42: Our Wounds

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A/N: this chapter is shit 😭 so i might rewrite it later with different characters povs so it's not so confusing and all over the place lol

"Yeonjun, what the hell are you doing?" Beomgyu asks me through the ear piece and I ignore him.

"I guess you know we have your precious Y/n, well obviously. How are you guys doing without her?" I give them an innocent face.

Hyunjin is obviously trying to contain himself from trying to rip me apart and kill me. It's in his eyes. But it's not like he would be able to.

Y/n's POV:

"What is it you want Yeonjun? Revenge of some sort? Or could it be a mass murder weapon?" Felix speaks up. I'm shocked, I never thought Felix would be the one to answer a question with another question to a rival mafia. It's a big thing for us.

"The mass murder weapon used in one of the largest massacres in China? The one that killed a large percentage of people that were killed in all. The one that killed thousands of innocent lives?" Bangchan gives Soobin a hurtful glare. I can feel all of the member's anger from where they are. Either if it's about the murder weapon, or about me, I'm dead sure they want to kill TXT right here and now.

"Okay." Jungwon takes a deep breath. Okay? Sound like a set up of some sort. "We will surrender. We'll let you have your dear Y/n. Just let us go? We'll give you everything we have." Jungwon slowly puts down his gun on the ground. I hear a faint whisper ahead. The only words I can here are signal, and all shoot. I knew it, we are being set up.

There's not much I can do, I'm in such a bad position right now. They could shoot me at any moment, I'm no longer needed. A guy in a uniform tries to talk to Jungwon, and it seems it's going "well." I really hope our team is prepared for what TXT and the other group with them has in store. Jungwon puts his weapons down, but doesn't stand up fully when Soobin yells out their signal. "Now!"

Jungwon quickly picks up the gun and shoots the man in uniform in front of him.

We're at such a close range, any of us could get shot and die within half an hour. Jake and Taehyun drag me towards the large doors along with Heuning Kai. It feels like such a long distance, bullets whizzing past every part of my body, just missing by under a centimeter.

3rd Person POV:

Bangchan and Hyunjin run to Y/n, to retrieve her and get her back as safe as possible. Jennie, Felix and Rosé follow in different directions, covering for them. The whole Stray Kids mafia regret not calling their alley, BTS for help. Rosé tries to shoot Taehyun and Jake, but misses by a few inches. Them running and dodging bullets is a simple yet pretty good tactic. To the left, Hyunjin shoots Yeonjun in the left rib and smirks. For Hyunjin, hurting someone who hurt his wife feels rather nice.

Distracted by a split second of glory, Hyunjin still running, gets shot in the calf. He groans, which catches Bangchan's attention. "Hyunjin, can you keep going?" He asks, visibly concerned for him. Hyunjin nods, fighting the pain and they continue running to Y/n.

Jennie shoots at Sunoo but gets distracted and gets strangled from behind by Jay. She steps on his foot but feels a deep pain that's a little too familiar to her, in her side. A knife. The stab wound only fuels her to keep going, she pulls Jay over her back and punches him, keeping him down for now.

Jennie tries to cover her wound, her gun in her free hand, as she follows after Hyunjin and Bangchan. Her vision goes a little blurry, but she tries to fight against it.

Meanwhile, Taehyun switches out with Heuning Kai as Soobin leads the rest of TXT into the military base. Y/n gets pulled in with them, but at the back. She tries to walk slow and fight against them. She hopes that it'll buy her some time to get them further away from the others and get away from Jake and Kai.

Seungmin, Lisa, Han and Minho who are all on the roof of the two buildings, all get shots at different Enhypen members. Sadly, the only good shot was made by Seungmin.

Jennie tries her best to keep running after Chan and Hyunjin while dodging and shooting bullets. Her legs go numb and she falls. Before she can tell Chan to keep going, she passes out.

Bangchan hears a close slight thud of Jennie falling, even through all the loud bangs of bullets. He looks behind to see her on the ground, blood starting to seep into the grass around her. "Jennie can you hear me?" He taps her cheek with his palm and picks her up after a second of not responding.

Jake and Heuning Kai slow down, the others ahead unaware. The two boys exchange a glance and look at Y/n. Kai takes out a key and unlocks her chains around her ankles and wrists.

"Y/n, go. Leave. Find Hyunjin and leave instantly. Got it? We're only doing this because you don't deserve it. You were dragged into this for a silly reason. Take care of yourself and your family." Jake explains to her and she nods.

"Thank you." Y/n nods and quickly bows to each of them and runs the opposite direction, leaving the boys to think of an excuse to tell their bosses. They could really care less if they get in trouble with their bosses.

As soon as she gets to the doors she's met with Hyunjin, Felix and Rosé. Chan is carrying Jennie not far behind. Hyunjin smiles at the sight of his wife and immediately hugs her. Y/n hugs him back tightly. Both at loss of words Rosé coughs and Hyunjin lets go.


"I have a gun for you." Hyunjin nervous laughs and gives her the gun. I notice his leg bleeding and I point to it. He shakes his head, dismissing the subject. He's doing a good job of fighting the pain from what I can see. Or he's just trying to act tough.

"Oh thanks." I mumbles and he smiles. How much I missed this dude..

"Guys we have to get going soon.." Felix tells us, and we snap back to reality. That's right. We're sort of in the middle of a military vs. mafia thing or whatever it's called. My head still hurts..

We all run out, back onto the field to who knows where. Actually everyone but me probably knows. I just follow and cover for myself. Some other guy from TXT's ally, confused by seeing me without Jake and Kai, tries to shoot me and I shoot him in return. We both miss.

"LEE KNOW BEHIND YOU-" I hear a yell somewhat behind me and I turn around for a second to see Lee Know get pushed off the top of the building.

I avoid looking at the ground near where he fell. You never know. I hear Han scream and I see him get up from his position on the other building's roof but get shot in the shoulder.

Holy shit bro.

Thats my fucking best friend and his boyfriend. (Beside Jennie being my best friend but yk)

I aim my gun at the guy who pushed Lee Know off the building, knowing I'll probably miss because the type of gun I have. I try anyway but hear someone yell my name before I feel a sudden pain in my chest.

More painful than I've ever felt from a gunshot before.

I let myself fall backwards, feeling weaker by the second. Everything goes back after I see the face of Hyunjin and Rosé above me.

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