35: Bye For Now

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I wake up and see my Jinnie next to me. I smile and get out of bed. He's probably still tired. I'm a bit tired too, since I only got about 4 hours of sleep but I'm good. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

Aw dude- Minho and Lisa are going back today. So is Jisung, Innie, Felix and Rosé. At least I still got the others for now..

Time skip cause "I am tree!!"

Due to today's unfortunate circumstances, I'm wearing a key shaped necklace my parents gave to me a long time ago. It makes me feel close to them or just my loved ones in general.

"So..I have to go back to America today." Jennie tells us and I frown. Hyunjin puts his jacket on, by the door. He's going back to his place now. Now that I think about it, we should probably live together now that we're married.

"Aw." I frown. "Well, I can't deny that it was nice having you." I smile, a little disappointed, as Hyunjin comes over.

"I'm going now Jagi. I'll text you later, and you can see Jennie sometime in the future, don't worry." He takes my chin and turns my head to face him. I pucker my lips, wanting a kiss and he smiles then kisses me.

"Bye Jennie, Rosé, Minho, Jisoo and Lisa!" He says bye to the rest of them and they say bye back. "Bye to you too Kkami!" He crouches down and puckers his lips and closes his eyes for Kkami to kiss him but Kkami just runs away. I chuckle and he frowns, getting up. "Bye for real now." He smiles.

"Bye Jagi." I wave to him as he closes the door behind him.

"Hyunjin's right Y/n. And maybe you could be an actress with me too in America." She suggests and Jisoo and I laugh.

"Me? Nah. A wanted criminal on television? They would probably know before they even hired me." I tell her and she realizes.

"Oh thats right." Jennie frowns. I honestly don't know why she's an exception, but she's a really good actress so they could have just let it slide. Imagine how that production will go- "Well I gotta pack." She pats my head and leaves the room. Lisa is packing too. Rosé is busy straightening her hair in the bathroom. Minho already has his stuff together so he and Jisoo is playing chess. I go over to bug them.

"Hey." I sit by them. Jisoo does a move and takes one of Minho's chess pieces. I was never fond on the game and never got how it works. They don't answer so I try again. "Minho, didn't you say that this game is for nerds?" I ask and he sighs.

"Rosé come get her!" Minho yells to Rosé in the other room.

"I wanted to spend time with you since you're leaving." I cross my arms and stand up and get pulled back down on Minho. I screech and get put in a headlock. It's not that tight to strangle me, but tight enough that it hurts. I kick knowing it won't do anything.

"Who's harassing the married woman?" Lisa runs into the room, Jennie and Rosé following. "Minho!" They yell in sync and Jisoo covers her ears.

"Big surprise." He chuckles and lets go of me. I crawl behind Jisoo as Jennie takes a pillow off the couch and hits Minho with it. It falls on the chess game and Jisoo gasps.

"I was gonna win!" She takes the pillow and throws it behind her. I look behind to see it hit Rosé.

"I just did my hair though!" She throws the pillow back at Jisoo. Lisa takes a pillow and throws it at Jisoo. We start laughing and start another pillow war.

Time skip because "that's my sausage, why you touch my sausage!!"

"I'll miss you, Jagi. Text me every morning and night and tell me about your day." Minho kisses Jisung's forehead and Jisung hugs him. Jisung starts sobbing as Minho tries to comfort him. I smile to myself at their cuteness.

Lisa says her goodbyes to everyone else before I have to drive her and Minho back. Jennie already left about an hour ago for the airport.

I go over to Felix and Rosé who's going to leave for the airport pretty soon in an uber. I try best not to cry, because I'm not a big fan of separation. "Take care of each other while your in Australia, okay?" I give them a weary smile and hug them both.

"Of course N/n." Rosé tells me and Felix agrees.

"Don't worry too much please N/n. We'll be fine. Take care of yourself too?" Felix asks and I nod in agreement and tears stream down my face. He rubs my back and smiles. I feel Hyunjin's arms hug me from behind and I smile as well.

Everybody pulls themselves together and we separate ways. Hyunjin's going to drive Jeongin and Jisung back now. Chan, Jisoo and Minnie are staying at my place for the time being until they figure out where they'll live. Changbin leaves for his sister's house as Felix and Rosé leave for the airport.

I start the car and start driving off to Lisa's college first, then to Minho's house. Lisa turns on the radio and As If Its Your Last starts to play. I turn it up and we sing along. I touch my key necklace and sigh.

"Hey, not so sad anymore, right?" Minho chuckles from the back seat. Lisa glares at him for bringing up the topic again and he shrugs.

"Nah, your right. Just promise to visit every now and then?" I smile and Lisa and Minho agree.

"Yes, dear princess." Minho says and I roll my eyes.

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