15: Shop Till Ya Drop Or, You Can Get Kidnapped

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"Ay! N/n!" Jimin calls coming out from a jeweler store, waving at me. I wave back and walk over to him. I said this would be an all maknae day, and I didn't lie. I brought Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, Minnie, Jeongin, and Lisa.

As soon as I get in the store I see Tae and Kook. I walk over to Tae. "Hey." I put my chin on his shoulder and he looks at me.

"Hi, N/n!" He turns around and gives me a hug. I groan a bit to the touch on my arm and he instantly lets go. "Are you okay? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry I forgot!" He panics. I shush him because the store is extremely quiet.

"It's fine. I'm tough." I say and he chuckles.

"No she's not." Minnie whispers from behind me. I roll my eyes.

Time skip because "We were on the bus to busan. And guess what? We see snaur!"

I'm hungry.

What? We've been shopping for 4 hours and I didn't have anything for breakfast. I pull Tae's sleeve and he looks at me and smiles.

"When did you start acting so childish?" He chuckles. I frown.

"Am not! But whatever, let's get lunch. I'm hungry." I cross my arms with the bags in my hands. I bought a lot. Quite a few purses and handbags. Some cute dresses and blouses. I bought some shorts and jeans. My favorite things I bought so far is a half black half white pair of shorts and a large yellow sweater. Technically I didn't like the sweater at first but Hyunjin and Felix suggested I buy it, because it was "cute."

"Okay, okay." He pats my shoulder. He turns around to tell everyone else. They are all behind us. "How does lunch sound? N/n's hungry." I hit his shoulder. "What?" He looks at me.

"Don't blame it on me!"

"I didn't blame anything on you." He chuckles. I sigh.

"How do you deal with her?" Minnie asks. What the hell? It just came to my mind that my relationships are always best as friends. That's disappointing.

"Easy, just play along with whatever she's doing, match her energy and vibe and the rest is just being normal." Tae answers as if it's the most easiest question on earth. Everyone gives Ohh's.

We enter the food court. "We'll get seats. Y'all go order. Get me anything, just not anything containing eggplant." Hyunjin says and brings Felix and Jisung with him.

"Let's just get pizza." Jeongin suggests. I shrug and look at the others. They shrug too.

"Pizza it is! Dibs on not paying!" Kook runs off with Jimin to the pizza vendor.

The rest of us choose to split the cost. We bought 3 pizzas because of course we will eat a lot. We got 1 pep, 1 Hawaiian and 1 meat. We bring them back to the table which is near a window. I sit next to Tae and Hyunjin. We all dig into the pizzas. I get a pepperoni because I don't like the meat they put on pizza and pineapple does not belong on pizza. Never ever.

"Yall. Big question." Lisa starts. "Does pineapple belong on pizza?" Everyone starts talking over each other, giving their opinions.

"Shut up!" Lisa yells at everyone and they become quiet. "One at a time! In a circle! Me first! YES. Pineapple belongs on pizza." Jisung goes next and on and on.

Tae's phone rings and he excuses himself for a minute.

"Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza!" Seungmin sticks his tongue out at Lisa. She does it back. Tae walks over to the table.

"Sorry guys, we gotta go. Another time maybe!" Tae gets his bags. The rest of the boys do too. They say their goodbyes.

"Bye N/n! See you again!" Tae hugs me from behind but it comes out uncomfortable because I'm sitting on a chair, he's trying to avoid my bullet shot and his bags are in the way. We end up laughing.

"Bye Tae!" I wave him off. We clean up all our stuff and get our bags and go shopping again. By now, it's about 5pm.

"I wanna go to Celine!" Hyunjin skips down the mall.

"You do that...We wanna go to a anime shop." Felix speaks for everyone. Hyunjin pouts. This guy is so dramatic, I swear. I smile to myself.

"Ew, imagine wanting to buy anime stuff." He rolls his eyes and puts his hand off his hip. "I'll go by myself then." He turns on his heels and catwalks away.

"I'll go with you. Chill." I jog up to him.

"They're all ugly." He says. "Because they won't go with me to Celine." What the fuck. Okay, whatever.

"What about me? I'm going with you." I say extremely dramatic. Hyunjin looks at me seriously.

"You're too nice, I literally love you. Marry me." He jokes, causing us to laugh.

"Okay." I joke back.

Time skip cause "tiny hand:"

"Please! I went to Celine with you! You owe me!" I pull his sleeve. I want to go to a candle shop that is across from Celine, where we are just about leaving.

"Fine, but I'll wait outside. I'm allergic to overpowering scents." He allows me. I smile and hug him.

"Thank you!" I chuckle at my odd behavior and go into the candle shop.

Another tine skip bc Chan likes peaches:

I bought 5 candles. One for each girl in the mafia. I got vanilla for myself, pomegranate for Rosé, someone thing called 'spring bliss' for Lisa, cinnamon for Jisoo and sea breeze for Jennie. If they don't like it, that's not my problem. It's a gift anyways.

I walk outside the shop and see two guys in black next to Hyunjin. One hits him on the head with a gun and he passes out. Before my mind can register they start dragging him away, running. It clicks in my mind and I drop all my bags, taking out my phone to call for backup.

"Lisa! Come to the east end of the mall! Hyunjin's getting kidnapped!" I say into the phone and sprint after them. When I get outside they drive off in a black vehicle with tinted windows. Damn it, I won't be able to run after that.

Lisa and the others come running out. "Too late. They drove off." I rub my forehead, getting a headache.

"Damn it." Lisa curses. "Dibs on not telling Chan."

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