21: Call It Fate, Call it Destiny, Call it Wattpad

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2 2/3 years later:


"And that night, I robbed a bank. I had half of what was in the chest with me, so that was my best option for money. I got an apartment later on, and been living like a normal person since then. Uh, a normal person that owns bombs and 6 guns." I explain to Binnie. I saw him at a park earlier today. We literally said 'screw forgetting each other.' I can't stay away from any members in the gang for a while and not go crazy. I made a couple friends in the time without them, though.

"I went back to my sister. But wow." Binnie chuckles. We're in a cafe now, just talking about what we missed about each other's lives.

"Have you seen anyone else from the group?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"If I did, I would have got them back." We chuckle.

"That's true. There's somewhere I was planning on going. Wanna come with?" I ask and he nods. I'm planning on going back to the candle shop. Yep, the same one that Hyunjin got kidnapped by. And why would I want to go there? It's simple, I miss him. That place reminds me of him. Not in the best way imaginable, but it still reminds me of him.

My life is unbearable without him. It feels like half of me is gone. I lost someone I..love? Don't know if that's the right word. Anyways, he's still somewhere in the world. Unless he died. But that's not a positive thought. I could see him one day maybe...

Do I like him as a crush? Yes. Am I in love with him? Possibly. Only because I've had lots of time to think it through. I think I took him for granted when I had him. I know I shouldn't have but it was the tiniest bit fun. Okay, maybe a little more.

Time skip because "Stray Kids world domination:"

We walk into the candle shop and instantly Binnie knew. "Why here? Doesn't it bring back bad memories?" He picks up a candle and smells it. Ooh, lavender scent.

I shake my head and look around. There's not many people in the shop, just a couple employees. "Despite that, it reminds me of him in general. You know, happy thoughts." He hums in acknowledgment. 'Happy thoughts' was never something I thought I would say. But here I am, I guess.

We look around for a while and I buy a strawberry scented candle. Hyunjin always smelled like strawberry. It makes me feel comfortable, no matter where I am. I pay with my credit card when I hear a familiar voice behind me, that I've been longing to hear. Hyunjin.

"Strawberries. I wonder what that reminds you of." He says sarcastically. I turn around and run to him and embrace him in a huge hug. He instantly hugs back.

"God damn. I've missed you, you bitch! Why the fuck are you here! Out of all places in the god damn world!" I say almost crying. I'm just so happy okay? The curse words are apart of my happiness. He picks me up and spins me around. I start crying and laughing at the same time. He kisses me and of course I kiss back. He puts me down and puts his arms around my waist. I put my arms around his neck. We stop kissing and look each other in the eyes.

"I've missed you too, N/n." He kisses my forehead. "Will you give me the honor of being your boyfriend? And can I call you Jagi?" He looks me in the eyes. I smile.

"Duh! Now shut up." I start kissing him again. I'll save the rest for later.

Time skip bc "your behavior is so ugh:"

"I sold the bombs and some guns to make money. Surprising how much people will pay just for a simple handgun." Hyunjin tells us about what he's been up to. Sounds like quite the mafia man now. I taught him well.

"Shit, I should have thought of that." I mumble. I mean robbing a bank is another way and not such a waste of time. And at least I still have guns and bombs!

"At least we found each other." Hyunjin smiles pulling me onto his lap. Me, Hyunjin and Binnie sit on the floor of my living room in my apartment.

"Has those 'TXT' mafia people been out for you still?" Binnie asks. I shake my head. It's rather strange, because they haven't.

"No, I wonder what they're up to or planning." I answer. Maybe we scared them away. But they're a mafia, I'm sure they wouldn't give up with just that.

"Best to be prepared if they come for you." Binnie tells me and I nod. Like I said, I still have guns and bombs. Hopefully it will do enough to protect me or whoever I'm with when they attack.

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