7: Dashi Run Run

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It's the next morning after planning our heist. It's also the last day of training before the heist. I didn't drink last night, which was a bummer. Only because I was warned I'd get a bad hangover. If I drink, I drink hard.

First quick lesson is for how to handle hostages. Second is stalling the police. Third we are going to chose the boys' names for public and for private. The boys and I are waiting for Minho and Jisung, they haven't shown up yet.

"I'm gonna go check up on them." I put my door on the handle.

"Alright!" Jeongin smiles, speaking for everyone. I walk out of the room. I look all around the house, they aren't there. I see Binnie in the living room, maybe he can help.

"Binnieee?" He sighs and tilts he head back to look at me from behind the couch. "Have you seen Minho and Jisung?" I boop his nose. Cause why not?

"Check their rooms." Oh. Forgot about that.

"Heh. Uh I totally knew that." I make my way top Minho's room first. No one. Damn it! I'm loosing my patience. I go to Jisung's next. Before I knock I stop. There's a banging sound. Wait-

"M-Minho~! Slow d-down~!" Uh heh uhm. EXCUSE ME. IMA HEAD OUT. I speed walk back to the training room when I run into Changbin.

"Seems like you seen a ghost. Or is it something you heard?" He smirks, trying to stifle a laugh. I cross my arms and pout. "Don't worry, I've been there." He says starting to walk away.

"Wait what?" I turn around.

"You and Minho." I feel my face heat up a bit. He doesn't turn around but I know he's smirking. I bet everything he is.

When I get back to the boys I explain. "Uh, so it's gonna be just us for now. Uhm they'll be here in a uh while." I fake smile. They nod in understanding. "Okay! How to handle hostages!"

Time skip because I know, you know, we know, Lee Know:

"Now! May I have a volunteer?" I giggle a bit. They all raise their hands. "Oh boy." I sigh. I close my eyes and count to 10 pointing at one of them on each number. The one I land on at 10 is the one I choose. I open my eyes on ten. Hyunjin! I motion for him to stand up. "How to put on a handcuff!"

I smile nervously. Why? Because it bring back a memory. Well something like that. If only Minho was here to take the awkwardness over. Damn him. I swear it's literally been more than an hour. I take a pair of handcuffs and a key. I put the key in my pocket though, not letting them see it.

"It's pretty easy. Just click these two ends together anddddd, perfect." I demonstrate on both his wrists. That earns sarcastic ooh's and ahh's.

"Now where's the key..?" Hyunjin chuckles nervously. You know what? I'm in the mood to tease him.

"I left it on the table, one sec." I walk back. "Heh uh, so about they key.." I slowly turn around and smile awkwardly, again.

"You did not loose it... I swear miss girl if you did, you better start running." He threatens trying to put his hand on his hip but fails.

"Or what?" I put both my hands on my hips. He stars running at me and I scream like a little child. I run out the door and through the halls. Hyunjin is still behind me. I start laughing and run into the backyard. He chaises me in circles until I give up and collapse onto the ground. He trips over my leg and falls. I lay there as he comes closer and puts the chain that connects the handcuffs around my neck.

"I know you have the key. You're not that irresponsible." He leans in closer, our faces inches away. I feel my face heat up but don't give in.

"You're right, I'm not that irresponsible." I smirk.

We stay quiet for a moment, not breaking eye contact. "Come on, where is it?" He tightens the chain around my neck, taunting me. I accidentally moan. He looks confused. "Was that.. A moan?" He smirks.

"What if it was?" I keep my composure. He looks at my lips and back to my eyes. He looks really handsome up close.

"It's probably in her pocket." I roll my eyes at the voice coming from behind. Hyunjin lets go and scoots back.

"Minho." I sigh getting up.

"Y/n." I dust my clothes off. Minho always has to wreck the fun. He's leaning against the side of the house. Felix, Jeongin, and Jisung are watching from the screen door.

"You're not one to say that I know what you've been doing the last hour and a half!" I remark. He blushes.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, let's continue training." He turns away.

"Let me remind you, I've been training them the last hour and something minutes! Not you!" I yell to him from the other side of the lawn. I take the key out my pocket and walk over to Hyunjin. I crouch down and unlock the handcuffs, while Minho continues to rant.

"Knew you had it." Hyunjin smirks. I smile and shake my head, taking the handcuffs.

"You know, Minho. I wouldn't be surprised if you guys broke the headboard." I chose the hard way. Anything to prove I'm better than him. I stand up and turn to him. They rest of the boys's eyes go to Minho as well.

"I wouldn't be surprised you would have started making out with Hyunjin right there." I turn to Hyunjin and he pretends to look somewhere else.

"I know you are well experienced of breaking headboards anyway." I roll my eyes once again and take Hyunjin's wrist leading him back inside.

"I remember the time you moaned my name." He changes the subject and I stop in my tracks.

"I- You son of a-" I swear this man is getting on my fucking nerves. I don't turn around.

"Beauty, I know."

"Ugh! Get a life!" I continue to walk inside, the boys making way for me.

"Already have one."

Another time skip cause Chan's half of 50:

The boys chose their aliases and private names. For Felix it was his normal name and Lix/Lixie for home. Jisung's was Han outside and for home his first name. Jeongin's is I.N and his actual name at home. And lastly for Hyunjin, he chose to have his actual name in public and Jinnie/Hyunjinnie at home. Hyunjin and Felix don't actually care if we use their public names here but, it's important not to.

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