain, but trying to hide it. Whatever happened to her, it's probably bandaged by now at least. Her breathing is also different. She's taking shallower breaths. I take a look around again and come to my senses to see one missing.

"Yo, wait a second." I say and they all grow quiet. "Where's Minho?" I ask seriously, trying not to sound too worried. Even though it's already quiet in the room, it feels like it gets even quieter. As if a dark cloud somehow appeared. "Answer me or I'm going to find out myself."

Is he dead? I swear if he is..

"He's not dead if that's what your thinking. He's just.. not responding." Jisung sighs and I just look at him, waiting for him to go on. I'll admit, I am a little worried about Minho.

"They're pretty sure he's in a coma, but we can't be too sure yet." Chan says and I put my head back on the hospital bed in worry. I hope his case won't be a long time. I don't know how long I can live without his sarcastic personality.

It stays quiet until there's a knock on the door. A guy that looks like he's the doctor steps in. "Visiting time is over. She needs to rest." He tells us and everyone says goodbye to me, leaving. Hyunjin just stays by my side.

Minnie whispers something in my ear before he goes. "The doctor is suspicious of us, he probably knows but is scared. You know?" He tells me and I let out a breathy chuckle. It's an inside joke between him, Lisa, Jennie and I. When we committed a big crime when I was still new to the mafia, everyone at a pizza place we went to gave us weird looks. They all knew it was us in the news, being wanted by the government, but everyone seemed to afraid to say anything. Strange time to bring this up, but it's relevant.

"Take care, N/n." He says before he leaves the room. On the way out, he puffs his chest at the doctor and he flinches. I try not to laugh because that was weird coming from Seungmin.

I sigh and look at Hyunjin who hasn't left. He smiles at me and I give him a slight smile back. "Give us a minute please?" I tell the doctor.

"But- you know what? I'll just go.." He nervous laughs and I shoo him away with my free hand. The one that doesn't hurt as bad when I move that arm. He leaves, closing the door behind him.

It's a good thing that Hyunjin is on that side. "Can I kiss you Jagi?" I ask him and he chuckles leaning in. "No don't hurt yourself!" I give him a quick peck so he can stand back up and not hurt his leg. That move was stupid on both ends. We're both injured and it obviously hurts like shit.

"I'm fine N/n." He smiles and kisses me, since I won't do it.

When he pulls away I think about why we're both injured. Why Jisung has a gunshot in his shoulder, why Jennie is having a hard time breathing and holding her side. Why Minho..

Because of me. Because of my parents, but mostly me. Because I was stupid enough to let all this happen. I dragged everyone I love into this. It's all my fault. Maybe I'm just overthinking but, I hate myself so much for letting this happen to them.

"Don't cry Jagi." Hyunjin frowns and wipes a tear I didn't know I had on my cheek.

"Hyun, I'm sorry. I can't believe I let all this happen." I tell him, looking him directly on the eyes.

"Oh, my beautiful Y/n, don't blame yourself. Please. You couldn't control this. It would have happened somehow." He gives me a sweet smile and I bust out ugly crying. He's so amazing.

"What did I do to deserve you Hyunjin?" I sob, hurting my chest with the gasping for air.

"Hmm, I don't really know either." He shrugs jokingly then laughs, wiping my tears away.

Honestly this story wasn't that good but I'm kinda sad it's coming to an end. Even if i'm making a sequel, nothing could ever match the original 🥲
Anywho the ending of this chapter felt so dramatic 💀

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