20: Up In Flames

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Listen to the song/watch the mv to get yall in the mood for this chapter hehe


Everyone instantly gets up to our stations. I turn off the patio lights. We've practiced what to do when the mansion is under attack. I take Hyunjin's hand and lead him to my station. It's near the right side of the mansion. I get my gun and one for Hyunjin too, where I keep it just in case. We didn't get a chance to inform the newer members about our procedure when this happens.

I keep my gun pointed at the window and Hyunjin behind me. I motion for him to stay quiet. I get on a call with the rest of the gang. Just to let each other know when to fire, just in case it wasn't a false alarm. Nothing happens for a while, until the side gate opens.

Wait. They look familiar... Who-

They look up to the window and it clicks in my mind. Yeonjun? A shot gets fired at me and Hyunjin pulls me back.

I talk into my phone. "It's Yeonjun, he fired. I'm firing back." I give Hyunjin my phone and fire my gun at him. He does back and I dodge, but I don't think he did. He flinches back from the impact. I don't think it killed him though. He shoots a few more times. I hear shots being fired in the distance.

I shoot again but now there's two of them. Damn. I shoot at both of them and miss. They fire again nonstop. I don't take any chances. I stay away from the window and take out a bomb from a chest that I keep nearby. The bomb isn't strong enough to knock down the mansion, but enough to break bones. I have more dealer ones but those are for different occasions.

I set the timer for 4 seconds. About enough time to travel down and explode once it reaches them. They won't get a chance to throw it anywhere. I start it and throw it out the window. I hear the smoke alarm go off and smell the faint scent of smoke. It couldn't be from the bomb. It doesn't make the alarm go off that fast, if there even is enough smoke to set it off. The shots stop coming and I assume I got them. Or they evacuated that area. But I hope it's the first guess. I hear Jeongin and Changbin from my phone.

"Get out of the house! They set it to fire!" Holy shit. I look at Hyunjin who looks at the chest. We take out everything, putting it in our clothes. Guns in our waistband and all. We run out of the room but the hallway is already on fire.

"Shit." I curse under my breath. We run back to the room. "Think you can jump 2 stories? You're gonna have to! Love you!" I smash my lips onto his and push him out the window. Oh. HE'LL BE FINE. Right?

The strong scent of smoke hits my nose and I look out the window, preparing to jump. Hyunjin's waiting for me. He's fine, thats good. I shake my head. I know I jumped off a building a few weeks ago but that's different...

"Come on N/n! Jump!" I hesitate for a moment then close my eyes and jump out the window. Wait, don't I have to see where I land? I open my eyes and Hyunjin catches me. He stumbles a bit but gets his balance. "You did it jagi-ah!" I smile and pat his chest as he lets me down.

I take his hand as we run to the driveway. The rest of the gang is there. So is some people that were probably trying to break into our house and Yeonjun. I go up to the rest of the group and pull Hyunjin behind me.

"All we want is your precious Y/n. If you don't hand her over, we will simply take her by force." Someone from Yeonjun's side tells us. I step up next to Chan. Why the hell would they want me?

"Yeonjun? Who are you guys, and what do you want?" I look at each of them, hand on one of my guns, out of sight. I can feel the heat from the growing fire on my back. Only a matter of time before it explodes.

"We're another mafia gang, you see. We go by the name of TXT. If you come with us, we'll tell you more, princess." One of them comes closer.

"No way. She's ours. And only I can call her princess," Minho takes out his gun and cocks it. (A/n: don't even thing about it, lmao I swear) In his other hand he has a basket. Probably containing the cats.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Yeonjun takes out his gun. We start to hear police sirens, in the distance. Everyone looks at each other and the other gang sprints off the property.

Chan gets us all together in a huddle, quickly. "I know this will suck, but just listen. Everyone, split up, never contact each other ever again. It's for each others safety. That's what matters the most! Now go!" Only thinking about our orders, we all nod and scram in different directions.

As I get to the front gate the mansion explodes in flames. I keep running. I get a few blocks down and slow my pace. It hits me. Oh my god. I'm broke, I have no money. I won't get to see the gang ever again, let alone Hyunjin. Oh my god! This is all my fault! If only I had gone with Mingyu, we wouldn't be on this mess.

Holy crap, where will I stay? How will I get money? I'm alone in this world now...

Gurlie this is wattpad. Things will obviously get better.

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