Chapter 9

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Josh's Pov:

I looked at April she looked sad and in that moment I knew that I had to be with her forever she needs me more than I need her. The way I saw her mom treating her broke my heart I know April doesn't trust me enough yet to tell me what happened since her parents changed with her but I will give her time.

It was around and April was upstairs showering when my phone started ringing I looked at the caller Id and saw that it was my best friend Logan. ''Hey Man'' I said ''Hey so I have some news'' Logan said and he sounded happy. ''What's Up?'' I asked ''Okay so I'm in Houston Tx they just told me the news that we are going to be fiming the same movie and I was hoping we could hang out today'' Logan said to me ''Dude those are awesome news yeah sure I was thinking of going to a street fair you know''. I told Logan ''Yeah at the hotel I'm staying at there is one near right well the only one'' Logan said ''Yeah well it's the same one see you there in 2 hours'' I told him.''Yeah see you than man'' Logan said and I hung up the phone.

April came out of the shower and came downstairs she was only in a towel wow she will be the death of me she looked perfect I knew I didn't want her fpr her body or anything I waned her to steal her heart but her body is a bonus to me. ''Oh. Um sorry I forgot my bag here'' April said. ''It's okay he-re'' I was saying she blushed because she knew how I felt about her.

After I got out of the shower and I was ready I looked at April who was more ready than ever. I smiled at her ''Well someone looks beautiful'' I said to her and she looked at me and blushed. ''While thank you mr. hottie over here''. She said to me and I smiled at her.

''Hey is it okay if one of my friends comes with us he and I haven't seen each other in a while'' I asked her. ''Oh yeah it's okay with me'' she told me. ''Josh why don't we walk to the fair is only a block away''. She told me ''Sure why not'' I told her and we were on our way.

When we arrived at the street fair I found Logan right away and we headed over there. April was holding my hand just the warmth of her made me happy. ''Hey man'' Logan said and I hugged him April was just standing there awkwardly. ''So dude is this your beautiful girlfriend?'' Logan asked the way he just told me that she was my girlfriend made me happy. ''Oh no were not going out'' April said ''Yet'' I said and she looked at me and smiled.

''Okay'' Logan said he looked at her once more and he looked like he was intrested in her and that made me feel jealous. I watched as April looked at him and she smiled. He was totally checking her out and that made me die inside.

''Hey I'm going to go buy some drinks'' April said and we both nodded. When she was walking away since she was wearing legging her ass was bigger than usual and I saw Logan watching her. ''Dude'' I said ''What'' Logan said ''You were totally checking April out'' I told him. ''No I wasn't'' Logan said ''Yeah sure whatever you say man but she and I have a thing so I'm saying calmy to back off'' I told him ''Yeah sure man'' Logan said.

When April got back she handed both of us our drinks. Logan dissapead for a while and it was just me and April walking around hand in hand joking around. We were sharing akward pick up lines and giving each other kisses from here and there and we were having a good time. 

We met up with Logan again. ''Look there is a square dance going on over there lets go watch'' April said and we agreed. Since she is from Texas and here in Texas is more of a country side of course they will have a square dancing. All 3 of us were watching the dancing.''Josh come dance with me'' April told me. ''Oh April I dont dance'' I told her and she looked bumped out. ''I'll dance with you'' Logan said. ''Okay'' April said. When she grabbed him by the wrist That thing of jealousy came back to me.

I looked at April and Logan and they were talking and having fun and that made my hear shatter.

Aprila and Logan came back.'' That was fun'' Logan said ''Yeah'' April said. I looked at her and she was looking at me. I gave her a kiss and she gladly returned it. ''Well I will leave you 2 lovebirds alone I will see y'all soon it was fun hanging out with y'all enjoy the rest of your night'' Logan said and he left.

Me and April were walking around again messing around. And when I looked at her and she smiled I knew that I didn't have to worry about Logan because April was safe with me. ''Forever and Always'' she said to me. ''Yeah Forever and Always'' I said to her and I kissed her.

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