4: Love's A Waste Of Time

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"Dinner's ready!" Chan pokes his head through the door and yells over all the noise. Everyone quiets down a little and heads to the kitchen.

I sit with Jennie and Rose, Lisa on Rose's side, while the newest ship in the gang sits next to eachother. Everyone else sits with the person they are talking to. For dinner there is bread, chicken, peas, carrots and some soup. Simple but good enough. Everyone talks about random stuff for a while until Jisoo makes an announcement.

"Everyone listen up! Chan and I got an announcement." She yells over all of us then stands up. All attention is on her.

"Chan got you pregnant?!" Seungmin gasps. Snickers are heard throughout the table. Jisoo sighs.

"No Minnie. We have a big mission next week. There will be a large shipment of money, gold and diamonds at a bank the next town over. We are going to rob it with BTS. Chan and I are aware that our 4 newest members have a lot to learn. But, I'm sure Y/n and Minho will teach them what they need to know in the time we have to prepare. This weekend we will have BTS over to discuss a plan. I also agreed with BTS that we will share the profits that we make with them. Half and half. Thats all the information for now. Carry on with your dinner." That only puts on more pressure on us to train the boys. I lean back in my chair.

Time skip because legend has it, Chan is still calling "Oi Felix, come here, bro!":

When dinner is over I head to the backyard. I have a specific spot that is on the border of the backyard on rocks. It overlooks the ocean so I find it calming. Best place for me to be with my thoughts. I sit in the grass before the rocks and lay down, staring at the stars, listening to the waves crash.

This is sudden change, I don't like it. Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix and Jeongin suddenly being added at the same time to the mafia. Having to train them how to fight, use a gun, have all the qualities a mafia member needs...

I hear light footsteps on the grass behind me coming from the mansion. It's probably one of the new members, others know not to disturb me when I'm out here. They learned that the hard way.

The person sits down beside me, out of my vision. I ignore them. We stay quite for a while.

"Beautiful night, no?" They say with a soft voice. I hum a yes. "How long have you been in the mafia?"

I decide to give in. "4 years. It was by choice." I take a deep breath taking in the sea breeze. The person hums. I can feel their eyes on me so I turn my head to see who it is. Oh. It's Hyunjin. We stare at each other for a moment until I decide to look away.

"Why'd you join?" I think over that answer.

"Uhm..." I think over my answer. Could I trust him? What's the worst he could do? It doesn't really matter. I could just tell him the half truth. "Well my parents got murdered by this one guy, so I ran away with no place in mind. I was 17 at the time. When I found Minho, he brought me here and these people became my family. I told Minho that I wanted revenge on the guy that killed my parents. So that's what I did and how I earned my role as assassin. Minho helped me through a lot of the change. Helped a lot." I smile to myself. I was aware it wouldn't bring my parents back, but it was worth the fun to get revenge.

Hyunjin hums. "Seems like you and Minho are really close." He hugs his knee, continuing to stare into the abyss of the ocean.

"Yeah something like that." I mutter.

3rd Person POV (few months ago)~
(Sorry just has to add this lmao)

Changbin goes to his room to brainstorm some new interrogation methods. He had a lot of ideas when he was practicing earlier in the morning. Changbin turns down the left hallway to his room when he hears some noise coming from Y/n's room. He stops by her door for a minute to eavesdrop on whats going on. He hears the headboard from the bed slamming. His brain didn't register fast enough to stop listening and walk away, when he heard something that scars him for life.

Yeah, yeah, Y/n moans Minho's name. So amazing sure yeah. An ugly memory for Changbin, yes.

Changbin's face drains of color and turns on his heals out the corridor. Apparently the headboard slamming could be heard downstairs. "One day they're gonna break something." Chan shakes his head while sitting at the kitchen table on his phone.

And well, they did. May that headboard rest in peace.

Present time~

"Ever loved anyone, pretty boy?" He chuckled to the name.

"No. Love's a waste of time." He says carelessly.

"No kidding." I close my eyes for a moment until I quickly fall asleep on the grass.

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