Chapter 38

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1 Month Later

April's Pov:

I entered the restroom my period has been late and I'm afraid it could come any minute it has been a week late so I decided to check but yet again nothing I was starting to get worried. It has been about month since Logan and I last had sex, but I can't remember well what happened since we both were pretty much drunk to the top of our heads. Then it hit me I don't recall using any protection. I was pretty much panicing by now it couldn't be I couldn't be. 

I excited the restroom and I didn't want to tell Logan about my scare until I knew I was a 100% right about this. ''Logan I have a headache I'm going to head to the pharmacy i'll be back shortly do you need anythinng?'' I asked him but he just shooked his head ''Alright i'll be back'' I said and left right ahead.

Once I entered the pharmacy I was scared that someone might see me I didn't want any publicist putting me out there that Logan's girlfriend is now pregnant. ''How may a help you?'' the pharmacist asked me I was just staring blankly a the counter ''meam how may I help you?'' he asked me again ''I'm sorry may I have the best pregnacy test you have one that gives me the truth'' I said giving him a look he just smiled ''oh is this for you? may ask?'' he said I didn't know what to say so I just lied ''no it's for my sister she is just scared and she doesn't think her boyfriend is ready and it's too early so that why she wants the test to say the truth.'' I told him ''Oh okay'' he said and scanned the test ''that will be twenty two dollars and fifty cents'' he said to me and I handed him the money ''hey don't worry tell your sister that everything will be alright'' he said and I smiled.

I drove to my moms house since I knew she would be at work so I could use the restroom and do what I had to do. Once I put the key in I was able to get in I walked fats upstairs to my bedroom to use the restroom. I did what I had to do and now I was just waiting for the results I was paniking by now. I checked the time and it was time and I looked at the test it had a green plus sign.

I left my moms house and was on my way to picking up some chinise take out to take back to Logan's house. I had not one idea of how I will be delivering the news to Logan and I was scared of how he will be taking the news would he leave me all on my own? once he found out or will we just take  things one step a the time? I was more then worried by now. 

I pulled into Logan's drivetrugh and I was scared to get out of the car. I took a deep breath and got my belongings and opened the door. ''Hey babe I was starting to get worried'' Logan said to me and pecked my lips. ''Sorry my love the chinise place was full so it took some time for me to get my order but I'm here now'' I responded. I set the table and called Logan. We ate in silence making a short conversation along the way. We finished eating and I tought that I should let go off my fears and tell Logan about my pregnatcy the worst thing that could happen is that he leaves me but even then I'll be alright I tought to myself.

''Logan we need to talk I have some news'' I said ''What's up babe I'm all ears'' he said ''Okay so last month when you had your premier party we came home and had sex and that was the last time we had sex'' I said without being able to finish ''April what are you trying to say?'' Logan asked me ''Well my period has been very late and I took some test and'' before I could finish Logan came towards me and picked me and spinned me around ''April I'm going to be a dad'' Logan said and he got on his knees and kissed my stomach ''Hey little one I can't wait for you to be in my arms'' Logan said to my stomach. 

I was releaved Logan wasn't going to leave me the smile on his face was the face of a little kid who got all he waned for christmas it literlly made me the happiest women to ever be in this world. Logan faced me again ''we'll got to the doctors monday morning and talk everything and after that we can announce it to our family'' Logan said to me I just nodded and smiled at him he was even more preppared then I was ''April you won't belive how much I'm in love with you and how much you make me happy I knew there was something about you that waned me to belong to you the first time I saw you'' Logan said and he gave me a lustful kiss it was full of sparks.

Logan and I were heading to bed already we layed there with the t.v. on his head on my chest and his arms fully around my stomach he was falling asleep by the minute with a big smile in his face. I can't belive I ever doubted him about not wanting him to stay with me. I look at my future now and it's nothing but happiness I can't belive I actually managed to stay I didn't let my demons get the best of me. I'm thanful for Josh I'm thanful that we crossed paths and he stopped me for making that stupid decison that was sucide. Even though we aren't togther I'm greatful for him I'm lying in bed with the guy that wants nothing but to make me the happiest girl on earth. I have parents who cleaned their acts to make me happy and be who I am today. If no one was there to save me from jumping off that bridge I would have made everyone around me unhappy I would have never met Josh or Logan. I would have never gotten the news that I would be a mother.

Author's Note // I am very sorry for not updating but I'm back and know where I'm going with the story don't worry it will only get better from here there will be major plot twist along the way. Don't worry I'm bearly heading towards the middle of the story it's nowhere near the end. Thank you for all the votes, reads in comments I'm greatful for all of you

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