24: Girlfriends and Homies

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Tomorrow I'm going to America to get Jennie. But this morning Hyunjinnie is going to meet my friends and this afternoon I'll meet his friends.

I drive us to a cafe, where he'll meet my friends. I hope they get along. "Jagiah, I'm getting hungry!" Hyunjin pouts, crossing his arms.

"You better not act like that in front of them." I sigh and turn into the cafe parking lot. He looks around the window, still pouting. I smile to myself. He's such a big baby. It's cute.

I walk in with him and find my friends. "Y/n! Over here!" Hwasa waves to me. I smile and take Hyunjin's hand. I sit in the middle of Hyunjin and Solar.

"Quite the handsome fellow you have there." She giggles. I lightly hit her shoulder.

"Hyunjin, meet Solar, Wheein, Moonbyul and Hwasa. Most of which are nicknames. Girls this is Hyunjin, my fiancé." I chuckle at the last part. It's weird to call him that. They all smile and say greet each other.

"Let's order something, yeah?" They all agree and we get in line. I stand with Hyunjin.

"Jagi, what do you wanna get?" I ask him looking at the menu. A Frappuccino sounds good.

He looks focused on the menu. "I'll get an Americano. Hehe Americano, Joha."

Time skip cause our 5 start Michelin burnt pancakes:

"Ah! Thank you! I'll be there!" Wheein puts the wedding invitation in her purse.

"I might have to cancel something that day, but I'll be there for sure!" Solar smiles brightly.

"Wouldn't miss it!" Moonbyul says and Hwasa agrees.

"Thanks! I love ya'll too much!" I hug each of them as we all say our goodbyes and go separate ways. Hyunjin and I walk to a basketball court, where Hyunjin usually hangs out with his so called 'homies.' We decided to meet there. It's not ideal but whatever. They might play a short game of basketball. It's the heat of the day so I'll probably just watch.

"No! That was out of bounds!" One spins the basketball on the tip of their finger.

"No! It was in! It counts dumba-"

"Boys! Hey!" Hyunjin waves to them. I smile and wave, too. They all look at us. "Jagi, this is Daehwi, Bomin and Sanha. Guys, this is my fiancé, Y/n." He introduces us as he points to each person as he says a name. One who I think is Bomin holds their hand out for me to shake. I do exactly that with everyone else.

"Nice to meet you. Hyunjin talks very highly of you." Sanha says trying to stifle a laugh while glancing at Hyunjin.

"That's sweet, nice to meet you too." I slightly smile then look at Hyunjin who's giving me an encouraging smile.

"I'm Daehwi, lovely to meet you. I'm sure you and Jinnie will make a great couple." Daehwi smiles and pats my shoulder. We chuckle.

"Thank you!" I answer and Daehwi goes over to Sanha and tries to get the basketball from him.

"I'm Bomin! You're lucky to have Hyunjin, and he's lucky to have you. You know, he's really lonely without someone to-"

"Okay! That's enough! N/n, now that you met them, we're going to play a quick game of baseball. Wanna join?" Hyunjin interferes. I chuckle and think it over for a second. Eh whatever, forget the heat if the day, I'll play a little.

"Yeah, I'll play." I take off my purse and put it on a bench off the court. If it get's stolen I ain't got much in there.

"No abstract rules, I only know you get it in the hoop and you get a point." I tell them. They nod.

"Choose a number 1 or 2 on the count of three." Sahna tells us. We do so. "One. Two. Three." I do a two with my fingers. We all look at each others and go to each side of the court.

Daehwi, Hyunjin and Sanha vs. Me and Bomin

Time skip because of Felix's "yes, daddy:"

"Ha! We won!" Bomin gives me a high five and we playfully laugh at the other team.

"They even had more players!" We cackle at them, falling to the ground of laughter. I wipe a tear away that was in my eye.

The other team comes over to us. Sanha lays over Bomin and he struggles to continue laughing.

"Sanha!" He trys to push him off but Daehwi piles on top of them. Bomin just wheezes. I pound the ground out of laughter. Holy shit this was so much fun! Hyunjin sits on Daehwis back and they all groan. "You guys are so heavy!" Bomin pouts. I pat his sweaty forehead, trying to contain my laugh, but can't. All the other boys are still laughing while Bomin struggles to breathe.

"Guys! Give him a break! You're gonna kill the guy!" They get off one by one. Hyunjin comes over to me. I'm still on the ground recovering from laughing so much. I cough a little. Hyunjin sits on his knees beside me then jokingly tries to give me CPR. It would look strange to anyone who sees this out of context. I start laughing again and put my knees to my chest.

"You don't want to mess with an ex-mafia, do you?" I whisper to him and roll over escaping Hyunjins grasp. At least until I'm pulled back from my waist onto Hyunjin. I try to fight back but Bomin comes over and pushes my shoulders.

"Bomin! I feel betrayed!" I say sarcastically.

"Nothing personal Y/n!" He defends himself while the two other boys come over and push me onto Hyunjin. I give in and fall back onto Hyunjin. He sets me in between his legs and holds my arms to my sides so I can't do anything with my arms. I playfully pout while everyone's laughs die down and sit next to us.

"I can tell you guys have a really good relationship." Daehwi gives us a reassuring smile. The other boys nod in agreement.

"Thanks Daehwi." I smile back.

"Sucks for your single assess." Hyunjin laughs at them. Sanha raises his hand and Hyunjin flinches causing me to laugh at him.

"You guys are cool. Thanks for keeping my Jagi busy all this time. Means a lot to me." I tell them, putting my head on Hyunjin's shoulder. He turns his head to look at me and plants a kiss on my forehead.

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