Chapter 43

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April's Pov:

I was now sitting on the floor higging my knees I was just staring at the wall I was now numb I had no more tears to cry. ''April'' I heard my name and I just looked out the door and Josh was coming in, he rushed to me and just wrapped his arms around me. I placed my head on his chest as he buried his head on my neck. I pulled away after a few minutes and we sat in the couch none of us saying one word.  ''Do you want to talk?'' Josh asked me and I shook my head in denial ''Baby you need to let it all out you can't keep this to yourself please talk to me I'm here'' Josh said and I nodded. He intertwined our hands together and showed me his warm smile.

 ''I was sleeping and I woke up all suden because I couldn't really breathe and I was really I was sweating  a whole lot and my stomach hurt like there was no tomorrow and I was worriied.'' I said and I couldn't speak anymore I opened my mouth but nothing came out I looked over at Josh and he was looking at me with concern ''Don't worry I'm here go on whenever your ready'' Josh said and all I could do was nodd ''I removed the covers from my body because I couldn't take the heat and that's when I noticed the blood all over my legs andd the covers I cried out for Logan but I really couldn't speak I was just whispering. I finally managed to wake Logan up and I started treating him like shit because I knew something was wrong with the baby but I waned to blame him because I was scared and then I just blacked out because I was losing a lot of blood. I woke up at the hospital bed and Logan came in to show support and give me hope but I just coudldn't seem to grasp at it. The doctor told me I had lost my baby and that I couldn't have a baby there was a one from a million chance that in the future I could be mother but he said it with doubt. I'm broken Josh this is all my fault Logan had nothing to do with it and I'm putting the blame on him he just wants to help me out because it was his baby too he is hurt and I'm just pushing him away from me and I really don't know what to do'' I told Josh and I was crying again.

Josh pulled me into a side hug and I just let all my tears fall once again. ''April look at me'' Josh told me and he cleaned my tears with his thumb ''Hey I know this hurts, but you can't shut down the whole world because of this. April maybe this was a sign that you really aren't ready but maybe in the nearest future you will be a great mother trust me, fuck what the doctor said you are able to have babies don't stop by beliving what percentage your body has only you know that. I hate Logan I do trust me because he took you away from me but that doesn't matter what matters now is that he loves you and he just wants to help you out. Please be nice to him he's hurting also just love him please me and you are out of the picture it's just you and him don't end this he is what you need.'' Josh said and kissed my cheek before he said his goodbye and left.

I stood there just staring at the door reflecting of what he said to me I knew he was right. I went into our room and changed into some decent clothes before heading out to find Logan. I knew where he would be at the nearest bar and there was his car parked. I went inside the bar and I looked all around for Logan he was sitting in a small booth all alone. I made my way to him and just wrapped my arms around him ''Sorry I have a girlfriend'' Logan said not turning around it warmed my heart that he wasn't one to cheat ''I know'' I said and he turned around and wrapped his arms around me. 

''April baby I love you okay'' Logan said ''I know I know very much and I love you too'' I said to him and he crashed his lips into mine hungrily I kissed back and pulled away after a few seconds ''I'm sorry of the way I was acting I'm just hurt and I waned to take it out on you but you have nothing to do with it just please don't leave don't push me away because I am just bare with me I don't ever want to be alone'' I said to Logan as my eyes were pouring tears ''I'm never going to leave you okay just because you're being a pain in the ass I'm one as well but I would be stupid to let you go trust me we will make it out of this we can forget this if you would like?'' Logan asked me and I nodded in approval ''Lets keep trying fuck what the doctor said baby'' Logan said and I laughed ''Yeah but not now I want to be really sure that I'm ready to be the greatest mom out there'' I told Logan and he gave a kiss in the cheek. ''I'm sorry I left I'll never do that again'' Logan said and I just shook my head.

Logan and I had fallen asleep in bed but I woke up from the memories of what happened to my baby. I couldn't sleep there it just brought back those horrible moments so I got up from bed and went to the living room to try to sleep there. It wasn't long before Logan came to find me and layed down next to me in the couch ''I'm here I know how you you feel'' Logan said and all I could do was think of how I was lucky to have him he is what I need to pull me together.

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