Chapter 32

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April's Pov:

A cut here another cut here now that the blade was in my hand I had no idea how to control myself I missed the feeling of the cold sharp blade I missed how it kissed my thighs and wrist. I finally had the conrol to stop cutting I looked at what I had done to myself and just cried. 

''Stupid worthless bitch why did you stop? we were having so much fun watching you be an emo freak look around April no one is here to save you. Where's Josh? oh wait what about Logan? stupid whore. There is no such thing as a savior your on your own bitch.''  Those stupid fucking voices I couldn't shut them up everything I did there they were ready to make myself feel down. 

Sucide kept playing my in my head maybe the time was right now. My mom went out so that means I'm all alone no one could stop me right. Yeah tonight was finally the time that these voices inside my head would win the battle. I got up from the corner I was cleaned up my cuts and turned off the T.V. 

I looked like a complete mess just standing there in the mirror looking at my flawed reflection I was no where beautiful. So I did what was best I punched the mirror which eneded up cracking the whole thing I was all alone no help for me. I looked inside my old box and found a flask of vodka and the pain killers. I got both out and just cried this is what has my life come to.

I was ready tonight was the night that I would finally do it I would let the voices of my monsters win this battle but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye. I got my phone out and dialed Josh's phonenumber but I didn't want to speak to him so I decided to leave my goodbye in a voicemail.

''Hey'' I said my voice craked and I whiperd ''Josh I'm sorry I am truly sorry for everything I know that right now that you probably already moved on, but I just couldn't let go of what happened between us I knew it was stupid of us to brake up but I was getting worse sorry about that. I waned to thank you for all those messages you left me they really bring a smile to my face. Sorry but this isn't where this message was suppose to go I just waned to thank you for being there the time we were together. But I just can't do this anymore I can't live like this anymore all I ever waned to do was just off that bridge but I ended falling in love with you. I just can't win this battle anymore it's too late I broke our promise tonight  and I relapsed a whole lot I just couldn't take it anymore. I just can't live with the fact that everyday I'm bullied by my own voices and I just let them win there is no one stopping me know your gone and probably happy that you are getting this message but if you had no idea where this was going I just waned to say that this is a goodbye message but not for like a month or something a goodbye forever I'm ready to go I lost this battle I overdosed on pills and by the time you hear this it will be too late I will take good care of you Josh I would make sure you get someone to save you also and be there for yoyu like I couldn't be I love you and thank you...'' I cried over the phone line and hunged up the phone. 

I turned off my phone and got my Ipod out I blast music and took a pill one at a time and a drink of vodka. I was doing it I was finally letting my monsters get the best of me I stopped crying. I was numb inside and out there were no more pills left I drank some more.

The A Team by Ed Sheeran was playing perfect for what was happening right now. My eyes we're getting heavier and heavier I drank the last of the vodka and walked over to my bed. While I sang outloud to the lyrics of the song.

''And they say she's in the class a team, stuck in her daydream been this way since eighteen, but lately her face seems since lowly sinking, wasting crumbling like pastries. They scream the worst thing sin life come free to us. And we're all under the upper hand go mad for a couple grams. And we don't want to go outside tonight. And in a pipe we fly to a motherland or sell love to another man. It's too cold outside for angels to fly, to fly for angels to fly, to fly or angels die''.

That was it the song was over and I couldn't do anything anymore it was too late my eyes were getting heavier and heavier. I lost the battle and I finally let go and closed my eyes....

Josh's Pov:

I took another go at my bottle of vodka they say if you drink a whole lot of vodka it taste like love. I heard my phone beep I walked to it. It read that I had a voice mail but I didn't hear it ring. I opened it up and placed my phone to my ear. ''You have one new message'' the operator said and there's where I heard the voice. The voice that left me broken. Her beautiful voice.

I knew where the message was going when all April did was apolagize but than she said it ''but if you had no idea where this was going I just waned to say that this is a goodbye message but not for like a month or something a goodbye forever I'm ready to go I lost this battle I overdosed on pills and by the time you hear this it will be too late I will take good care of you Josh I would make sure you get someone to save you also and be there for yoyu like I couldn't be I love you and thank you.''

I was in tears I didn't know what to do maybe it wasn't too late after all. I called April's phone but it just went straight to voicemail. I kept calling and calling but no one picked up my eyes were in tears. ''Fuck'' I said and got my car keys I ran out the door and onto my car. I didn't fucking care that I was speading at least there we're no cops.

The girl that I love is in her deathbed right now I speeded even more. ''Fuck'' I kept repeating I could bearly see anything I couldn't stop crying finally I got to April's house. There was no cars in the drive way I tried to open the door but no one opened. But than I rememberd where they hide the spair key.

I opened the door to their house and silence filled the room all you could hear was music playing coming from April's room. I rushed up the stairs to April's room. ''Fuck'' I said the door was locked. I had to brake the door to get inside. 

There she was April was laying in her bed and in the floor was a flask of painkillers and vodka. I rushed to April there was no breathing I was panicking what do I do.

I called 911 ''Hello 911 what's your emergancy''  the voice from the other line said ''Yeah hello I need an ambulance and fast my girlfriend overdozed on pills just get here fast I can't loose her just please get here fast'' I cried to the other line ''Sir please calm down what is the adress?'' the woman asked me ''Fuck I don't know I said'' and looked at April and cried even more I went over to the desk in her room and looked trough papers finally finding the adress. I gave them the adress ''Sir please calm down help is on the way''.

I looked at the mirror and I saw glass on the floor she had broken it.

''Fuck'' I moaned out as I tried to to lift her into the tub. Carrying around a lifeless body wasn't easy and I just ended up just falling into the tub with her. She lay with her back against me my chest as I  held onto her waist from behind.

I turned the faucet on, letting the water spray over the both of us. I didn't care about getting wet at this point. I made sure the water was cold, and started feeling around her neck for pulse. It was there but it was very very light.

''Oh my god what do I do?'' I asked aloud, still panicking. She had to throw the up she has to throw up the pills, that's the only way to stopped them from killing her. I opened her mouth and stuck my fingers down her throat. But there was no result ''Please don't die on me April please don't die'' I screamed to her I kissed the back of her neck but there was nothing.

I held the almost dying body of the girl I love and just hoped she would wake up. ''Please don't leave me April. Finally the paramadics walked into the restroom and got both of us out of the bathtub they took her body and I turned off the faucet. 

''Please stay with me April'' I said outloud and I watched as they took the girl I love in the ambulance...

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