Chapter 37

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April's POV:

I have been spending a lot of time with Logan lately we are not dating but we act like we kind of are. I will admit I do feel sparks when I'm with Logan not compared to the ones I had with Josh but their there.

"April" Logan said I looked bat him songs knew that I was listening "Okay so you are aware that I'm done filming?" he asked me and I nodded. "Well today we are having a party at the director's house to promote a lot of famous artists agree going to be there and well I was going to ask you to be my date to the party?" Logan asked me.

I made my way to where Logan was standing and gave him a small

kiss "does that answer your question?" I asked him and he smield and gave me another kiss. "Well I'm going to meet up with some friends for lunch I'll be back later just in time to get ready" Logan said and gave me another kiss before leaving.

I walked back to his room to grab my car keys  so I could head back to my house. Once I arrived I told my mom all about the party and how I needed to go shopping and she agreed to take me so we could catch up and pay a visit to my dad.

"You want to go shopping now or visit dad first?" my mom asked me and I agreed to visiting my dad first. The drive wasn't that long. Once we arrived my dad was talking about how much he missed us and how the food sucked here but that he was getting out in two more months. I told him how I was getting better and he was happy for me I told him about Logan and he couldn't wait to meet him. It was time to go and I gave ,y dad a long hug and a kiss in the cheek and we left.

Once we arrived downtown my mom handed me her credit card and we went on inside of a dress store "so April what kind of party is Logan taking you to?" I shrugged "All I know is that is a party that promotes his new movie so I'm just thinking of getting a casual dress and some nice heals to go with it" I said.

It has been an hour but I haven't found the perfect dress yet. "April look at this one" my mom said handing me a red dress. It was just perfect "you should get it you can wear it with the black heels I got you a while back" I nodded and I payed "Here's you credit card thank you mom". "Let's get something to eat" she said and we headed towards a nice small cafe in front of the dress shop.

Catching up with my mom was good ever since I'm with Logan I spend a lot of time over at his place and I don't come back until it's late. So me and my mom haven't been spending time together.

As soon as I got home I started to get ready it wasn't long until Logan showed up to pick me up. "Wow you look hot" Logan said and I just smiled and gave him a quick kiss.

Once we arrived to the party guest were just arriving so there wasn't many people here yet. That's when I saw him walk trough that door he looked happy but maybe the reason he was smiling was because of the drop dead gorgeous he was hand in hand with. When I saw him looking at her I couldn't stop the pain in my stomach he just caused so I just tried to look away but that's when we locked eyes and I just gave him a warm smile.

"April you okay you look like you just saw a ghost?" Logan asked me "I'm fine don't worry I'm just nervous to be here"  I lied "Awe babe don't worry I'm here" he responded and he held my hand.

I was with Logan he was talking to a few friends but I was just standing there thinking about Josh I knew that I treeted him like shit after we broke up and blamed him for my issues I just pushed him away when all he waned to do was help me I was just selfish. This is all my fault and it hurts me that he moved on that he's doing fine without me, but who was I to say I'm here with Logan we aren't official yet but we are going somewhere.

"April are you going to be fine here I have to go to an interview it will only take a couple minutes don't worry" I nodded "April?" someone said and I turned around there he was "Josh" I said "Can we talk?" he asked me I just nodded and I followed him to an empty room.

"How are you doing?" he asked ms I could tell he was nervous because I could tell his hands were sweating "I'm doing just fine I would ask but I can tell you're fine also" I said I didn't mean for the last part to come out I was just thinking out loud. "April come on don't be jealous I have as much right to be happy as much as you are" he said "I'm not jealous I'm just stating the truth" I rolled my eyes but if I must admit it didn't matter how bad I treated him I still dealt jealous. "So you're telling me you're not happy with your boyfriend Logan?" he asked me "He's not my boyfriend we aren't official yet" I said.

"So you're still single?" Josh asked and he winked "yupp" was all I managed to say "April come on just because we aren't together doesn't' mean I don't love you". He came towards me and touched my face all I could manage was to look down since my eyes were starting to water. "Josh I can't do this" I said my voice was shaky "April look I know we fall apart a lot but the things you said to me they won't matter we always find a way to each other" I started to cry and he noticed.

"Let's forget the past, I swear we'all make this last because I remember the taste of your skin, I remember the way it felt, and the name of the songs that made you cry, remember you would scream, we would fight, you would call me crazy I would laugh, you would be mad but you'all always kiss me. I want you to want me this and April I need you to need me to stay." The words Josh spoke those words made me cry even more so he wiped away my tears "April go head, rip my heart out and show me what love is all about". Josh kissed me I kissed back "I'm sorry but were both here with someone I can't do this".

"I can't do this to Logan if we are meant to be together we will apparently make a way back to each other just not now we can use this time apart no matter how hard this is for us" I said "April" Josh said my name "I'm sorry" was all I managed to say and leave to go find Logan but bumped into Rose.

"You stay away from Josh okay let me tell you something people don't turn away from the people that they love.They only have one chance you had one and you ruined it so please don't do this to him. You hurt him April you broke him I managed to put him back together he was a mess without you I fixed him I care about him a lot so please just stay away." Rose was right all I could do was leave I waned to cry my heart out but all of this was my fault I waned it this way.

I went to the open bar and just drank until I found Logan and just drank with him so I couln't be all alone. "Lets get out of here yeah?" I asked Logan and I kissed him. The drive was long back to his place but it was only a ten minute drive.

As soon as we got back to his place I smashed my lips againts his. I need this I needed to forget about my mistakes more important my mistake I needed to forget about Josh for good...

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