25: Bestieee

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"Love you Jagi. Stay well!" I give Hyunjin a quick peck on the lips as we seperate ways to go to different gates for our flight. I have to get on a dreadful 11 and a half hour flight. Then another one a few hours later. Fuck.

"Love you too, good luck on the flight!" Hyunjin blows me a kiss as he walks to his gate. Such a flirt. Binnie waves me a goodbye, walking to his gate.

Time skip bc Lee Know is the butt hunter:

I walk to Jennie's apartment door and knock three times as that was my rank in my mafia. She opens the door slightly then I give her a drained smile. I'm tired from being on that plane for like ever. She gasps then opens the door all the way, flinging her arms around me.

"Girl! I've missed you! You don't know the amount of gossip I've been needing to tell you!" She rocks us back a forth a few times. I hug her back.

"Ah! I've missed you too! I literally said screw Chan's rule, I need you all back!" We chuckle and let go. She looks me up and down.

"You've gotten skinnier. You gotta put on some weight!" She smiles. I laugh at that. If anything I've been eating more and put on a few pounds, nothing too serious.

"Thanks, Jennie. But the main reason I'm here is to give you this." I pause and take out the invitation of me and Hyunjin's wedding and hand it to her. She quickly opens it and reads it. She gasps again and her eyes light up.

"I always knew Hyunjin would be great for you! I knew the way you looked at him that night in the game room! Congrats!" She hugs me once again and I giggle to myself.

"Thank you! I uh-I have an extra ticket for you if you want to come back with me for the wedding. It doesn't have to be permanent, you could just visit and we could buy another-"

She hushes me and pulls my sleeve into her apartment and closes the door. "Say no more. Let me pack. When do we leave?" She says walking into a room, signaling me to follow her. I do so and lean against the door frame.

"In a few hours." I say as she throws a suitcase onto her bed and opens a drawer.

"Great! I'll just call my manager! I'm so glad to see you again N/n! I couldn't imagine the rest of my life without my best friend!"

Time skip cauz Hyunjin is best baked for at 180° for 20 minutes in the air fryer (personally, it's a rlly good recipe, yall should try it):

It's been a day and Jennie and Rosé slept over at my house. Felix slept at Hyunjin's. I informed Jennie on our plan to get everyone back as did Hyunjin and Binnie. We plan on telling them about the entire plan on getting Chan, Jisoo and Minnie back once we have everyone together. Well almost everyone.

I'm going to get Minho today. It's going to be a few hours drive but nothing I can't handle. The other boys are driving to different places too, to get the job done faster. Just like we did in America and Australia.

Time skip because yk Chan and songs with swear words aren't besties:

I close the car door and walk into the shelter. There's a young looking girl at the front desk. She smiles slightly when she sees me.

"Hi, how can I help you? Looking to adopt a pet?" She asks cheerfully. I smile slightly but shake my head.

"No, sorry. I'm actually looking for someone." I pause and she nods, not loosing her smile. I wish more employees at other places were like her. She's so nice. "Lee Minho? He was a friend of mine a while ago." I tell her and she nods.

"Yeah! He's in the back. Follow me." She gets out of she chair and goes through an open door as I follow. We end up in an outdoor fenced area with a bunch of buckets. Some filled with water. She smiles and holds her hand out, showing me where Minho is. She leaves a second later.

Minho looks completely at peace as he's washing a small kitten. It's a white little thing.

"What's the kitten's name?" It looks over at me then Minho follows the cat's gaze. His face lightens up.

"Oh my fuck." He states staring at me. I chuckle and crouch down next to the bucket where the kitten's being washed. "The hell you doing here? And how'd you find me?" His face looks so confused.

"Try sounding more happier but, first, I came to give an invitation to you. Hyunjin and I are getting married. I'll tell you the story later. But second, Binnie found you, not me." I smile. He smiles back and wraps the kitten in a towel. It looks so cute like that. He holds it in one hand as we both stand up and hug. He hugs me with his free arm.

"Oh slay. I've missed the group. Did you find Han?" That's sweet, asking about his boyfriend!

"Right now Binnie is going to Seoul to get him. He's a trainee at an idol company." I explain. His face brightens up even more.

"He always loved to sing." He smiles to himself. I can't wait till they see each other again. "Uh follow me?" He heads back inside and puts the kitten in a crate. I see a cute fluffy puppy in a dog pen that catches my eye. I walk over to it and hold my hand out for it. It comes closer and licks my hand. I smile.

"Yo, Minho. How much for this cute thing?" I say admiring the fluff on the dog. It nuzzles its nose in my palm.

"You want him? It's fine, since I know you I'll just have you sign the paper

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"You want him? It's fine, since I know you I'll just have you sign the paper. Consider it a wedding gift." My face lightens up and I get up, running over to him. I engulf him in a hug.

"Really? Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He pats my back.

"Anything for you princess."

Time skip cause "New York Shitty:"

Drive plays in the background as I drive us home. I glance back in the rear view mirror to see the puppy happily wags it's tail in the backseat. I told Minho about the wedding and the plans for everything. Of course, except the prison break thing.

"We never actually got time to talk to each other personally after we recruited the four." Minho breaks the silence.

"Yeah. That's true." I respond. "Is something up?" I ask, curious why he's acting weird. Minho shakes his head.

"Nah, everything's fine. This is just different." He says and I chuckle.

"Is the bad mafia man Lee Know getting sentimental?" I laugh. He opens his mouth but closes it and smiles to himself.

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