34: Toss, Jilix and Uhh- Thrusts

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Btw this is a long chapter lol

Most the guests have congratulated us and gave us wedding gifts. We're going to open them later. Right now, I stand in front of my girls with my boquet, about to do the bouquet toss.

"Ready?" I ask and they all yell yes. I laugh and turn around. I toss the bouquet in the air and turn around. It goes far and almost to the tables. Everyone gets out of the way to show who got it. I break out laughing.

Minho, confused with the bouquet in his hand is by a table. Everyone laughs too. I go over to him and whisper something.

"Now would be a great time to propose to Jisung." I wink and he rolls his eyes, his face tinted with pink. I shrug and walk with Jisoo and Wheein to the makeshift bar. It's a lazy set up, but it works.

Time skip because "Hey Seungmin, you're lying"...*tackles, gives CPR*:

I drink some wine and we're about to do the garter game. I go over to the middle of the clearing where everyone already is. There's a chair in the middle and I sit on it hesitantly.

"You got this N/n!" Moonbyul says and laughs. I mock her and she mocks me back. I break out laughing. Suddenly my dress gets pulled up and I look down to see Hyunjin already on his knees, smirking. He winks at me. I roll my eyes. So maybe earlier I sorta maybe pulled the garter higher. Yeah, I did. Hyunjin notices and looks back up at me. I give him a sheepish smile.

He puts his face near my upper thigh and gives it a discreet quick kiss then puts his teeth on the garter. People start cheering and laughing. Damn I can feel my face heating up. He slowly pulls the garter to my knee then to my ankle. He takes off my high heels and pulls the garter off my foot.

"My guys! Get over here!" He yells at them and they crowd in front of him. The girls staying away from the loud boys.

"Imagine Jimin gets it, he's got a girlfriend now, you know." Tae leans on the chair and tells me. I look up and put my dress down.

"What about you? You should join." I tell him. He shrugs. "Come on, it's just for fun." I pout. He sighs and stops leaning on the chair.

"Fine. This is only because you want me to."  I smile brightly and he goes over to the crowd of boys.

"Ready?" Hyunjin asks. They all say their yes's. He throws it and someone catches it. They move out of the way to reveal a dumbfounded Jisung holding the garter. Some of us start laughing including me. I look at Minho who's hiding his face in Changbin's shoulder. From what I can see, his face is red. I cheer for Jisung and he gives me an awkward smile.

"OKAY PEOPLE! Now that that's done! Let's play the seaweed game!" Jennie yells to no one in particular as she holds a plate with small cut pieces of dried seaweed. "I need the groom, groomsmen and best man!" She says and they go to where I am and I go into the audience next to Seungmin. I put my arm on his shoulder and he looks at me.

"Hey?" He says and I look at him and smile. I look back to the boys, who are already in a line. Jennie puts the piece of seaweed between Daehwi's lips. He turns to Jeongin and Jeongin closes his eyes, hesitantly taking the piece of seaweed. He turns to Jisung and it goes smoothly. No lips have touched yet, boring. When Jisung passes the piece of seaweed to Felix, Hyunjin lightly pushes Felix, causing their lips to touch. Me and the guests burst out laughing. Hyunjin pretends like he didn't do anything while Jisung freaks out. Felix hides behind Jeongin.

Time skip because "Dispatch D-I-S-P-A-T-C-H dispatch!"

"Time for my favorite part! The hip thrusting game!" Lisa introduces the next game and the boys groan and chuckle. "The bride, maid of honor and bridesmaids will tie a string with mint on it around the guy's waists. They'll hip thrust it to get it in their mouths." Lisa explains to everyone. They get it and Lisa gives us girls a string with mint on each.

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