41: Mr. Hwang

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There's some flaws in what changbin is telling the rest of the mafia that doesn't add up with last chapter but lets just pretend like that never happened lol
And sorry for falling behind on updates!!
Hyunjin POV:

"To North Korea we go! Let's go get our Y/n!" Minho says in a hopeful tone, starts the car and hits the gas. We have to make it to North Korea before TXT does. And hopefully, Changbin and Jeongin will be able to find out exactly where they are going.

Changbin gets Jeongin a computer and opens his own. They do their smart hacking stuff on their computers for a while. Over the 3 years we weren't as a mafia, Innie became quite smart with technology. The whole car is quiet, except the sound of the car running and computer keys being typed. Changbin gets a lead and everyone except Minho, because he's driving, looks at him. "Okay, so I found out that they have a really important item of theirs that got stolen and turned over to the North Korea Military by an anonymous couple. Maybe Y/n's parents? But therefore it should be at the Navy Base."

"And that is twenty-five miles northeast of the border." Innie adds. Minho routes the GPS to our next destination. I get excited knowing we are one step closer to getting N/n back.

(A/n: idk if it is or not but i just decided to add that soooo)

"Great work boys, but do you happen to know what the item is?" Bangchan asks and Changbin scrolls on his computer.

"Yes, it's a mass murder weapon. It was used in one of the largest massacres of China and killed the most people out of all the weapons used." Changbin says and Felix takes a deep breath, looking uneasy. "But don't worry, it's locked in a safe at the base now." Changbin reassures Felix and pats his shoulder.


I hop back in the van, next to aussie guy, who I learned his name is Jake. Beomgyu switched to the front, probably because I threw up on him. I don't regret it though.

From the windshield I see a car speed past the gas station. "Damm, people don't have any remorse for road safety these days." Another guy, named Soobin rolls his eyes. "Could cause an accident."

Time skip because "Orrrrganic"
3rd Person POV:

TXT, Jake, Niki and Y/n make it to the North Korea Navy Base as expected by Stray Kids. They meet Car 2 containing the rest of their ally mafia, Enhypen, about 5 blocks away. They getting their guns and things ready to storm the place.

They go over their plan, ready to fight back when the navy has their guns to them. But not ready for what Stray Kids has planned for them.

Hyunjin POV:

"Everybody got that?" Lieutenant Nam asks and we all agree. "Okay, be ready for the worst. Now head to your stations." He tells us.

"Hwaiting!" Han says loudly and we all look at him and he gets embarrassed. We all look at each other when the Lieutenant and the others in the military leave the room.

"Hwaiting Stray Kids!" We say all together and raise our fists. We all smile knowing what we are doing is risky. Especially working with the military. I'm sure they have their suspicions on us because we haven't been completely honest to them. But what matter is that we're all in this together to get our deeply loved Y/n back from these bitches.

We head to our stations and I sigh, loading bullets into my guns. I have two, and a lot of bullets. Chan and I are going to retrieve Y/n. One third of the mafia, including Bangchan and I, are forming with a part of the military on the front grounds. Seungmin, Han, Lisa and Minho are going on top of the two buildings as snipers. Everyone else except Jisoo, Changbin and Jeongin are on the field with us. Reason they aren't is because we promised to watch the safe contained the weapon that TXT is searching to retrieve.

Yeonjun POV:

"Ready crew?" Soobin Hyung asks and we let him know that we are. He and Jungwon nod to each other from windows of the two different cars and hit the gas pedal, breaking down the gate as soon as we get to onto Navy Base property. As expected, the car rolls over, but before it gets to happen with us in it, we jump out of the car onto the sides. It was planned of course.

I look over to Jake and Taehyun to make sure they've got Y/n. Sure enough they do, it kind of looks weird but it also looks like a scene from a drama. Taehyun shields Y/n with his body on the ground then quickly gets up before Y/n can kick him. He takes her wrist in one hand and a gun in another. Jake has Y/n's arm in his grasp. I ping of jealousy runs through my body but I put it to the side.

"It's too quiet, they probably are planning something." Sunghoon says through our connected ear pieces.

"Likely." Sunoo agrees. I make my way to the front, but not further than Jungwon or Soobin are. We make our way to the large doors that I presume lead into the building.

I hear pounding footsteps behind us and swiftly turn around. "Bring Y/n to the middle, boys." I tell Jake and Taehyun and they do as I say, slowly. A whole ton of people, Military Personas, circle us. I see a few familiar faces and step closer to them. Soobin probably won't get mad at me for this? I hope not because it's going to be a big move.

Who am I kidding he probably will be mad.

"Oh, Mr. Hwang! Nice seeing you again!" I greet him as if we're friends, with a hint of rude sarcasm. If that even makes sense?

"Yeonjun." He acknowledges me. I smirk and twirl my gun on my pointer finger, taunting them. Why am I doing this? Because I feel like it, duh.

"Yeonjun, what the hell are you doing?" Beomgyu asks me through the ear piece and I ignore him.

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