Chapter 39

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April's POV:

''Goodmorning babe we have the doctor appointment today'' Logan said and I just rolled over ''I don't want to get up I want to go back to sleep'' I told Logan ''Would it work if I kissed you?'' Logan asked me  ''Try me'' I told Logan and he layed back down on the bed and turned to where we were face to face. He kept looking at my face and at my lips slowly he brushed a piece of hair that was in my face and put it behind my ear and then he slowly placed his lips on mine slowly and our lips started to move in sync until he pulled away gently and he left me there craving more of the taste of his lips ''Now get up we have to be at the doctors in an hour'' Logan told me ''Fine'' I said and groaned as I got up from bed. Luckily I had showered last night so all I had to do was get ready. ''April are you almost done?'' Logan shouted at me as I was finishing my make up ''I'll be done in 5'' I shouted back at him I brushed my hair once more and excited the bathroom. 

''Look at my beautiful girlfriend'' Logan said and I blushed slightly. We were on our way to the doctors by now ''Today there is going to be a dinner for the cast of the movie I finished and I will be annoucing your pregnacy and a big surprise that I have for you'' Logan said and he slowly placed his hand on my tigh ''Okay I am excited about this'' I told him and brought the hand he had placed on my tigh and gave it a small kiss. ''You have to bring your mom along though because she can't miss this announcment'' Logan told me ''Don't worry she won't be absent from this I promise'' I told him and he gave me a small smile.

''Welcome Miss April and Mr Logan'' The doctor came in and greeted us ''So how are you guys doing today?'' she asked us ''We are doing great kind of nervous about all of this'' Logan said and I just looked at him with a look that there is nothing to worry about. ''Oh Mr Logan there is not a single thing to worry about everything is going to be alright'' the doctor told Logan ''Okay so April I am going to have you lay down on this chair'' she instroducted me and I did as told. Logan started to hold my hand to show support. The doctor lifted my shirt enough so that she could see my stomach and applied some cold blue substance. She started to examine me with a cord and looked at the screen ''Look there it is'' She told Logan and I ''You are not that far off maybe 5 weeks ahead I can say since we can see the feautus'' She told us ''I will be schedueling appointments every once a month to check up on the baby if that is okay with you guys?'' she asked us ''Yeah that would be fine'' I let her know. ''Okay try avoiding alcahol at all times, that is all I can say for now'' she let me know ''Yeah no problem'' I told her ''Okay well that is all here is a picture of the featus people like to collect these by month and I will be leving you guys to talk and y'all can leave whenever have a good day'' she told us as she handed us the envelop and made her way out.

''Logan'' I said and gave him a long kiss ''We are going to be parents'' I told him ''Yeah I know baby we are the best out there'' he told me and gave me a small peck ''Lets get going because dinner is in a couple of hours'' Logan said and he helped me off the chair so we coiuld make our way we payed fo the visit and headed back home. I called my mom about dinner tonight and she was excited. ''My parents are also coming along tonight'' Logan said to me and I just nodded i had met Logan's perants before and they were the nicest. 

I came out of the shower and started drying myself out, I started to work on my make up before heading to my hair and blow drying it before straightning it. I looked myself on the mirror and was happy of how my apperance looked for tonight's evening. As I headed to the bedroom Logan headed to the shower. I changed into a blue dress followed by my naked pumps. I had most of my stuff at Logan's place even though I didn't live here it seemed like I did. I was done getting ready and I was just waiting for LOgan to finnish it was weird this tine since he is always the one that waits for me to finish getting ready but since I'm the happiest person out there I was just doing things fast todday. Logan came out of the bedroom dressed in a suit and looked pretty good himseld. ''Ready?'' he asked me and I nodded we headed outside to the car. ''The place is not as far from your mom's house so we will be arriving in an hour or less'' Logan let me know as he started to drive,

We arrived to my house and I got off the car to get my mom. I knocked but when she opened the door to my surprise my dad was there ''Dad'' I said and I gave him the biggest hug ''When did you get out?'' I asked him ''Yesterday they let me out early for good behavior I was going to come by yesterday but I waned to surprise you today instead'' he let me know ''Okay well lets get going Logan and I have a big announcment to make tonight'' I told them and we headed outside. Logan was outside of the car ''Dad this is Logan my boyfriend'' I introduced him ''Good evening son'' my dad said to Logan as they hand shaked ''Nice to meet you sir'' Logan said and he said hello to my mom also but they have met before.

We arrived to the place which was sworn by papparazi Logan held my hand and dragged me inside of the house. As we arrived the first person I layed my eyes on was Josh and his girlfriend Rose I looked fast enough but he had already noticed me. Logan lead us to our table which Logans pereants were already there we greeted each other. I spotted Josh looking at me from the corner of my eye ''Excuse me I'm going to the restroom I will be back'' I told them and I excused myself .

''I was waiting for you to notice me and come over to greet me'' Josh said to me and smiled ''You look incredible April'' Josh said ''I miss you please come back I need you Rose is there and Logan is there but they aren't me or you April we need each other'' Josh said almost as if he was beging for us to get back together ''Josh remember what we decided on the last time we saw each other we will find our way back to each other this isn't it you are leading us back to us that is not how it works just let time tell'' I told Josh ''Alright but just know that my love is never going anywhere'' Josh said as he walked away. I went into the restroom and just taught about him but is true we will find our way to each other we always do this is no diffrence is just taking longer. 

I made my way back to the table where the food was already served and they were already startiing to eat ''Are you alright?'' Logan asked me and I just gave him a small kiss ''Never better'' I told him and I joined them on eating what was on my plate. The director of the movie stood up and gave a speech of how lovely the movie was and that he couldn't be more proud of how it turned out and how excited he is that we are all here with our families and partners and how the premier will be even better. We all cheered and toasted except for me or my parents they didn't drink one taste of alchahol and I couldn't be any more proud. 

Logan stood up next and I was feeling nervous by the second he looked at me and smiled. He raised up his glass and made a cllinge noice to get everyones attention again ''Well I have another big announcment to make'' Logan said ''April would you join me?'' Logan asked me as he helped me up from the chair I saw that everyones eyes were on us and my stomach grew in knotts ''April and I are happy to announce that we are pregnant'' Logan said and everyone cheered I saw Josh straight ahead from me and chugged his champagne ''That is not all my friends April was not expecting this but here it goes'' Logan said once more and I turned to face him... 

''April, since the moment I saw you I knew there was something about you maybe it was that you were not mine to keep you belonged to someone that was not me. I knew that I had to accept that fact but there was something that made me hope that one day you will be mine, tha I would get to hold you in the middle of the night and have deep conversations with you about our future I could just hope. Back then you had a boyfriend that you didn't realize that wasn't treating you the way you were suppose to be treated you he put you trough hell and I was always there to make it better. You finally got the courage to leave and well it took me a while to ask you out, but when you said yes the world was finally being good to me hope got me here. With that said April will you do me the honor of keep making me the happiest guy alive and'' Logan said to me I was speechless my eyes were watering he got down on one knee ''Marry me?'' Logan finally said to me and I just cried and nodded I just jumped to him and gave him the longest kisss everyone cheereed even louder as Logan finally put me down and placed the ring on my hand.

''Congratulations'' someone said to us and we looked to see who it was and it was Josh he had a bottle of wine he gave both of us a hugg before exciting the place and that's when my heart broke now I was the one making him unhappy.

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