Chapter 45 I fI

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April's Pov:

1 Month Later

It has been a dreadful month Logan and I had been trying to make it work but we just keep fighting and fighting for the smallest things. I have gone depressed once again and that doesn't mean shit to Logan anymore I'm still trying to cope with the fucking fact that I had a baby growing inside me and it just died. My hapiness was going away second by second everything was jusst wetting worse. I was pretty sure Logan was ready to leave and I didn't care if he did or not. We stoped planning the weading.

I was siting down watching T.V. while Logan was out with some friends for lunch he had invited me to come along but we just started fighting so I just decided to stay home. I was worried as of what Logan was doing he said he was going to be just two hours max but it's been nearly five hours since he left. He wasn't answering his phone and I was just worried.

I couldn't cope sleeping in our bedroom so I just satyed in the liviing room, Logan gave up on sleeping with me so he does stay alone in the bedroom. I was already ready to fall asleep when Logan was storming in a very drunk mood ''Hey baby'' Logan said to me as he started to approach me ''Get away from me'' I said to Logan who was trying to kiss my neck ''You're never in the mood anymore for fucks sake'' Logan said to me ''Oh sorry that I don't feel horny anymore since I lost my baby'' I told Logan as he walked to the kitchen so he could get a glass of water so he could start sobering up.

''You know what April you use the lost of Our baby as an excuse for everything notice I said OUR because you think you're the only hurt one in this situation'' Logan said to me my veins were heated by now he always brings that up ''Go fuck yourself Logan I'm done talking to you'' I said to him as I started to go walk to the restroom ''I will since you can't do it anymore. Also don't act like you're not cutting yourself in that restroom that's not very attractive '' Logan said to me with a smirk on his face what he said hurt me so my eyes were starting to water.

 I just stood there amazed of the words that just have come out of his mouth his face had a smirk planted on him ''What? It is true it is right?'' Logan asked me again happy as of what he was saying he has changed completly this isn't the Logan I fell in love with. ''I can't do thtis anymore'' I said to Logan as he looked me in the eyes his face expression changed it not longer showed that cocky smirk ''Can't do what anymore? treat me like shit? or the fact that you just got fed up about the fact about you bossing me around like I'm nothing and I finally said something? April I tried to help you out with everything you were feeling I was trying to cope also but you just pushed me aside. You act like the lost of the baby only affected you but no April I made that baby I have as much right to get emotional as you too okay news flash April not everything is about you.'' Thee words Logan said were true I was the one that mainly started all thiis.

We just stood there eyesing each other up no one making a move I could hear Logan's breathing. I did something that took Logan and I by surprised I kissed him he was surpirsed at first but then started to move his lips against mine. Something was diffrent now the sparks were gone the butterflies died the sensation wasn't there I remember our first kiss it was full of lust but every feeling was just gone now. I pulled away after a few more seconds ''We can't do this anymore Logan we fight over the smallest things and we say hurtful things to each other that we mainly actually mean we are no longer good for each other. That kiss that we just shared had nothing that we were really about all those sparks that set off like fireworks are gone and you know you fealt it too. We are falling apart and there's nothing we can do yes we were happy but I have just gone depressed over the lost of our baby and I'm just so so sorry that I can't make you happy anymore'' I said to Logan his face showed no emotion at all and it worried me.

I removed my engagment ring and handed it to Logan ''I think this belongs too you'' I said to him as I handed him the ring my eyes were watering but Logan still showed no emotion ''No keep it it's yours I gave it to you as a sign of our love just keep it as a memory as most'' Logan said to me he was trying to avoid eye contact ''I can't Logan I can't keep the ring'' I told him ''For fucks sake I don't want it I don't want to remember who it belonged to just keep it alright'' Logan said as he slowly raised his voice. This was a new Logan he changed this what I made him into.

''I'll pack my stuff and go back to my mother's no need to worry about me'' I said to Logan as I started to go into the bedroom to collect my belongings ''I don't care what you do anymore just go'' Logan said as he poured himself a drink. I packed everything and started to put everythhing inside my own car I couldn't stopped cryiing this was just another thing I threw to waste because of my own selfish self. I was all packed and headed back inside to say goodbye to Logan but he just handed me a letter ''Here read it when you start to remember about this relationship'' Logan said to me as he handed me the folded piece of paper ''Bye Logan'' I said one last time and he just looked away from me his eyes red of intoxication and hate.

I started to drive to my mother's but I wasn't taking the right way there my body said I had to go to my mother's but my mind was controliing and was thinking about Josh it controled me to drive to his house. I was in Josh''s driveway hesitating to see if I could build the courage to ring the door bell. I finally build it and got out of my car and headed to the front door I ringed it a few times before I heard someone come to open it.

''April hey'' Josh said as he opened the door I was silent I couldn't say anything I just stood there but I just said something unexpected ''I love you'' the three most powerful words escaped my lips I saw Josh's face it was surprised but he was more than happy. ''I'm in love with you Josh, I have tried to kill that love, to run away from it but I can't, and I don't think I want to anymore'' I said to Josh he didn't say anything back he just crashed his lips into mine and there it was what was miissing with Logan the sparks were exploding the butterflies were alive again the kiss was full of sensation and lust he was what I was misssing all this time.

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