Chapter 47

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April's Pov:

I was driving home now my tears were all dried up now. I was going to get the help I needed. It was time for a new beginning the time for me to start caring about the one and only important person me.

I arrived at my parents house. I was trying to think about all the ways I could speak up to my parents. I got out of my car and I swear I could feel my heart beating so fast.

I managed to open the door and there they were sitting down both of my parents watching television. ''April honey what's wrong?'' my mom asked me.

I waned to run away so fast but I couldn't. I had to confront them and tell them what was happening

"We need to talk" was all I maneged to speak up. Before I was interrupted by a knock on the door.

I froze when the person that I least expected to be here stood in my parents doorway. ''Josh what are you doing here?''. I asked him and he just looked at me ''I wasn't going to let you do this on your own''. He looked upon at me and smiled.

Somehow knowing that I still mattered to him made a warm smile lay on my lips. ''Josh? April what is going on I'm confused?'' My mother asked.

''Can we go sit at the dinning table so we could talk?''  I asked as both my parents nodded. They stood us and made their way to the dinning room. We all sat down and Josh sat right next to me as he gave me a warm smile.

"This is hard for me to say, and there's no easy way of saying it so here I go" I spoke. "You guys probably don't want to hear this but, whenever Mathew died and you guys started to change. I don't want to say the things that you guys said to me. I started to become depressed, I would cut myself and my only dream was to stop living. I would take some pills to see if I could taste happiness for just a single second. One day I just couldn't take it anymore and I decided that what was best for me was to kill myself. I went to a near bridge. I was going to jump from it, but Josh stopped me. He helped me to start to get better. I did then things between me and him just started to go downhill. I don't want to say what happened between us ether. Then I just started to be around Logan even more and I started to develop feeling for him. Josh was in pain and I just didn't care about him because I was starting to become happy again and since he hurt me I just didn't care. I kept promising that we will return I kept giving him false hope because deep down I knew that I didn't want to be with him. That was also a lie I told to myself because no matter how much I wanted to hate him I couldn't. Finally Logan and I got pregnant. I was happy I was madly in love with Logan and I was going to have my own little family. Once I lost the baby everything started to go downhill for me once again. I was depressed again, Logan and I were just a mess. He wanted to help me and I was selfish like I always am. Logan and I ended and well I came to Josh and I screwed him up even more. Basically I was starting to become suicidal once again due to the fact that everyone hated me and I had lost my baby because of me. I went to the bridge again knowing that no one would stop me this time since everyone hated me and I was ready to once again attempt to try to kill myself. Josh and Logan were there to stop me this time and bring me back to the terms of reality. The reality is that I need to start to focusing on me and get the help I need."

I spoke how I was feeling to my parents and my dad just nodded. My mom was in tear as was I. Josh was holding  my hand to show support. "We're here for you honey we will find you all the help you need." my mom said to me. "I think it's better for me if we check me into a rehab center" I spoke. My parents nodded "It's for the best" Josh said.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE NEXT DAY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was getting checked in to a rehab center today. I had a really bad feeling about this since the world will be going on without me until I start to be myself once again. I wanted to just cry because I got so bad that it had to lead to this. I know it's better for me but I just can't grow to believe it.

I will be in here for almost three months and what scares me is the fact that things will be different this time. People always change what if the people that I care about just forget about me for the reason that maybe I was hurting them and even if I want to change they just wouldn't care because I was the bad thing in their life.

"April?" Josh questioned me. "Yes" I answered. "Don't try to worry about me please. I just want you to get better in there alright." Josh spoke. I didn't know what he meant by that was he saying goodbye as in letting me go for the better this time. All I could do for now is just nod because I didn't know what he meant. He leaned in to hold my hand "You have nothing to worry about, I will be right beside you as soon as you get back. We will start all over again because I am not giving up on you. I love you April" Josh said and all I could do was smile. "I love you too" I said "I mean it I love you and I will never leave you" Josh spoke again.  I just smiled like and idiot knowing I had nothing to worry about but just start focus on me.

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