5: Fight

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I wake up to the sound of my alarm. I turn it off and turn to my side. I recollect my thoughts and I remember I fell asleep in the backyard with Hyunjin last night. Wait, who brought me to my room?

I'll ask someone later. Oh wait. Damn it I have to train the boys. I groan and get out of bed. I get black leggings and a navy blue cropped tank top and do my normal morning routine. I see Jennie in the hallway and ask her what I asked myself this earlier.

"Hey Jennie?" I whisper since people are still sleeping. She nods smiling. "I fell asleep in the backyard last night when I was talking to Hyunjin. Did you see who brought me to my room?" She starts to giggle.

"Hyunjin obviously. You're so stupid." She playfully hits my shoulder. Hyunjin carried me to my room? I mean, I guess it's not that big of a deal...

"Oh. Uh thanks bye!" I speed walk to the bathroom.

Time Skip because Chan's fiOve~

"I'll take two, you take two? Or teach them at the same time?" I ask. Part of me wants to do both.

"Each take too? I'll take Jisung and Jeongin."

"Alright." Guess I get Felix and Hyunjin.

"Good luck." Minho smirks, well knowing I hate people in general. Let alone training them.

"I don't need luck." I stand up straight and cross my arms. He chuckles and takes the two boys to the indoor shooting range. The other two follow me to the mats. "Lets start with self defense. For you Felix, this is just a recap." He nods.

Another lil time skip because Hyunjin got the imposter~

"Okay, Hyunjin. Show me what you learned." I take a few steps back once again and put my hands behind my back. He runs over to me and attempts to punch me in the stomach. I swing my body to the left and as I'm about to kick his literal ass forward, he turns around and takes my leg. He pulls it causing me to go into the splits. He tries to kick me but I roll to the side, now on my back.

He sits on my torso, keeping my body in the position. He throws punches at my face and I dodge all of them. Unable to move my legs, my hands are free. I wait for the perfect time to take his fist, and do so a few seconds later. I swiftly take his fist, putting him to a disadvantage and roll us over so now I'm sitting on his torso. I put my hands above his head to keep him from attacking. I stop for a minute hearing the sounds of clapping.

I look up to see Felix clapping for me, as well as Jisung, Jeongin and Minho. I look back at Hyunjin and snap back into reality. I quickly get off his torso and take his hand to help him up.

I turn away to hide my flusteredness. Is that even a word? "You did good." I mumble.

"Thanks." He mumbles too, looking in a different direction as he dusts his clothes off.

"You guys can have a quick break." I say snapping back to my normal self. They say their thanks and stuff and leave the training room.

"I see physical combat went well?" Minho adds. I hum a yes.

"And shooting?" I grab my water bottle and take a sip.

"Uh. Jisung can't take things seriously. Otherwise he's pretty good. Jeongins good too." I nod. "I saw you with Hyunjin last night. Seems like you two are getting along." He smirks.

"I guess so." Should I tease him about Jisung? Of course I should. "I saw how you and Jisung looked at each other. Love at first sight." I chuckle. Minho's face turns red at the mention of Jisung's name. "Thats cute." I laugh.

"I mean Jisung's really funny and cute...Ah I think I like him!" He tells me smiling. That's cute how he looks when he's happy. No Y/n! Knock it off! You se stupid idiot.

"Well, if you ever tell him, just know I support it." I look down and smile a little.

"Thanks Y/n. Same for you and Hyunjin." And he brings him up again. I roll my eyes and playfully hit his shoulder.

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