23: One of a Kind Mastermind

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"So when's the wedding?" Binnie asks, walking into my apartment with a computer bag. Hyunjin comes into the living room and sits on the couch, waiting for us. Since Hyunjin and I got engaged, he's been staying here with me.

"We haven't decided yet. Though, that is why you are here, and I asked you to bring your computer." I close the door behind him. He goes to sit on the opposite couch of the one Hyunjin is sitting on. I got to sit next to Hyunjin.

"We're planning the wedding, but we want the whole gang to be there." Hyunjin tells him.

"Yeah, but, of course you know, we lost trace of them." I explain the second part.

"We need you to help us find them. If you're up for it." Hyunjin finishes explaining. Binnie nods and takes out his computer.

"Already on it. It might be a while until I get a trace of any of them, so you can do whatever you want. For now at least." Binnie doesn't look up from his computer. Hyunjin and I nod. I go to the kitchen to make us all a snack.

Time skip cause Hyunjin called himself "Sexy King Hyunjin:"

"Seems that we have 3 members in prison. Never thought they would get caught." Binnie starts to explain where everyone is.

"Well then we'll just break them out of prison." I say, chewing on an apple peel.

"Sounds easy but it's not. I'll get to that part later though. Chan, Jisoo and Minnie are in prison. Felix and Rosé are in Australia. Felix attending a college, Rosé works at a bar. Minho is in Gimpo as a cat rescuer. How ironic." Binnie explains and I burst out laughing.

"That guy! Oh my god!" I laugh hysterically and slap my knee. The boys silently judge me, but I don't give a shit right now. "Holy shit, I'm dying." I wipe a tear our of my eyes and stop laughing.

"You good-"

"Yes! Never been better!" They look at me weirdly.

"Anyway... Looks like we're gonna have some stars in our mafia. Jennie is an actress in Hollywood, not big time yet. Jisung is a trainee at some kpop agency in Seoul. Lisa is attending an all female college down south and Innie is living in Busan." He takes a break and sips some of coffee that I made him. "I have exact addresses on everyone. Now we just need to figure out how to get them. Most importantly Chan, Jisoo and Minnie." He looks at both of us hoping we have ideas.

"Don't look at me, I don't know much about prison and security and all that." Hyunjin shrugs. They all look at me. Oh boy. This is gonna be a long afternoon.

"Alright give me some time to think. But first, Binnie can you print me a blueprint of the prison? Also I'll need you to help me do some research about their security there. The office holds the printer, 2 doors down the left." I point to the hallway. He nods and takes his computer there.

I lay back and take a deep breath, rubbing my temples. Well shit, we have to break out 3 prisoners. We have to go to Australia, America, Busan, Gimpo, Seoul, and somewhere south. Where are they even going to stay?

"Jagi, it's alright. I'll still help you." Hyunjin leans on my shoulder, which makes me smile a little.

"Thanks Jinnie. We're mafias for a reason. We can do this." I say confidently. I'm not confident. At all. I'm not a mastermind or some shit! I'm an assassin! I just kill people!

Time skip cause "Rubber Ducky, you're the one:"

It's been two awful days of thinking. I've figured out how we're going to break Minnie, Chan and Jisoo out of prison. We're going to break then out after we get everyone else back. We'll be able to have more people with us to get the mission done smoothly.

Before that and as our first part of our mission, I'm are going to America to retrieve Jennie. She has an apartment in LA. I doubt she has security since she isn't too famous yet. It'll be in the middle of the night when my plane arrives so that's when I'll go there and just hope she'll come with me.

Oh that reminds me! Hyunjin is making the invitations for our wedding. We planned on having it a month and a half from now. We're having the obvious rest of the gang at our wedding and BTS. We're also inviting some of the friends we've made in the past few years. We still need to plan a lot of things out, like the food and decor, but that's a later problem.

You're Invited To
Hyunjin & Y/n's Wedding

Clearing with Rocks Above ***** Beach,
*****, South Korea
On M/D/22 at 6pm

As for where the gang will stay, we're going to spilt it amongst each of our houses. Hyunjin is going to go back to his place later this week and will stay there for a while until everyone gets their own place.

While I'm in America, the boys will be in Australia. Binnie is going to go to the bar Rosé works at to get her. And obviously slip her the wedding invitation and ask her to come with him back to us. Hyunjin will pretend to be enrolled in Felix's academy and just have him come with Hyunjin. They're like besties, so Felix will probably go with him. But if not Hyunjin has planned a speech. He wrote it down and it's 8 pages. Sounds like real fun for Felix.

After Australia and America, we split up once again. I'm going to Gimpo to get Minho, Binnie's going to Busan, and Hyunjin's going to Seoul. After that, I'll go to get Lisa in the south. Like I said, once we get everyone back we'll inform them on our next mission: to commit prison break.

I lay down next to Hyunjin and pull the covers over us. I snuggle into his chest and he puts his arm over me.

"You're doing great, Jagi." He tells me. I smile to myself.

"Thank you Jinnie. I love you."

"I love you more."

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