29: Yeah, Boxer

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I wake up to the sound of barking and screaming. Come on not again. I get out of bed and go to the kitchen. Minho is sitting on the counter with a spatula aimed at Kkami on the ground. I walk over and pick Kkami up and hold him like a baby.

"You should get rid of that demon dog." Minho gets down and I roll my eyes.

"May I remind you, you gave him to me." I retort and kiss Kkami's fur.

"Brush you're fucking teeth and your hair is hideous." He sticks his tongue out. I frown and take Kkami to my room.

Time skip because hyunjin's body rolls:

"Alright. Everyone got the plan?" I ask. I'm with the rest of the invading team in Minho's truck that he just stole from the real delivery driver. We're parked a few blocks away from the prison.

I hear everyone say yes that they remember the plan. "Alright, I give permission to put the plan in action starting with I.N and Changbin." I tell everyone. We have our ear pieces in once again, to stay in touch through the process.

I hear a car door open on the other side and keys on a computer clicking. A few seconds later I hear a voice from the ear piece. "I'm stationed. There are seven guards." Jeongin informs. Perfect there are 7 of us.

"CCTV is set." Changbin tells me.

"Got it. Lee Know, ready?" He look at him and he nods, driving to the prison. I look at everyone else and they look at me. Everyone gives me a ready nod and I give them a nod on return. The silent way of talking, you know?

I hear the gates opening and feel like car moving again but at a slower pace. Minho gets out of the car and I take a deep breath. Standing up with everyone else facing the door in the back of the truck. It opens and I see Minho on one side and a security approach on the other. Felix is the closest so he immediately jumps into action and jumps out of the truck and punches the clueless security out cold. I give him a thumbs up and he smiles. We all get out of the vehicle and more security gathers with guns.

"Oh please. You dumbasses think that will change anything?" I ask and one puts their finger on their trigger which is aimed at Hyunjin. I turn my body and kick the gun out of the security's hand. It doesn't fire which is a relief. Everyone else stars on a security guard. The one I just kicked trys to call for backup but I punch him in the face twice and he seems to get light headed. I kick his stomach with a lot of force and he knocks out. I look around and go to help Jisung because he's struggling. From behind the security guard I kick him behind his knees. The security guard collapses then I give him an uppercut and kick him where the sun doesn't shine for fun. He passes out anyway. Everyone finishes who they had, Minho hands me keys to the prison south end door.

"Thanks." I take it and run to the doors and open it. Everyone except Minho, Hyunjin and Felix follow me in. We speed walk down the halls, behind careful not to make much noise. Some prisoners call to us to unlock their cell but we ignore them. Jennie finds Seungmin's cell and starts picking the lock. Before Lisa and I turn the corner to the West hall, 4 security guards meet up there.

I do a spinning kick and kick three security guards' chests. I smile to myself. Never though I could master that. Jisung joins us and starts on one guard. I take the gun I had in the back of my jeans out as Lisa finishes on one guard. A female guard in front of me with black hair with pink streaks and a good amount of makeup attempts to punch me and I dodge, but she doesn't stop at that. Before she tries to do anything, I kick her stomach and she stumbles back. I punch her stomach with my free hand and she falls backwards against a cell.

I crouch down and take her chin, looking her in the eyes. She just gives me a dirty look. Typical. "I really don't want to hurt such a good fighter and pretty girl like you." What can I say? She's hot. I take her chin and slam it against the cell bar, knocking her out.
(A/n: i just had to add this part lmao)

I follow Lisa who's halfway down the west hallway and catch up to her. We turn into another hallway where Chan's cell is located at. "Y/n? Lisa? What-" He starts but I shush him.

Lisa starts to pick the lock. There aren't any guards around right now, thankfully. "Damn it." She curses. I look to see what happened and her finger is bleeding.

"Here let me." Chan holds his hand out through the bars and Lisa drops the key pick in his hands. She licks the blood off her finger. Chan gets himself out and we run to Jisoo's cell last.

When we get to her cell she looks so confused. "How-" She starts but I shush her like I did to Chan. Chan picks the lock while prisoners yell at us to let them out.

"Shut up you bitches! You'll get us caught!" I whisper yell at them. They don't listen and keep shouting. Chan finishes picking Jisoo's cell lock, but when we turn around there are a lot of guards.

"Well fuck." I mutter under my breath and frown.

A/n: Sorry it's taking me forever to update, as I have mentioned I am pretty busy. I'm also starting to loose my interest in ffs and wattpad. Though, this does not mean this is discontinued! But please be aware that I will update once a week at least. But most likely when I am available. I hope you all are still enjoying the ff!

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