17: Killing Yugyeom

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The drive to the capital is longer than I thought. It's a 3 hour drive. Minho has us all in a huge van. Some of us are acting as couples to make it look more believable to security. I'm wearing a dress. Its uncomfortable. I never wear dresses. It's a simple one, it's a red off the shoulder and longer in the back.

 It's a simple one, it's a red off the shoulder and longer in the back

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I got complements from most the people in the group. I hope I don't mess this up. This is one of the most important missions we've ever been on.

Felix notices I'm on edge. He takes my hand and interwinds it with his. "Hey, it'll be okay." I give him a slight smile. I don't think it will but I guess the small gesture helps.

Jennie, Jeongin and Felix go in first. They are going to distract the security that leads to the staircase. We have the ear pieces in again so we'll know our ques.

"Pair 1, ready." We hear Jennie. Minho and I look at each other for the go. We get out at the same time and try to act like a couple. We link our arms in a couple type way and walk in. Pair 2 put our names on the guest list. We smile at the security and make our way in. We take a wine glass and smile at people. We dump the wine into a flower pot and put the empty glass on another tray and make our way up the stairs, when no one sees, along with Team 2.

Minho and I hide in an empty room, waiting for our que. I make sure I have my knifes. They're strapped to my thigh, under my dress. The back of my dress can be torn off and turned into a bag, which is where I'm going to put the head. As weird as it is, Jackson asked for proof. As for how it becomes a bag, Rosé stitched it somehow.

"Pair 1, ready." Lisa says from the ear piece. Minho and I get out of the room and walk down the hall. I hesitate for a moment before opening the door. We just need Hyunjin back.

Warning, gore. I'll lyk when you can read again:

I take my throwing knife from my thigh, under my dress and burst open the door. I look around the room quickly and see Yu-gyeom and a security guard. I go for the security guard first, throwing the knife. It hits his chest. He falls backwards and blood pools around him. He didn't get a chance to call backup so we're good for now.

I run up to him and take the knife out of his chest. Running in heels is something else.

"Please don't hurt me! Securit-" He starts but I cut him off, throwing the knife to his stomach. He holds it, trying to get it out, while blood comes from his mouth. I take the knife out and stab his heart.

"Sorry dude. I gotta do what I gotta do." I shrug as he falls backwards. I put on gloves and put that knife back on my thigh, and take our another one. I pull the back part of my dress off and kneel down. I cut his head off and more blood comes from his neck. I put it in the bag and close it tight.

You can read againnn:

I hurry out the door and Minho follows close behind. "On our way to the courtyard." I say into the ear piece.

"Hey! Who are you! You can't be here!" I turn my head and see a security guard. Shit. "Meet you there, Lee Know." I tell him and he nods. We run down separate hallways and the security guard follows me. I run up another set of stairs until I'm met with an attic type room. The guard lags going up the stairs and that's the only way out. I could always just kill him, but what's the fun in that?

I see an open window and climb out of it. We're about 3 stories high, so falling from this height would give me serious injures or possibly lead to death. I hold on tight to the ledge with the bag in one hand and try not to look down. Did I mention I was afraid of heights? Oh well, I mean I guess facing your fears are good. I try shuffling to the other side of the capital house where the courtyard is. My foot slides off the side where it gets to almost no ledge. Holy shit.

"Y/n, where are you?" Jisoo asks from the ear piece. I take a deep breath.

"Currently on the side of the building." My voice trembles with fear. I get to the courtyard and see them. I crouch down and hold onto the ledge where my feet was and hold on with all my might.

"Side of the building?!" Chan asks, with disbelief. He didn't expect that? "Aren't you afraid of heights?"

"Yes, and now if I can get down in peace!" I whisper-yell. I take another deep breath and look down, seeing how far I have to go. Oh god. It looks so far down, but it might just be my anxiety. I think I'm on the 2nd floor.

"Y/n hold on a min-"

"What else would I do?!?" I almost yell. I just wanna get Hyunjin back! God damnit! The things I do for this guy. He better be lucky.

"Ok, okay. I'll catch you, just jump. I'm below you, on the ground." Minho tells me.

"Are you crazy?" I readjust my grip, my hands and arms getting tired.

"Yes, now jump. Trust me. I'll catch you." He reassures. I take a deep breath and let go, jumping down. I cover my mouth with my free hand, the other holding onto the bag tightly, to make sure I don't scream in fear. I close my eyes. I land abruptly in Minho's arms and open one eye.

"I told you I'd catch you." He smiles and kisses my forehead. The fuck?

"Bold move, but thank you." I smile and we run to where Chan and Jisoo is. I give Chan the bag and Minho and I step behind them. He holds my hand, making sure I'm okay. Jackson comes out of a door with some security guards. He stands a few meters away from Chan and Jisoo. I don't see Hyunjin.

"You have the proof?" Jackson asks. Chan nods.

"Right here." He opens the bag. Jackson looks disgusted, yet satisfied.

"Where's our guy?" Jisoo asks. Jackson steps to the side to reveal a bruised Hyunjin behind him. God damnit. What did they do to him? Obvious question but why and-

Minho squeezes my hand noticing my breathing pick up. I look at him at he gives me a soft smile. I look back at Hyunjin who's looking at the ground, his clothes are messed up.

"You can keep the head. Here's your guy." A security guard shoves Hyunjin forward and Chan takes him behind his back. I want to run up to Hyunjin and hug him. But I can't with the, uh what should I call them? Enemy? Perfect. I can't hug him with the enemy here because they'll know he's one of my weaknesses. Jackson snaps his fingers and leads his men back inside. I let go of Minho's hand and run up to Hyunjin, for the long awaited hug.

I hug him abruptly and he flinches. I adjust my grip around him and hug him lightly. Not what I wanted, but it will do for now. He hugs back.

"Hyunjinnie! I'm so sorry I let them kidnap you! I shouldn't have left you alone! It was my fault I'm sorry!" I whisper to him, putting my head on his shoulder. He pats my back.

"Shush. It's okay, it wasn't your fault. You didn't know." We stay hugging for a while. I feel a tap on my shoulder and let go of Hyunjin.

"We gotta get back." Chan tells us. I nod and take Hyunjin's hand. We walk to the car in silence. I take short glances at Hyunjin, making sure he's doing alright. He coughs every now and then on the ride home.

At least we have him back. What matters is we're safe.

For now.

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