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Logan's Pov:

I was sleeping peacefuly until I heard crying followed by my name, I taught I must be having a really bad dream but I wasn't I was fully awake it must be April. My eyes shot wide open as I turned around to see April crying I got up from the bed and headed to turn the light on. I faced her and my body froze I couldn't move I waned to say something but I was in so much shock. ''Logan'' April cried out I was just looking at her she was sworned in blood her face was pale and full of swea. ''April'' I said out of shock as I made my way to the bed ''We need to get you to the hospital now baby'' I said to her as she cried even harder as I mentioned the hospital ''WHY IS IT FUCKING HOT'' April yelled as she got up from the bed and started making her way to the restroom ''WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME I'M A GOOD PERSON'' she yelled in anger and sadness I let my tears flow I saw her I walked to where she was standing ''April baby we need to get you to the hospital now'' I said to her as I placed my hand on her I saw her flinch ''Don't touch me'' April said to as she cried harder her face was even more pale and she was still bleeding. 

''We are going to get trough this'' I said to her and she kept shaking her head in denial as she kept crying this wasn't normal I was in shock I didn't know what to do. I watched as April collapsed to the floor in front of me because of the loss of blood I ran to her and carried her to the car. I was panicking and I was sure I was having a major panick attack while I was driving my breaths were short. I arrived to the emergancy room in a mattter of minutes I ran in there with her in my arms ''Sir what's wrong?'' a nurse asked me as they placed April in a bed ''My girlfriend she lost a lot of blood and collapse she's pregnant'' I said to the nurse as my voice was shaky they rolled April somewhere as I was trying to follow ''Sir you can't go in there you have to wait'' The nurse said to me as she stopped me from following April.


''Tello's family'' the doctor said ''That will be me'' I said as I stood up ''I'm her fiancee is she okay?'' I asked my voice was still shaky ''She's awake now you may see her, I will be right out as I do need to talk to both of you'' the doctor said as I nodded I serched for her room I was scared and numb and all out of tears I have never been more concerned than ever. I opened the door that led to April's room when I walked in I saw her laying in bed more pale than ever this reminded me of old April so much the unhappy April but that was her now. ''Logan I'm scared''' April said as her eyes met mine ''I'm scared also baby but we will be okay I promise'' I told her as I held her hand and left a quick kiss on her forehead.

''Goodmo I am Dr. Steve and I will be helping you guys out'' the doctor said ''How's my baby?'' April asked the doctor ''Ms.Tello you had a miscarriage, I have no idea how to say this but your uterus is somehow not stable enough to carry a baby. The featus couldn't hold up developing in your uterus so you lost it which was a reason for the loss of blood you fainted due to that also. You aren't stable to have a baby Ms.Tello I am very sorry about informing you about this but there is a twenty five percent that in the future you will be ready to carry a baby the chances are odd butt don't give up hope.'' The doctor broke the news and he made his way out.

I watched as April cried her heart out I hugged her tight as I also cried I was in love with the baby and now it's gone my baby was only two months into developing and now it's just gone. ''I'm sorry Logan this is all my fault I lost it because of me'' April said as she pushed me off her ''April this isn't your fault morally but we will get trough this April trust me'' I told her ''How? I can't have a baby you heard the doctor the chances are odd stop giving me your sympathy just face reality'' April said to me her words stabbed me in the back like sharp knives. ''The doctor said I can bring you back home tomorrow'' I told her and she just nodded her head.

April and I had finallly arrived home and she went straight to the couch she hugged her knees and just turned the tv as she started at it lost in her own taughts. ''April baby do you want something to eat?'' I asked her ''No I'm not hungry'' April replied to me as she faced the tv once again ''Come on April you have to eat something'' I told her ''Logan I'm not hungry can you just please fuck off I'm not hungry'' April said that made me angry I was just trying to help her out trough this I was hurt also ''You know what I'm hurt also April it wasn't just your baby it was mine also it's not easy for me okay'' I said to her and she just stared at the tv ''I'm going out'' I said to her ''Go'' April said and I stored out of the house and got inside my car driving to the nearest bar.

April's Pov:

As soon as I heard the door slam I broke down my tears just shed. I wasn't stable I lost my baby and  there was just a small percent that I would end up having kids I can't never be happy as soon as I have little taste of it everything breaks and I'm once again alone and broken. I yelled out furious as I threw the remote control across the wall turning the tv off. 

I grabbed my phone and dialed the person that hurt me so much, ''Josh'' I said ''April? what's wrong?'' he asked me ''I lost him'' I said before my voice cracked and I started to cry again ''April'' Josh said ''I lost my baby Josh I lost him'' I said as I just cried trough the phone ''I will be right there don't worry'' Josh said and I hung up the phone and just cried some more. I needed Josh more than ever to help me trough this.

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