Chapter 40

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April's Pov:

Everyone was congratulating Logan and I. We were surrounded by people,most of them that I didn't know. I was just putting on a smile and thanking everyone , I was looking all around to see if I could spott Josh anywhere but I couldn't. I know for sure that he wouldn't leave because Rose is still here and the paparazzi are up front. I saw a back door that lead to the porch so I taught he might have gone there. ''Hey sorry Logan I'm getting to overwhelmed'' I told Logan ''What's wrong baby?'' he asked me ''Nothing I just think that I should go get some fresh air is getting so crowed here'' I told Logan ''Hey i'll go with you'' Logan told me and I shook my head ''No I want to be alone if that's alright?'' I told him ''Yeah take as long as you need'' Logan said and I gave a quick peck in the lips and made my way out.

I went out to the patio and saw it was all alone. ''JOSH''  I screamed but I got no response as I walked further into the garden ''JOSH'' I yealled once more and then I saw sitting in the floor drinking out of the bottle. ''How is time suppose to tell? when you're getting married'' Josh said as he stood up from the concrete ''I don't know but we always end up finding our way to each other, things are much diffrent now but if we are meant to be together we will end up back'' I told him but I had no idea if what I was saying was the truth. ''How do you even know the baby is his?'' Josh asked me ''How can you even say that to me Josh? we haven't been together in months and the only person I've been with is Logan and I'm only a few weeks'' I told Josh ''I know but I just can't cope with the reason that you're not mine to keep anymore he said I was bad for you and I was I'm sorry I put you trough hell'' Josh said to me ''Rose is my girlfriend but she doesn't make me as happy as you did but she is all I have left and she's super nice to me she looks after me but she will never take your place'' Josh said and faced the floor.

My eyes started to water because of what Josh was saying ''I see the way you look at him'' Josh said and I just let all my tears go ''I know because you used to look at me that way'' Josh finally said ''Josh look I'm sorry but'' I couldn't finish talking because Jossh cut me off with a kiss our lips were moving in sync like they were cravibg each other taste and waned more this is was so wrong I couldn't do this to Logan but I just couldn't seem to stop. I missed the high that Josh used to give me ''This is wrong'' I finally said getting out of Josh's grip ''I just needed that one last time because I just have no idea how to look at the girl I love and tell her that is time for me to really walk away'' Josh said he came across of me and wiped the tears from my eyes ''I think it's for the best'' I said in a whimper ''This is just a challange that is carrying us apart but we always find our way back to each other but this time is just more complicated but even if it's in our second life we will be together but for now I wish you love and happiness I hope Logan makes you happy'' Josh said and gave me a quick peck in the cheek before heading back inside.

I headed back inside also following after minutes of Josh leaving. ''You okay now?'' Logan asked me ''Yeah couldn't be better I'm happy with us and our baby'' I told Logan ''Me too you make me the happiest guy on earth with just your smile'' I kissed Logan on the cheek to show him my support. ''April can we talk?'' My mom asked me and I nodded and I followed her to the restroom. ''You know I'm happy for you, you a 20 year old independent young women ''I know you're preganant and that's okay but are you ready to get married?''' my mom asked me and just faced her ''Do you truly love him?'' she asked me ''I nodded he makes me happy I am truly in love with him mom'' I said to her but I wasn't sure I belived the words that were coming out of my mouth ''Okay just making sure you were happy'' my mom said and I nodded ''Couldn't be happier'' I said to her as I looked to face Josh

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