26: Demon Dog

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"Hannie!" Minho sees Jisung getting out of Hyunjin's car. I pull into Hyunjinnie's driveway because I wanted Minho and Jisung to wait no longer to see each other. They're literally soulmates.

Han confusedly turns around and sees Jisung. His face instantly brightens up. "Jagi!" Jisung runs over and I park the car. Minho gets out and immediately hugs Jisung. Aw! That's so sweet!

Their hug lasts for a few minutes as I get out of the car and greet Hyunjin with a kiss. "Hey Jagi, aren't they just precious?"

"We're not deaf. And yuh, we know." Minho squishes Jisung's cheeks. The puppy barks from inside my car and Hyunjin looks at me confused.

"Oh yeah, I got a puppy. What should I name it?" I ask, walking back to my car and getting the puppy out and showing it to Hyunjin. He takes one quick look at the dog and he looks so in love. "Hyunjinnie?" I snap him out of it.

"Ay, sorry Jagi. I'll have to think about it. It's so cute though!"

Time skip bc "HOLYYY MOLEYYY:"

"I'll be back soon, girls watch Minho and the puppy. Make sure Minho doesn't burn the house down." I tell all of them. Jennie and Rosé salute me. They're watching some superhero movie.

"What? What if they burn the house down?" Minho asks defensively.

"Shut up. We both know they wouldn't." I pat his head and grab my purse, heading out the door. I'm going to Lisa's college to get her today. If anyone asks anything about me, I'll just say I'm a student or a visitor or some shit like that.

Another time skip cause Chan is Felix's fav side dish:

So I guess pretending to be a student is out of the question. They're all wear uniforms. I check in at the main office and ask about Lisa. The office lady doesn't ask any questions and gives me Lisa's dorm number. It's the weekend so she won't be in classes. Good for me because I didn't want to barge in on a class.

I get to her room and knock three times, same thing as I did for Jennie. No one answers. Maybe she's out? I wait a few seconds and knock again. What? I'm persistent. I knock again and wait a little. The door opens a little bit. I see Lisa's face and smile slightly. She gasps.

"Holy shit. Why are you here? Wait there for a minute." She tells me and when I open my mouth to object she closes the door. I tap my foot and take out my phone waiting.

4:25 pm
5 Notifications

Minho scared the living hell out of the dog
or the other way around, idk it was a blur

Update: it bit his finger LMAO

I bet Jennie already told u but there's
blood on your carpet and sofa. Sorry!

I have no regrets

That dog is a fucking demon

What the hell? I don't even wanna know. That's a problem for later. I shouldn't have left them home alone. I turn off my phone and put it back in my pocket. They're all gonna get it when I get home. The door suddenly opens slightly and Lisa squeezes out of the room into the hallway, blocking the view in the room.

"So like it's been a while." She chuckles and smiles slightly.

"Yeah. Uh let's make this quick cause I don't want there to be blood stains all over my apartment." I tell her. She gives me a deeply confused look and I nervously laugh a little. "Uh, I'll tell you later. Anyway, I'm getting married-"

"Congrats." She claps in little.

"Thank you. Here's the invitation to the wedding." I take it out of my purse and hand it to her. She takes it and opens it. "It's in a month and a half, is now a good time to bring you back? I'll need your help with something a little later." Don't wanna scare her away with the prison break thing yet. She might have given up the life of crime.

Time skip bc Chan has a big nose. And yk what else? His feet ofc:

I hear screams coming from inside the apartment. I open my apartment's door and see my house is a mess. They all stop in the middle of what they're doing. Even the puppy, aw! Minho has a torn up pillow in his hand and is on the floor next to the puppy, Rose is trying to clean the blood off the couch and Jennie looks like she's trying to stop Minho.

I walk up to the puppy and pick it up, petting it slowly. Lisa walks in and stands behind me. Everyone watches me until I start screaming at them.

"What the fuck happened here! There's fucking blood on the white carpet and couch! Minho, leave the fucking puppy alone! Thank you Rose for cleaning the blood! Thank you Jennie for whatever your doing!" I yell the whole thing. Might have been overreacting when I yelled the thank you's.

"Heh yeah." Jennie and Rose says you're welcome. Uh, in their own way.

"Oh. Okay. Uh. Ya'll can go on with what you're doing now." I give them an small awkward smile. Jennie grabs a pillow and starts hitting Minho with it. Minho tries to kick Jennie and the pillow. Rosé just sighs and continues aggressively wiping the blood of the carpet.

"I'll show you your room? You're sleeping in the same room as Jennie and Rosé, if that's okay with you." I lead Lisa to the guest room. Minho sleeps on the couch if you're wondering.

"It'll be fine. Thanks for letting me stay here, though." I look back and she smiles. I show her the room and she walks in. I leave her alone and walk down the hall to my room and put the puppy down and close the door. It starts barking, but I ignore it. I go back into the living room. I take a pillow and start hitting Minho.

"Hey! This isn't fair!" Minho yells.

"Life isn't fair! That's why we're wanted criminals!" I yell back and smash the pillow onto his face. Jennie stops hitting him and breaks down laughing.

I wrote this on lack of sleep so sorry if some of it doesn't make sense lol
Thank you for making it this far into the book! I'm celebrating 1.2k reads this chapter so thank you all for that!

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