44: Safe and Sound With You

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"No, Y/n sit your ass down." Chan, who's sitting on the floor in front of the couch, tells me in a stern tone and I laugh even though my chest still hurts.

"Okay dad." I roll my eyes, sitting back down on the couch in my living room. He's been treating all the injured ones like children since we got out of the hospital. It's not really annoying, just amusing. This guy would make a good father one day.

Jisoo walks in with her purse and gives Chan a quick peck. I pretend to throw up at the sight. I should probably remind you there are dating. "Oh so you can do that with Hyunjin and we can't?" Bangchan scoffs jokingly, getting a laugh from everyone in the room. That pulls them all away from their conversations.

The most of the mafia is here and we're going to have dinner at Hyunjin and I's house tonight. Most as in everyone but Minho.. I got to check in on him yesterday, he's still lying there you know. Lots of bruises. He was internally bleeding but I think the doctors fixed that.

Kkami prances into the room into Jisung's lap and I snort, on accident. "Did Kkami turn into a horse when I was gone?" I ask in a hysterical tone. To my words, Kkami growls and I hold my hands up in defense.

"You didn't notice the dog was prancing and galloping before? I think it has a little problem if you ask me." Seungmin whispers the last part and Jisung chuckles. I smile to myself. Jisung's been going through so much. He's seriously depressed since what happened to Minho. I wouldn't blame him. They were so close it even hurts me to see them apart.

"Dinner's ready!" Hyunjin walks into the room with a big smile on his face with Changbin and Felix behind him. The three of them have been working hard on making dinner for about 4 hours. I can't wait to eat, I'm fucking starving.

Lisa and Jennie pick up the babies who they were playing with earlier, taking them to the dinner table. Chan and Jisoo help me up, even though I'm a little better now, but I accept their kindness to help me.

Hyunjin and I sit together with the kids on each of our sides and everyone else sits in random spots. Felix goes around putting glasses of red wine in front of everyone. I look around the table and see a bunch of different food. Spaghetti, a whole chicken, all the good stuff!

Felix takes a seat next to Changbin and Jeongin. "Lets have a toast, yeah?" Changbin asks and we all look at him. "To our crazy, but amazing Y/n being back. To us winning at the mafia game again. To not everyone completely dying and hopefully staying healthy, to a successful marriage of the Hwangs. As well as a lovely life for Arsen and Ace!" Changbin smiles. Oh yeah, I think this is a good time to tell you the names of my kids.. Arsen is the girl's and Ace is the boy's. Good choice?

"Amen bro!" I smile too and everyone gets up to clink our glasses together. Jisung holds two, one to represent Minho.

As everyone sits down again, I get lost in the sight of the candle flame at the middle of the table. This may sound stupid and cheesy as fuck but, I can relate to a flame. Lonely and there. Waiting for someone to put it out of it's simple misery. Burning everything in it's path and messing things up. Harsh but has warmth. But there's some things that I have that a flame or fire doesn't. Positivity. Perseverance. Love.

Well of course positivity, it's a flame for gods sake.

You could say people were playing with fire, me, through my life. But I've changed. I'm better than that now. I've learned to care, to love.

Like Binnie said, we have each other and that's what matters. I guess I just have to look on the Changbin side more often. The brighter side.

Yeah, that was cheesy.

I snap out of my gaze at the flame and look at Kkami, eating his food in the corner. He seems happy, his little tail is wagging! Hyunjin loves Kkami so much, I'm happy to see him happy.

I look to my children, who I realize actually have names. I chose Arsen for the girl for quite a lot of reasons. One, arsen was a hobby of mine. Two, it was pretty, what do you expect? Hyunjin chose Ace for the boy. He said that it matches Arsen, as well as it means "the best."

I look at the mafia members, who are all getting something on their plate. Jisung and Changbin have a dumb and dumber moment about why a quokka is better than a squirrel. Lisa is trying to kiss Jisoo for whatever reason. Chan, Jeongin and Felix are talking about some video game, the maknaes are making fun of Chan for not knowing something about it. Rosé and Hyunjin are trying to feed to babies, Arsen is the hardest to get to eat.

Jennie and Seungmin are talking about Ryan Reynolds. Apparently Jennie met him back in Hollywood on her movie set, which is hella awesome. Chan is probably his biggest fan. Though, if he gets anywhere near Ryan, Chan would get beat up by tons of security. I chuckle to myself at the thought, but he could probably fight then all off..


I'm lucky to be around these amazing people. Even if we are a little bit crazy. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us. More adventures I hope. Only the goods ones.

Jade: and that's the end for now! Thank you everyone who waited for every update, and everyone reading it even after it's been completed. It means a lot to me. I hope you've enjoyed the book, stays! Stay tuned for book 2, coming in a few months, and maybe some extra chapters.
Thank you to straykidsforlife25 for helping choose the kids names (and any everyone else who helped) <3

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