22: Jagiah

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Hyunjin said he has a surprise for me. I'm not good with surprises so let's see how this will go. We're in a car and have been driving for a few hours. That's all I know. Oh yes and I am blindfolded.

"Jagiyah. Are we there yet? I'm getting hungry!" I pout my lips, hoping he'll tell me what the hell is going on.

The car slows and stops. "As a matter of fact, yes Jagi. And you can eat later." I feel him pat my head. I hear the car door open and close. I hear another door open, I feel the wind so I'm assuming he opened mine. He takes my hand and leads me somewhere. He stops me and lets go. He takes off my blindfolds and I look around me.

Wheat fields..?

The road! The road from before! The road from our mission together! The sun is setting which makes the horizon look stunning.

Hyunjin POV:

This is your chance! Don't mess it up, Hwang Hyunjin. I take a small box out of my pocket which contains a ring for Y/n. She's distracted by the view so I take a deep breath and get down on one knee.

She slowly turns around. "Hyunjinnie, why-" She gasps and I chuckle to myself. She hits my shoulder. "I don't like surprises. I could have gotten a heart attack." She pouts.

"Sorry, Jagi. But do you want me to pop the question or not?" I smile. She sighs and crosses her arms, allowing me to tell her my speech that I've been planning ever since I we got temporaryly separated. I won't let her go again.

"It was here that I knew I had feelings for you, Y/n. Seeing the way you're eyes had a special shine in them, it might have just been the sunlight refelcting... But that's not the point!" God I'm already screwing up. She chuckles at my words. I smile seeing her happy. "You had an interesting personality when I first met you. I didn't exactly like it. But it was different, I learned to like it. A little too much." I pause, getting ready to ask the question. "Remember when we went shopping, and I joked, asking you to marry me? You said okay, now I want to make it official. So, Y/n, will you marry me?" I give her a slight smile and open the ring box, showing her the ring.

She smiles and looks down. She wipes what I guess is a tear away. "Damn, I really have a soft spot for you." She pauses and I anticipate for her to give me an answer. "Yes, I'll marry you!" I let a large smile creep on my face and slip the ring on her finger. She kisses me and pulls me into a hug.

I can finally call her mine. I'll always love her and take care of her. We let go and I go back to the car to put a song on. I turn it up so we can hear it outside.

Play the song from the top of the page:

"Oh, this song?" She chuckles. I smirk.

"Yeah, this song." I assure her and hug her from behind abruptly. She starts laughing and I do too. Her laugher is truly contagious. I'm so glad I've found her again. I won't stop thinking about how grateful I am to have found her. And how lucky I am to have seen her at the shop. And how lucky I am to know my beautiful N/n.


He takes my left hand in his right and puts his free hand on my hip. I put my free hand on his shoulder.

I abruptly kiss him and push him onto the hood. He kisses back but switches our positions. Now I'm being pinned to the front of the car. Damn.

I put my hands on his ass and squish it. I hold back a laugh. He pulls back. "Oh you wanna play that game?" He puts his hands on my hips., standing behind me. I feel his hot breath on my neck.

"I love you, Jagiah." He kisses my neck lightly a few times then pulls my sleeve down and starts to kiss my shoulder. I feel his soft lips on my skin. I can't take it anymore.

"Jinnie, please stop." I let out. I don't want him to stop, but we can't do it here. Though there's no one on the road, I'd feel better at home. He stops but continues to hold my hips. "At home please?" He turns me around so I'm facing him.

"Of course, Jagi." He kisses my forehead and takes my hand leading me back to the car.

"Thank you Hyunjinnie. I love you." I smile, saying those words while looking him in the eyes.

I hope this chapter makes sense lol, I'm sick rn and can't think well-

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