18: More Than Friendly Taunting

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⚠️Warning: so this whole chapter is basically smut (also sorry it took so long to edit, I literally gave up after two days of unpublishing it and kept telling myself and yall that I would publish it and I like never did until now 😭 also sorry if this wasn't worth the wait)
Credit to my friend that structured this in the first draft 🙏 sorry to her that I changed it so much. Also I can't take smut seriously, I was laughing 75% of the time writing this, so good luck you guys 🌚


Since Hyunjin came back, we've only talked about the incident once. It was too assess his injuries. They were minor, thankfully. The bruises are healing, it's been two weeks.

I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. He's safe and with the rest of the mafia now.

As of now, I'm laying stomach down on Hyunjin hugging him on the couch. We've been staying like this for maybe an hour? I really have no idea. What can I say, he's pretty comfortable to lay on.

"You smell like strawberries." I smile at him as he strokes my hair.

"You smell like cheap shampoo. " He lightly chuckles with a smile. "Don't worry, the good smelling kind."

"Don't laugh, it's not comfy." I tell him, ignoring his statement.

"Okay, my queen." Hyunjin jokes. I wonder what time it is. We've been here for a while. I try to get my phone from the coffee table but I can't reach it.

I don't wanna leave Hyunjin's for even a few seconds to get up, I'm already comfortable. I squirm to get closer to my phone. Why'd I have to put it so far? I reach for it again, extending my arm. I struggle again. Girl, I fucking swear.

My attention shifts to the feeling of something sort of hard against my thigh.

Wait a damn minute..

Hold up. I steal a quick glance at Hyunjin. He's biting his lip. Oh, I get it. I try my best not to laugh at this situation. Time to tease him again, no? I squirm more, pretending to get my phone. He sharply inhales and holds his breath, now pursing his lips together. Not the best reaction, but enough to make me content.

"Yeah, I'm out." I try to get up. He pulls me by the arm back over him. My hands land near each side of his head as I now sit on the lower part of his torso. He smirks and I roll my eyes, instantly giving in.

I lean down to kiss him. It's a light kiss, but in short time becomes more passionate. I slowly move my hips back on forth on his growing erection. His tongue swipes across my top lip before he slides his tongue into my mouth. It tangles with mine as I take a quick gasp for air. Seems Hyunjin's impatient, and in a few seconds, he pulls himself away.

"I've been waiting to do this forever, N/n. May I?" He lightly tugs the end of my shirt. I shake my head, looking around the room.

"Not here. Let's go to my room." I say getting up. I take his hand and lead him upstairs. I open the door and push him onto the bed. "Wait here for just a minute." I kiss his cheek and make a quick visit to Minho's room, to get a little something that I know he has and I, well more like Hyunjin, needs.

"Yo Minho!" I knock on his door repeatedly to slightly annoy him.

"What?" Meows are heard from his room once I stop knocking. I swear, cats are his unhealthy obsession.

"I need to borrow something!"

"Come in, what is it." I open the door and Minho is sitting on the floor with his cats. The lights are off and the only thing for lights are candles that have red lights, close together in the shape of pentacle. Uhm I'll ignore that.

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