40: NK

620 19 6

Hyunjin POV:

"But what would they need from her?" I ask and it's quiet for a minute.

"You guys promise to never tell her this, okay? She might find out herself but if not, don't mention it to her. Y/n's parents were in a mafia too. It would most likely have something to do with that." Bangchan tells us and my jaw drops.

"That explains so much.." Seungmin says quietly and others start laughing. I just smile a little bit.

"It's common for mafias to steal from each other, so maybe that's what Y/n's parents did. They could have stolen something of value from TXT." Jisoo adds and we all nod.

"We just have to find out what and where they put it, right?" Jeongin asks and Chan smiles, obviously proud of Innie.

"That's correct, Jeongin. We have to be a step or a few ahead of TXT. We have to know their possible moves and since they have Y/n at a rather.. vulnerable time, we might have a small time limit on our planning. Changbin, could you look at their phone records and general records ones please?" Chan asks and Changbin nods. He brought his computer as he already assumed what would happen.


I cough and open my eyes, shit that hurt my stomach so badly. It literally feels so hollow like my sides are bruised. Wait, are they? I try to look but am restrained once again. The last time I was awake flashed through my mind and my senses come to me. I'm being transported. I'm in a the back of a moving van. I'm going away from home.

"Wow, it only took you 26 hours to let the chloroform with some strong shit that guy next to me made, wear off! That's amazing dude." One guy with crooked fairy wings says. He's in all black but the only color on him is the bright pink fairy wings. I'm not even going to question it anymore.. I just nod my head slightly in acknowledgement.

I close my eyes and a random memory comes into my mind.


"Y/n? Y/n! Are you okay?" Hyunjin snaps me back to reality. I shake my head as I fight tears. He embraces me into a soft hug. "It's best to deal with your feelings, cry." He says softly. I let the tears flow down my cheeks as Hyunjin wipes them away every few moments. He hums a sweet little tune to calm me down a bit. Seems like it's been a while, then I fall asleep in his arms.

Present time:

Damn, I wish I had that again. Who knows where these people are taking me? But I guess I gotta have faith in Hyunjin that he called Chan. If things are in Chan, Jisoo or Minho's hands, everything will be okay and I'll probably get home soon. Hopefully..

"Hey Beomgyu~" Another guy says in a singsong voice and I open my eyes to see him, what I think is, poke the guy sitting next to him. The guy named Beomgyu is the guy next to me, actually. I suddenly notice that there's two more in the vehicle than there were back at the warehouse. Yeonjun and another guy in the front, which I hear he addresses him as Soobin.

"Oh, Y/n you're awake?" Yeonjun notices my eyes open and asks from the front seat and I roll my eyes.

"She has been, Hyung." The fairy wings guy tells him cheerfully and he nods.

"Okay well, we are going to a place in another country where one of our allies found the items we wanted. Your parents gave it to the wrong people Y/n." Yeonjun says the last sentence in a voice that sends a bit of a chill down my spine.

It stays quiet for a bit until the guy sitting to my right, that hasn't said anything quite yet speaks up. "Who wants to play uno..?" He asks shyly, appearing to have an Aussie accent. I just continue looking at the floor of the van. You know, I kind of would like to play uno. But I can't use hands nor tell him to pick up 8 or whatever due to the fucking gag in my mouth.

"Yes, sure! Y/n do you want to join us?" Fairy wings asks and I shrug.

Time skip cause "it's about wifi"

My stomach turns more and more as time passes by on this bumpy road. The uno game that I didn't participate in was over quite a while ago, now we just sit in silence. Well not complete silence, the radio is on low.

I try to focus on not throwing up, especially with the gag in my mouth. That would be disgusting.. My stomach still hurts like shit but I've been trying to dismiss the pain.

Oh my god I cannot take this anymore. I tap my foot and that gets everyone in the back's attention. Aussie accent boy unties the gag and I turn away from him and let it all out. On the guy named Beomgyu that is..

He groans in disgust. "I'm sorry.." I whisper, my voice hoarse from no water nor talking for more than a day. He sighs, visibly annoyed.

"I think we should stop at a gas station-" Smart guy says.

"You think?" Beomgyu says frantically, on the verge of tears. I want to laugh but I'd probably get beat up again.

We pull into a gas station as Beomgyu scurries to the bathroom. Fairy wings guy and Aussie accent guy untie me and tell me just to use the bathroom and they'll get snacks, not to talk to anybody and whatnot. I agree, when walking into the convince store I notice a sign saying "last store before the NK border!"

From my peripheral vision I see a familiar face. Oh wait! It's Bomin! I want to say hi and want him to help me get out of here, but I'd be risking a lot.

Bomin POV

Holy shit Hyunjin will get a kick out of this. I saw a girl that looks like Y/n!

Yo bro 😂
I just saw a 2.0 version of Y/n lmao

Hyunjin POV:
5 minutes ago:

Chan gives us the signal and we raid the warehouse. "Clear." We all say, seconds apart. "Did we get the number wrong?" Jennie asks.

"I'm certain this was the one, though.." Changbin says softly and I continue to look around for any sign of Y/n here. I look around and into the office where Jisung and Lisa are.

I see an outline of small paper and as I get a closer look at it I know exactly what it is. One of our babies' birth tags. (A/n: or whatever you call it- idk but those things on a baby's wrist yk?) I pick it up and bit my lip, trying not to let my eyes get watery. Jisung gives me a sudden soft hug from behind as others come into the office.

"Hyunjin, we are one step closer to finding her. This is a good sign. If it weren't for them putting this here we would have never known they were here. Even if that means we are one step behind, we will make it." Lisa reassures me and Felix joins the hug.

"You're right." I tell Lisa and we exchange a smile. "Thank you."

My phone dings and I take it out, hoping it's good news of any sort. Like Moonbyul reporting back to me about the babies or Sahna about Kkami. "You guys! Look!" I smile even wider at the message from Bomin. I try to sound normal in the texts to not drive any suspicion.

Thats cool lol

Gas station before the north korea border
I'm visiting family :)

Oh thats nice!!
Have fun!

A new feeling of hope blossoms inside of me and I pull Jisung closer and kiss his cheek out of excitement.

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