30: Safe?

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"Well fuck." I mutter under my breath.

We all jump into action and I take my gun out. It's way easier now that they are more guards. I shoot a few guards and they fall down. I hear gunfire that isn't mine and look over see Chan with blood all over his thigh.

I run over and cover for him, shooting more guards at random. Mostly from who's closest, though. I try to shoot one that approaches me but my gun doesn't shoot. Fuck, I need another round of bullets. The guard approaching me throws a punch at me, but I dodge. I try to get the round of bullets out of my back pocket while still dodging the guard's punches. I can't punch back because I have a gun in my other hand and the guard is too close to kick. I get the ammo out and put it in the gun.

"Y/n! Watch out!" Chan yells at me. I look up and the guard knocks the gun out of my hands. I step back, kicking the guard in the stomach. Though it looks like it doesn't do much.

"Take this!" Chan yells at me again, holding the lock pick with one hand and clutching his bullet wound on his thigh with the other. I get closer and take it, immediately turning around and stabbing the guard in the neck with it. I take another step and pinch another guard's fingers to the gun and twist their wrist. I stab them with the key pick in the neck, too. I take their gun because I see Chan take mine that was on the floor. Lisa, Chan and I continue shooting more guards while Jisoo does physical combat.

When there are no more guards Lisa covers for Jisoo and I, while we lift Chan up. The prisoners finally shut up and we make our way out of the hallway. We get to the South end but there's more guards.

"You gotta be kidding me." Lisa mumbles, but I hear. Lisa and Jisoo switch so now Jisoo can get some guards down since she doesn't have a gun. Lisa and I shoot at the guards, covering for Chan who's losing quite a lot of blood.

Felix and Hyunjin see us from the door and run in to help us. I dodge a shot that would have gone into the lower part of my side. I groan, suddenly feeling a sharp pain in the opposite side. I look and see blood seeping through my shirt. Damnit. Not again.

Lisa and I shoot the same guard, who is the last one. At least I hope so. Felix takes over my spot in helping Chan while Hyunjin takes off his belt and puts it around my torso, wrapping around my bullet shot. We all get out as fast as we can and hop in the truck. Lisa and Jisoo shut the door and Minho backs out of the prison at a fast speed. We all sit down, out of breath.

Felix wraps his belt around Chan's bullet shot on his thigh. I sigh and look at Hyunjin. He just gives me a comforting smile. I try my best to give one back.

The truck comes to an abrupt stop and we almost go flying out of our seats.

"What happened, Lee Know?" I ask.

Lee Know POV:

"We're in traffic, but I got it. So chill." I tell her.

Our situation right now is, right when I got on the freeway, it was blocked off because of an accident up ahead. I look over on the other freeway that is below this one. Fuck it, I turn the wheels of the car and step on the gas.

"Hold on!" I tell them and they scream as we practically fly off the upper freeway and land on the ground freeway. The glass from the windshield shatters over my upper body and passengers seat. It definitely hurts and probably is digging into my skin right now. Some cars honk but I ignore it and speed past all the other cars. The police probably know about the prison escape by now, so acting like a civilian in a wanted vehicle is not an option.

I hear sirens and speed up, switching lanes between cars. I take a quick look in the side mirror and see a few police cars. Moving my neck just a little bit stings. Probably a piece of glass?

Time skip because Felix's australian accent "UwU:"

Jennie, Jisung and Seungmin made it out of the prison safely. Rosé's car had a lot less problems than us but arrived a few minutes ago because she took the country route. As of now, we're back at Binnie's place.

His sister is a nurse, she and Changbin are helping Chan and I with our bullet wounds. Along the way, the police started shooting at us and Felix got shot in the ankle. Minho got quite a few cuts from the glass. I was unconscious for maybe a couple hours, but that's all. Could have been worse. Chan and I are the only ones sitting at the dining room table. Binnie's sister told us to sit here for a while. The others are in the living room but Felix and Minho have to rest on the couch and take it easy.

"Hey Y/n?" Chan gets my attention and I look over at him. "I heard you came up with the plan and lead everyone earlier." He smiles. I sigh.

"Yes, I did." I act like it wasn't a hastle or sweat to make the plan and problem solve everything. Let alone leading everyone in the prison break. I really don't know how he could do that repeatedly so often.

"You should know that Jisoo, Seungmin and I are thankful that you broke us out. And I'm really proud of you." He tells me. I chuckle and look down. HE'S PROUD OF ME. I'm totally not tearing up. "You've really grown up from being a naïve teenager." He reaches over and pats my head.

"Thank you Chan!" I start sobbing. I'm not good with dealing with emotions, ok? I wipe the tears dripping down my cheek away, though it's useless.

"Who hurt my N/n?" Hyunjin comes running into the dining room, followed by Jeongin then Jennie. Hyunjin trips on the computer charger, causing Innie to trip over Jinnie's leg, making Jennie come to a quick stop. So quick that she actually slips backwards. I start crying and laughing at the same time. I look like a fucking maniac but thats okay!

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