Chapter 20

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Josh's Pov:

I was waking up from the phone when I heard April saying Okay. That means she must be on the phone talking to Logan or someone from school. ''Who was that?'' I asked April.  ''It was my mom'' where the words that left ApriL's mouth I was schocked what could she possbly want. 

''What did she want?'' I asked her. ''She said she misses me'' April said wow now that was weird why would she say she misses April when almost all this time she has always beat her and she is one of the reason April waned to end her life.

''Do you think she means it?'' Was all I could ask at the moment. ''I don't know what to believe when she was telling me all this stuff her voice was full of concern so I think I kind of do believe her''. ''Do you wanna go see her?'' I asked April. She looked me in the eye and nodded. ''Than lets go, but remember I'm here for you at all times.'' I told her and I gave her  a kiss in the forehead.

We were now on our way to her old house. The whole way there it was silent I had my hand on April's thigh the whole time sho she could see Im always here for her. As we pulled into the drive way I rememberd the day when I was with April here and her mom just freaked out.

I had a feeling this was a bad idea but I don't even know what her mom said to her that made her believe she does miss her. April was knocking at the door of her old house and I was just nervous bitting my nails. Than the door was open and there stood April's mom. I looked at April and she was in utter schock as I remember April's mom she looked mean and now her face is sweet and softend and her eyes red as if she did lots of crying.

''April'' her mom said and April went straight to her arms they were just there holding eachother I was worried as fuck what if all of this was like a joke from her mother to April no she couldn't do that to her right. ''Come on in'' Her mom said.

I was sitting down next to April and her mom was in the other sofa looking at us. It looked like she was about to brake just looking at the 2 of us. ''April I know I was a bitch to you, I was never actually there for you ever after what happened that night but now I realize what I have done to you. I know somehow there is a part of you that thinks that I'm doing this just for you to see how much I hate you but trust me I'm not. 4 Months ago your dad was arrested for drunk driving he was totally mental about the accident and how it was all your fault. And he waned to come find you and he crashed on his own. He was arrested I go see him every time I have a chance. When they saw me I was hurt they tried to get help for me because I was with him and I was in the border line of dying in the accident also and well I got some help I starded seeing a therapist. Because I was tramatized for almost dying I spoke about you allot and I know it wasn't your fault of what happened to your older brother it was your dad's you were just a kid.Your dad loved Mathew so much because it was his first son that he just hated you and I hated you but I got help I learned to let go of that grudge I had towards you and I am extremly sorry. Now your dad is also seeing a therapist in jail and he is also sorry he is getting help and he is doing good the times I've seen him I see change.  But since you survived the accident without getting hurt we held a grudge against you. I know it will take sometime for you to forgive us but we are willing to wait. I love you April'' I was shocked about the speech her mom gave to April.

I looked at April who was in tears. But I did believe what her mom said to her you could hear it in her voice full of regretts and concern.

April's Pov:

My mind was fucking me up badly. The memories of what my dad told me reminded me and haunted me ever since that day


''April come on get on the car were going home'' Mathew my brother said ''Wait no I'm gona help mommy with daddy'' I told Mathew he nodded and went inside the car. We were at a party for one of my dad's co workers and may I say he was extremly drunk. I had never seen him this way ''April come here and help me with your dad and tomorrow in the morning I will take you and your brother to the zoo'' my mom said and I went over to her.

I wasn't much help to her since I'm just a little girl but we managed to get him inside the car. ''Dan are you sure that you can drive home you are in bad conndittions right now I'm sure we can stay here I don't want to risk the kids'' My mom had told my dad I was just looking at them.

''Hell yeah I'm capable to drive this shit'' my dad said ''Were going to have some fun going home kids'' my dad said once again and he took a drink of his beer. ''Dan give me that you'' my mom said and took the bear away from him and threw it out.

We were on our way home already ''Dan you better not take the freeway beacause you are not in the condittions to do it'' My mom told him. And he didn't listen we were up our way towards the freeway my dad had his music turned up and he was going full speed. ''Daddy please you are driving to fast'' I was yelling at him. My brother was saying the same we were yelling at him. ''Dan for fucks sake you are going to kill us'' My mom was shouting at him.

The further we got the more faster he was going when he made a wrong turn another car hit us and the car flipped but not badly to kill us but to harm us deadly. I was checking myself and I was okay I managed to be okay. My mom helped me out and my dad was trying to get Mathew out.

''He's dead'' were the words coming out of my dad's voice. My mom moved towards my dad. ''Mathew is fucking dead'' my dad was yelling and punching the car my mom was curled up into a ball and she was sobbing I was just holding my bear tightly.

''Why Mathew? why not this bitch April nobody wants you. You were a fucking accident you piece of shit why werent you the one who died why was it him. why does all the bad things happen to the good people and you.

~Flashback ends~

Well if you want me to forgive you and dad it will take some time because I'm not ready to give y'all a second chance...                                                                                                                                                                       

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