13: Staying Alive

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The rest of the drive we stayed quiet listening to more songs. Not even bothering to sing along. When we get in the same town of the bar, I park in a random alleyway. I'm not familiar with this area. But I think we will be fine. I turn off the car and get out of my seat to get a bag from the backseat. The front seats are close together so I can't squeeze through.

Hyunjin POV:

Stay focused Hwang Hyunjin! Don't look at her ass, though it's almost in front of your face! Ignore it! She retrieves a bag and rummages through it. She takes out a small microphone?

"This.." She holds it up in front of me. "Is a wireless microphone. I can hear you, but you can't hear me. Now you have to put it on under your shirt so Bahiyyih can't see it. I just need to keep track of things just in case we get any secret information or if you accidentally give any away. But, try not to." She hands it too me and I take it. But where on my shirt do I put it..and how?

She raises and eyebrow at me. "You don't know where or how to put it, don't you? Ugh, give it to me, saves us both some time." She unbuttons one button in the middle of my torso, clips the mic on and buttons it up again. I look at her and her face is slightly pink.

She takes out a computer and puts it on the dashboard. She types some things in and the mic faintly beeps. "All set. Test it, say something."

"Hey?" I say and it comes out a second later from the computer.

"Perfect. And Hyunjin." She turns to look back at me. "Please be careful with your words and actions. Be flirtatious, stay focused and don't give too much information away. Remember the main goal is to pull off the trade." I nod is response.

"I need a verbal response." She looks serious. It's kind of scary.

"Yes, I got it." She starts the engine and drives to the bar. It's quiet once again. When we get there she tells me one last thing.

"I'm not here, got it? Oh, and uh, good luck." She smiles slightly. I do too.

"Thanks." I nod and head out of the car into the bar. I take a deep breath and sit next to the girl.


I hope he doesn't get sidetracked. God, why couldn't he keep his soft, plump lips to himself! Let alone tongue... The fuck is wrong with me?

Voices come from the computer monitor, probably all the drunk people in the bar. "Good Evening, Bahiyyih." He greys her seductively. If only I could hear that with my name...

Shut the fuck up Y/n. You fucking idiot.

Time skip cause "Iced Americano, Joha":

They talk for a while and from what I hear Bahiyyih is actually cooperating. I space out for a moment thinking about that little make out session from earlier. Did Hyunjin play me? Didn't he say love is a waste of time before? Does he actually like me? I definitely don't like him. I'm not open to dating yet again. Minho hurt me a bit, but I know he didn't end on a bad note like cheating or anything. I'm still not over the breakup yet.

Play the song from the top of the chapter hehe:

I hear a gunshot and snap back to reality. A sharp piercing pain is felt in my left arm. I almost scream but I hold it back, not wanting to cause a commotion. I hear more shots and feel another piercing pain in my right shoulder. I scream this time, as it hits bone. God damnit.

I take my belt off, fighting the pain and tying it securely around my arm to stop the bleeding. I put pressure on my shoulder with my left hand. It still hurts like shit. Great, now there is blood on my shirt.

The gunshots stop and I receive a text from Hyunjin.

Are you safe? I heard gunshots

I try my best to fight the pain and text him back. I'll try not to worry him for now.

Yeah, I'm alright. You?

Thats good, I'm fine. Gtg now
Glad your alright

Does he care? Whatever just focus. I put pressure on my shoulder again.

Time skip bc poor Jinnie, Minho and Han left him out of "Iced Americano" song:

Hyunjin opens the trunk to the car and I try to hide in the seat because Bahiyyih is with him. They do the exchange and I gotta admit, Hyunjin did pretty good on his first mission. They say their goodbyes and Hyunjin hops into the car.

"Why are there bulletholes in the car? I thought you said-" He stops when he looks at me. I give him a weak smile. "Oh my god! Are you alright?" He panicks.

"Chill I'm not dying...yet." I mumble the last part.

"Isn't the bullet still in your flesh? Don't we have to take it out?" He asks. I sigh.

"Let's just get out of here first." I start the engine and it takes a few tries. I guess a bullet hit something crucial in the car. I drive to another part of town and call Binnie. He knows how to handle bullet wounds. After all, he is the doctor in the group.

He picks up and sees the blood on me. "What happened?" He asks first.

"I got shot twice. One on my arm other on the shoulder. How do I get the bullet out? Or can I wait till we get home?" I ask. He shakes his head.

Yall dont come at me for this I aint never been shot or know a lot abt it lmao

"No, what type of bullet was it?"

"It was a big one?" I say questionably. I'd have to take a good look at it to find out. Not when it's piercing my fucking skin. Binnie sighs.

"How much blood have you lost? And Hyunjin, if you are there, in the glove compartment, I put some things you will need to get the bullets out of Y/n." Hyunjin immediately opens the glove compartment.

"I don't know, a lot? Most from my shoulder." He sighs once again.

"You might die. Alright, Hyunjin, I'll lead you through the process of getting the bullet out. Just listen and do carefully." He nods. I put my phone on the dashboard so that Binnie can see both of us.

I stop listening and focus on staying still and holding back screams of pain. Hyunjin takes my shirt off, but I have a bra under it. I don't really care right now, I just don't wanna die. He uses something to get the bullet out into my shoulder and I muffle my scream with my left hand. Tears well up in my eyes, my vision gets blurry. He says something encouraging, but all sounds are drowned out to me right now. He pulls out the bullet and I feel the blood dripping down my torso. He uses my shirt as a cloth and puts it on my wound, pressing hard to stop the blood.

Everything goes black as I pass out.

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