31: Cleaning

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"Wake up, bitches! We got the property for the wedding! But the city never cleaned up the property so we'll have to clean it." I bang the bottoms of pans together then put it in the sink. I used it to make breakfast so they wake up and get ready.

"Can you shut up? It's your wedding, not ours." Minho complains from the couch. He got up an hour ago and is already ready for the day, but lazy as ever.

I eat the piece of toast that I put on his plate.
"Yeah, but I know you love me so it'd nice if you helped. The sooner we can go to the bowling alley." I tell him. He frowns and gets up, sitting on the island stool. I smile and pat his head then walk to the sink.

Time skip bcs "YEET:"

I put gloves on and move a large piece of wood that used to be our kitchen wall. I put it near the end of the property line. Our whole mafia is pitching in to help clean up the place. When we're done moving the debris from the mansion, Binnie is going to load it into his truck and take it somewhere. Then Chan is going to mow the yard and Seungmin and Felix are going to fix the pool. It looks really gross so I didn't bother to volunteer myself for that. The rest of us will pull the overgrown weeds afterwards.

"Wait! We need music." Felix brings out a huge speaker and turns a song on.

Cue that music from the top of the chapter again lol

"Ah shit Felix, this song?" Minho groans and Felix nods intensely and starts dancing the choreo for the song. I laugh run over, dancing with him. Hyunjin, Lisa, Jeongin and Jisung join.

"Oh come on! We're supposed to be cleaning!" Minho frowns and takes a wooden board.

"Shut up!" We yell at him. I laugh and stop dancing when my waist gets pulled. I look behind me and see Hyunjin.

"I know love is such a funny thing." He shakes his head and rolls his eyes. I chuckle.

"A mystery allure." I turn around and cup his cheeks. "Gotta get to know you more." I wink.

"I can feel a real connection." He smirks and I chuckle again.

"A supernatural attraction." I put our foreheads together, on my tip toes.

"I got the feels for you, yeah." I give him a light kiss on his lips.

Time skip because "Hey seungmin, your lying!"

"Holy shit." Hyunjin, Minho and Jennie helps me carry a large crate that we found in the basement to the grass area.

We got all the other stuff above the basement out and Binnie is dropping it off at off it at some place right now. I have no idea how this crate didn't burn. It's hella heavy.

We finally get it on the grass and drop it. We stare at it for a second.

"So do we open it or..?" Jennie asks. I tilt my head and look on the sides on it. Its made out of wood so how come it didn't burn? I guess the firefighters might have put out the fire before it could get burned..

"Wanna tell us what's going on in your mind?" Hyunjin asks and Minho stops him.

"No. It's best not to know what goes on in there." I give him a look. "But you know, this could be a time to know." He shrugs.

"Well. Let's open it. See what's inside." I suggest. "Yo Chan!" I call for him.

"Wait I have a crowbar." Minho says, walking to the car. I exchange a confused look with Hyunjin and Jennie and we follow him.

"In my car? How did you get it? When did you-"

"Must you ask so many questions? Just open the car." I roll my eyes and open the locked car.

We get the crowbar and Chan is trying to open the crate. "What do you guys think is in there?" I ask. Why am I so intrigued?

"I'm not sure. But when we got the place before you joined, there was some stuff in the basement but we put a dry wall to cover it up." Chan tells me. How come I never knew about that?

We hear a creek and I look in. It's dark. Chan pops it open and we all look in together.

"Huh?" Chan removes the old news papers off the top. My eyes widen.

"What the actual fuck." I say looking at what it contains. Photos of me and my parents. I pick them up and look at the back of the photos. It's the dates from each photo. As I pick up more, I find some of Minnie, then Rosé, then Jennie and every other member except Hyunjin, Felix, Jisung and Jeongin.

"Guys! You might want to take a look at this." We call them over. When we get to the bottom of the stack, theres a note. I open it.

L/n Y/n and the rest of your mafia,

I'm sure you're the one to open this. You've always been a quite adventurous girl. But that is besides the point. You may be wondering why theres photos of every member when the house was bought's young photos are in the crate. Simple, we've been stalking you. Learning all your personalities from afar and habits. You also may be wondering who I am. Or in this case, who we are. You'll find out in a few years. As for our intentions, I'll let your mind wander on that.

And do remember, someone doesn't stalk for no reason.

Someone doesn't stalk for no reason. But what's the reason? To be educated enemy? I hold the paper out for Chan, he takes it and reads it. When he's done he passes it to Jisoo and so on.

Time skip bcs Minho's sexy dance to Jeongin:

Hey Y/n
Dont overthink the box, i dont want you
to stress about it before your wedding
I'll look into it soon, till then please
dont worry

I cant just not think about it but worrying
isnt a problem for me
And thanks Chan, good night

Yw N/n, gn

I sigh and turn my phone off because I already told Hyunjin good night. I put my phone on my nightstand and roll onto my left side. It's most comfortable for me. I take my deep breath.

Nothings wrong.. It'll all be okay. Y/n, it'll all be okay.

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