Chapter 41

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April's Pov:

1 Month Later

''I have a really big question babe?'' Logan asked me as he pecked my lips we were sitting down in the couch watching Frieds. ''About our wedding okay so my mom was asking me if we should get married before you start getting bigger oh my or after we have the baby?'' Logan asked me the look in his face was so concern and curious and I couldn't help but to laugh. ''Lets get married next month'' I told Logan ''Are you serious?'' Logan asked me as his face lit up ''Yeah I said'' to Logan ''Lets do it I can't wait for you to be Mrs. Lerman'' Logan said and he gave me a peck in the lips.

 ''I think we should move in together officialy but find a bigger house and probably a new city to live in?'' Logan asked me and I was worried was this really happening was I really ready to move in with Logan and love him for the rest of my life. I never taught he would be the one to be with me for the rest of my life I always taught despite everything that happened with Josh I would stay with him. I guess I was wrong this is my life now and I can't change it.

''Lets go get some food alright you're eating for two now so it's a big deal'' Logan told me and I laughed he was so excited about this whole thing even more than me I just can't belive this happened. I went into Logan's room and changed into some leggiings and one of his flannels and put some boots on. ''You ready to go babe?'' Logan asked me and I nodded ''We are going to the city if that's okay with you?'' Logan asked me because he knew how much I hated being in the city but for now I was alright with going so I just nodded in approval.

We arrived in a small cafe an hour later it was a really cute cafe some girls stopped to take pictures with Logan recognizing him and I was alright with it. ''Sorry baby I just waned it this day to be about you and I'' Logan told me in awe ''It's okay some fans stopping for pictures doesn't ruin our date'' I told Logan and he leaned in for a kiss and I crashed my lips into his in a matter of seconds. Logan ordered our food as we sat in comfterble silence waiting for our food.

''After this lets go to the movies and then to take a romantic walk in the park'' Logan said ''Oh my god Logan you are so cheesy but it''s okay because you're my cheesy fiance'' I told Logan and we shared a laugh. Our food arrived shortly and Logan and I were having short conversations along the way of how good our food was. 

We were in the movie thetre waiting in line to get our tickets to see into the woods. Logan bought our tickets and we headed inside the thetre that wasn't really that full. The movie was about to start when I recognized the  couple coming in it was Josh and Rose my stomach was in knots. I tried to look away but I just couldn't my eyes followed them to where they were sitting down. The movie was in full blast but I just couldn't seem to be paying attention to it.

''Logan can we skip on going to the park I'm extremly tired'' I told Logan I was being honest I was tired and annoyed about seeing Josh. ''Yeah the movie took longer than I expect it it's dark now so lets just get home and go to bed alright'' Logan said and I nodded. We got on the car and drove back home. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

I fealt Logan's arms around me that was what woke me up the fact that he was carrying me to bed. ''Logan you didn't have to carry me to bed'' I told him my voice all sleepy ''No I had to my beautiful fiance was asleep and she need it to be carried to bed'' Logan said as he placed me in the bed I gave him a quick kiss before I started to remove my boots and leggings and went under the covers in Logan's flannel.

Logan came into bed shortly wearing just sweat pants. I cuddled into his chest as he turned on the tv ''I love you April'' Logan said to me every time he said it always reminded me of the first time ''I love you too'' I told Logan as I closed my eyes and dozed into sleep. 

I woke up with my head aching I looked at the watch and it read three in the morning. I was sweeting I was dizzy something was no right. I removed the covers from my body because I was extremly hot my body couldn't take what I was feeling I looked down in my legs were full of blood. I just cried I knew this wasn't a good sign I couldn't seem to wake Logan up I just cried harder and harder I was still loosing blood everything was getting worse. I couldn't take it anymore ''Logan'' I cried out and he woke up as soon as he heard me calling.

He turned on the light and looked at me his tears spilling like there was no tomorrow. ''April'' Logan said and came over to me ''We need to get you to the hospital now baby'' Logan said and just the mention of a hospital broke my heart even more and I cried harder than I had ever cried before ''WHY IS IT FUCKING HOT'' I screamed out as I got up from the bed ''WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME I'M A GOOD PERSON'' I cried out ''April baby we need to get you to the hospital now'' Logan said as he came near me placed his hands on me I flinched ''Don't touch me'' I told him and he just cried as well ''We are going to get trough this'' Logan said to me and I just kept shakking my head in denial and I just collapsed of the loss of blood.

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