37: Damn, again?

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Hyunjin POV:
(A/n: I'm wheezing at the part it's so bad but part of me doesn't want to delete it 🥲 the draft was even worse-)

I try to keep myself steady and not faint as N/n gives birth to our children. She screams in agony as I hear crying of a baby.

I have 2 babies to take care of for 18 years now. Great?

3 days later

I bring the babies in their car seats to their new room. I painted the walls to look like a meadow. It took me 2 months so I hope they like it!

I put- holy shit. We didn't name the babies. I frown. I put thing one in her cradle, making sure she's comfy then put thing two in his cradle. I take one last look at them and smile, knowing I have a new family, that will hopefully love each other. I then go to check on N/n.

She struggles to sit on the couch, so I help her. She smiles, though it looks weak and exhausted. "Take it easy, okay Jagi?" I tell her and she shakes her head.

"Promise?" I urge her because she's so stubborn. She sighs.

"Fine. Just stop nagging me." She did and I nod, happily. I lean in a give her a kiss.

"I'll make you something to eat." I tell her and head into the kitchen.

Time skip bcs "Wakey wakey, come on it's time to wake up, dont want to be late today. Good morning sunshine"

I groan, not being able to get comfortable. It's an unbearable pain down there and I have a bad feeling in my stomach. Maybe I should just get some milk? Or check on the babies? I'll do both.

Hyunjin is sound asleep, he needs his rest so I shouldn't wake him up. I glance over at him who looks peaceful. I smile to myself and take a deep breath, pushing myself up.

Somehow I make it and slowly walk to the kitchen, using stuff around the house to support me. It feels embarrassing, but no one's around so it's fine.

I get to the kitchen and take a glass from the cupboard and open the fridge, when I hear my car alarm go off. Damn, this better not be another monkey attack. I roll my eyes and put the glass of milk down to turn the car alarm off. But if it's not a monkey, I should probably bring a gun. It's good to be careful because of our previous line of work. I open a drawer that we keep a "just in case: gun" in and take it out. I also put my phone in my pocket from the coffee table from where I last left it.

I slowly walk to the front door and smell the dull scent of smoke. I open the front door to see my car on fire. Damn, I liked that one. I frown. Wait who-

God damn. This better be some teenagers playing a prank or some shit. It better not be those mafia people or whatever, I forgot their name. It's been years, so it slipped my mind.

I hear one of the babies cry so I inhale sharply, or of annoyance. I can take care of the car later, the babies are more important. I unlock my phone and call Minho, just in case my suspicion is correct. At my wedding, I remember him telling me to come to him whenever something is up. It rings for a bit as I make my way to the babies' room. I open the door and stop in my tracks as I see 3 dark figures. One by the window and the others at each of my babies' crib.

"What do you want?" I ask, turning down my phone's volume and putting it in my back pocket. One of the people hums for a second.

"We want you. Come with us and the kids won't get hurt." One says. I tilt my head a bit, recognizing the voice from somewhere.

"Sounds like a loosing game. You'll obviously do it either way." I tell them and once scoffs.

"Smart girl aren't you? You have five seconds to choose before I bring your husband into this." One says. I look behind me for a second.

"Oh and I'll take that gun." Another one says taking it from my hand. I could make a shot, but probably get shot as well. They wouldn't come unarmed.

Rewind 5 minutes ago
Minho POV:

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. It's N/n. Is it the babies? I frown and answer.

"Hey, N/n, is everything good?" I start, hearing the cries of a baby. It seems to wake Jisung up, so he sits up and rubs his eyes. "Sorry Jagi for waking you-"

"What do you want?" I hear Y/n say from the other side of the phone. That's her business tone. She wouldn't talk like that to Hyunjin or any of her friends. I put my side on mute and continue to listen.

"You." I hear from a voice I don't recognise and get up, putting my phone down and changing. There's something up and I'm going to see what's going on.

"I'm going to N/n's. I'll be back in a bit hopefully. I think something bad is going on." I tell Jisung. He seems to perk up at the last sentence.

"I'm coming with." He says and I nod.

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