33. The Beggining of Forever

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"Wake up girlie." Lisa, Jisoo, Rosé, Jennie and Minho shake me awake. I was just having a peaceful sleep. "You're getting married! Don't want to be late." I shoot up in my bed. They're right! I get up and look at the time on my phone.

"Bitch. It's 4 in the morning! The reception is at 11!" I complain.

"Best to be early, you know?" Jisoo suggests and I sigh, giving in to get ready.

Getting ready!!
Jisoo POV:

"Oh my god!" I walk into N/n's room where the other girls are. The boys except Hyunjin and Felix are setting things up at the property. Y/n turns away from the mirror then looks at me and smiles. "You look gorgeous, Y/n." I smile, tears forming in my eyes.

"I know! Isn't she just a beauty." Rosé chuckles taking a photo.

"Yes! Slay! That's my bestie!" Jennie claps and shakes her head wildly.

"Aw, thank you. But don't cry Jisoo!" She walks over and gives me a hug. I hug back. I remember when I first met her. She was 18, I think. She's so grown up now. Even getting married. I was sure Minho was the one for her, but guess I was wrong. Sometimes it's good to be wrong. I really hope her marriage works out. And that Hyunjin doesn't break her heart. She deserves to be loved after all she's gone through. I start sobbing and pull away looking for the tissues.

A box gets thrown at me and I take one out and blow my nose, crying my eyes out.

"Ah! You grew up so much!" I cry. I feel my mascara running down my cheek.

Time skip because Christopher Bang in Wolfgang performance:

"I'm so proud of you, you know." Minho tells me. I give him a confused look.

"How so?" I ask him. We're standing where the old mansion's property starts on the grass.

"Well, first of all. ranking higher than your mentor! And second." He gives me a slight smile. "Finding someone you really love. I know no one could ever get over me." I burst out laughing. He really can't go a few minutes without saying something antagonizing.

"Heh, thanks I guess." I reply.

"Of course. Now, come to me if something ever goes wrong alright? Never forget that. Now I think you have somewhere to be." He looks at the path leading from the street to the archway.
"Are you ready?" Minho asks, hands on my shoulders. I gulp then give him a reassuring smile.

"Yeah. I am." I smile. I'm ready for this. I really am. I think. Wait no I'm not. You know, it'll be fine, right? Right?! I'm 22, I have to get married sometime in life! Have to...

We link our arms and he nods to the girls to go first. They start walking slowly on the path and we follow. I look at Minho and he gives me a comforting smile.

"Oh and thank you for letting me walk you down the isle." He whispers.

"There could have been no one better for the job than you." I whisper back.

We get to the archway and he gives me another quick reassuring smile then leaves to go to his seat in the front row. I look at the groomsmen and Felix. They give me little smiles and thumbs up and I smile to myself. I look at my girls and they give me sweet smiles. Jisoo holds tissues in her hand. Aw, how cute. I look at Hyunjin then walk up across from him. He gives me a sweet smile and looks at my dress. I let out a little nervous laugh then look at the ground. I look back up and give him a smile back.

Chan starts saying something but I tune it out and get lost in Hyunjin's facial features. He's so pretty... I'm so glad I can call him mine for real.

"I do." He says, his smile growing wider.

"And do you. L/n Y/n take Hyunjin to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asks.

"Yes! Oh I mean I do!" I say, not taking my eyes of Hyunjin. I hear burst of tears and look behind me to see Jennie and my bridesmaids crying. The guests chuckles lightly. I chuckle too.

"You may now-" Chan starts but I take Hyunjin's shoulders and pull him closer to me and place my lips on his. He kisses back and we intertwine our hands. We pull apart and raise our hands in the air and the guests claps. I smile brightly, I can't stop smiling like an idiot. I'm so happy right now.

A/n: i've got the greatest idea to put in the plot later in the story, i just can't wait to see what yall will think of it omg i'm crazy abt it now 😭
And i might start updating more frequently, who knows lol

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